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son & huge frog

My middle ( I have three)son was age of approx 10 years old in my dream(actually 34 years old.) He was holding a huge frog. Half his size. It jumped out of his hands and I literally jumped out of bed to catch it for him. I was not in bed in my dream but I did jump to catch the frog in my dream... I can't believe yet that I jumped out of bed and landed on the floor on my hands and knee's.Other than hurting my arthritic knee's a bit I have no idea what it means? Can anyone tell me. I rarely remember my dreams but this one was a real eye opener. My kids think I'm weird! Thanks

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62

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Re: son & huge frog

Hi Garrett,

Thank you for sharing your dream.

I use a technique called "amplification" which enables the dreamer to get a deeper understanding of the dream itself, which then, hopefully, leads the dreamer to its interpretation.

The dream you experienced had all the elements of the fairy tale of "The Frog Prince". The Brothers Grimm version is the earliest recorded version.

The frog turns into the Prince, not by a kiss, but by the Princess accepting the frog into her house. Actuall, one of the tasks was for the Princess to take the frog up to her bed. To be more accepting of its form.

But, there is something missing from the dream with this fairy tale and that is the golden ball. The one that the Princess drops into the pond that goes to its depths, which the frog then retrives to move into the palace. So why is the golden ball missing? What is the golden ball? I can't help but think that this symbol is partly like the "golden apple" and some relate this to "acquiring approval". Just like how the Princess needed to provide her approval of the frog, was a projection of a deeper experience of seeking masculine approval. The Princess even goes to her father "the King" and tells him that the frog wants to live with her, and he reminded the Princess that she had made a promise to the frog and that she must stand by it as a sort of moral obligation.

I feel this is the theme that is being represented by the dream. Being more accepting of the frog, which is in all probablility your dream ego's current feeling towards the Animus.

Does any of this click with you. I am sure others will have ideas that will help.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: son & huge frog

Stephen's interpretation focuses on the internal possibilities of the dream, your own masculine aspects that may have not been properly transformed. There seems to be an acceptance issue involved in the dream. Along Stephen's approach could that involve possible physical issues such as your arthritic knees?

Another possibility and one that may fit has to do with your son. Frogs often symbolize transformation {tadpoles to frogs}. Has he 'transformed' in a way that is suitable or expected? The frog being half his size, could that have to do with expectations? Or even his actual height {half his size}. Perhaps you want to help 'catch' those aspects that should have transformed him but some inability to do so {arthritic knees} prevented this {perhaps because you, or he, had no control over it}.
Were there greater expectations for your second son that have not been met?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: son & huge frog

Thank you for both Intrepretations . I found them both to be pretty on target. Thanks so much I never thought that it had anything to do with either subject! Great job! and very interesting.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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