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is this my family?

Me and my sister got in a fight so i got on the soonest flight i could, but I didn't know where it was going. The plane took off and kept going higher and higher and didn't seem to stop going up, but then it started to nose dive, but didn't ever crash and my biggest concern was that the oxygen masks didn't come out.
Next thing i know i was in California at a hospital and my sister was having her baby. She gave birth to him, but he came out and was 13 years old. We left the hospital and when we walked out the doors we were at a mall in Maui that was all outdoors and there was a skeleton of a t-rex hanging but there was no ceiling for it to hang from. I looked over at my new nephew and he was in his stroller and was a newborn again, but he was speaking fluent German.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: is this my family?

There are probably personal experiences/issues that prompted this dream that only you would know about and would not be evident in the dream, except to you. But since your sister is involved in the dream {at your age I tend to look at a 'sister' as a relationship issue rather than a metaphor representing an aspect of yourself} it probably involves her in your waking life. But there is a second possibility that I will address also.

Could it be you have had and still have a rivalry with your sister? Do you feel suffocated by some aspect of the relationship, some past experience that lingers {the age of 13 may be important} between the two of you. Perhaps you are not able to reconcile differences with her even though you want to. What skeletons remain from old times?

The second possibility.

Are there any shared 'skeletons', emotional experiences, in your life and your sister's? The age 13 may again be important. You may be 'taking flight' from these past emotional experiences and there is a need to start over in new surroundings but those past experiences make it hard to do so.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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