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Recurring apocalyptic dreams

I've had varying apocalyptic dreams since I was a teenager. None of them repeat themselves, except in theme. So my first question is, why? :-)

What finally prompted me to explore why these dreams recur is that last night, I had three different apocalyptic dreams. The first two I don't remember very well, but the third one is still pretty clear, so here's my best effort at describing it.

"I" (in quotes because I'm rarely myself in my dreams, although I am the viewpoint character) and a few other people were on a sidewalk when the city began to explode into flames around us. Above the skyline towered a robot, one of those 50s-bad-science-fiction-type robots with the domed head, faceplate, etc. The robot was breathing fire onto the city. We ran down the street until we reached a corner where a woman was beckoning people into an elevator. If it makes any difference, the elevator was pie-shaped, with a curving glass front. She'd fill the elevator with refugees, then it would disappear beneath the concrete, taking them someplace else.

"I" didn't get on that elevator right away. I went through two more cities first. Each one was dominated by one of these robots (called balthazars). One of the balthazars issued a warning that people had a certain amount of time to get out of the city before it was destroyed, but now I can't remember if it was 2 hours or 24.

Finally in the third city, I got on the elevator (same woman, by the way). The door opened into a deserted city. There weren't enough refugees to make the city feel populated, but the people who were there were going through the buildings trying to figure out what had happened to this city. There were some scuffling arguments, quickly settled.

It got dark, but when I looked at the sky, it was a deep brown, and there was something wrong with the stars. I stared at them for a while and realized that they were eyes, intently watching the city and the people moving around in it. After a while, a mouth formed in the middle of the brown mass and said something. I don't remember the exact words, but it was an expression of satisfaction. Then the mass lifted away and there was a normal night sky.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Texas, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No, just found the forum. Will be back, though . . .

Re: Recurring apocalyptic dreams

Hi Erin,

Thank you for sharing the dream. You got a big hint in the dream with the name "Balthazar". Did you know there is a book of the same name by Durrell, written in 1958? It is set in WWII in Egypt and the series consists of four books that tell the same story, but from four different perspectives. There are similar themes of building destruction and refugees.

"Balthazar" was also an evil character in the TV series "Charmed", "Buffy the Vamipre Slayer" and in four of Shakespear's plays - "Much Ado About Nothing", "Romeo and Juliette", "Merchant of Venice" and "Comedy of Errors".

So if the landscape in the dream is a snapshot of the psyche, then that would indicate to me that there is conflicting self talk. Things get built up (by the ego) and then shot down in flames by the enemy (inner critic).

But really, only you know what this dream is about. Seeing the dream is a theme you have been experiencing for some time, it would indicate a pattern of behaviour that you haven't broken through yet. And only you know what that is. So how would you describe your self esteem & self confidence during eveyday situations? Did your parent or close friends encourage you to grow, or was there more critique than encouragement? The thing about men at war is that they a thrust into a situation and have no choice but to react the way they do. it's more like, kill first and ask questions later. They are also trained to survive and they do things to make sure this happens. Sort of like being programmed, and I think this is the theme being reflected by the giant robot.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Recurring apocalyptic dreams

Thank you, Stephen. You've certainly given me some things to think about. I don't normally think of myself as having confidence issues, but lately I have been feeling overwhelmed, because my health is declining and it's having a negative effect on other aspects of my life.

Hadn't heard about the book you mentioned, but it sounds intriguing.

Thanks again.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37, Texas, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No, just found the forum. Will be back, though . . .

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