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Prediction Dreams

Hi Everyone! This is my first time posting, but I've been so curious about something lately, I'm really looking for answers. I've had a history of strange dreams since I was little. I've experienced what everyone has called sleep paralysis about twelve times in my life, where I wake up from a nightmare and can't move, sometimes seeing things in my room since I'm still in a dream state. When I was little, I had a dream I was a little red headed girl probably in the early 20th century and I called down the stairs to a man saying "Daddy, Dolly said she's going to vote for you tomorrow!"
Recently, I've been having dreams that predict small things. I had a dream that I was in Paris looking at the Eiffel Tower, and the next day I was standing in line waiting for lunch and the girl in front of me had an Eiffel Tower key chain on her backpack. I felt like I should say something to her, but I didn't. Two nights later, I had a dream I was at a soccer game in Europe with Mandy Moore, whom I'm not really a fan of and whom I hadn't seen or heard in the past couple of months. I woke up from that dream, turned on the TV, and Chasing Liberty was on that channel, starring Mandy Moore, a movie in which she backpacks across Europe. All of these things seem to point towards Europe, and more specifically Paris. When I came to college, I got the idea to decorate my room with Paris-themed things and I got the sudden urge to go there. I can't afford to actually visit Paris, but I've got Paris posters on my wall and one time I was looking at a poster of the Eiffel Tower (that I've since taken down) and was staring at this couple in the picture who were just little dots, since the picture is from a distance, but I got chills all over and I started to wonder what their lives were like.
My family seems to have a history of prediction dreams. When my sister was about 13, she and I went to a tennis day camp. The first day of camp, she met this girl and looked really weirded out by her. When my mom asked her what was wrong, she said she had dreamed about meeting the girl the night before. She's also told me that when we were little she'd have dreams that I asked her to play a particular game, and the next day, I would ask her to play it. Also, my grandmother was very strict and never seemed to want to talk about anything out of the ordinary, but when I was telling my mother recently about my strange dreams, she told me that when she was little, my grandmother looked very haunted one morning and when asked what was wrong, she merely said she had a silly dream that something bad was going to happen to the president. That very day, JFK was shot.
Does anyone know what I can do about this stuff and maybe how I can safely tap into making it stronger? Thanks so much guys!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 US

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Prediction Dreams

I am a strong believer in the power of the intuitive mind. Intuitiveness is a quality we all possess but few actually realize or utilize it. Although intuitiveness is the power to discern the true nature of a person or situation, I believe it has a connection to the powers of nature which for some can provide insights to what is to come. It is not predicting an event, it merely makes one aware of something is about to occur. Perhaps the best example is when the tsunami hit Indonesia and many animals headed inland long before the tsunami occurred. There were 'vibes' in nature that informed them of what was to happen.

Although dreams rarely predict they do compensate what we already know. Nature provides us with tools that are thought to be metaphysical but which are in reality 'natural'. You may have such natural abilities. I use dream interpretation to enhance my intuitive skills. Anything that deals with the discovery of the deep psyche is a good tool in developing your intuitive mind. Here is a website that may provide more insights to the intuitive mind.
The Intuitive Mind.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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