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My dream consists of a dark haired man running in front of me. He was dressed in a late 1800s black suit and his hair was collar length with sideburns. As he runs he looks behind himself at me..but i can feel there is more than just me chasing him but i see only him.(I dont ever see myself) The area is filled with still dark amber water that seeems to want to cover the green lush landscaped grass he is running on untill it over laps in areas he is running in. He seems fearful or anxious. He stops to turn at me several times stumbling at times. The area around us is hilly with lush green grass covering, the feel of a lake. I feel happy in this persuit. I woke up not yet reaching him and feeling bewildered.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Arizona

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? not posted before

Re: Chasing

This first impression is a lesser possibility but something strikes me as to it being a possibility.
Your age may suggest this is an animus figure that is chasing you {mid-life dreams are often about 'inner' aspects of the dreamer's psyche}. The 1800's style of dress actually may be referring to an age that this 'unconscious' masculine aspect took form, representing your age of 18. The long hair and sideburns were the style during the late 70s {when you were 18} with perhaps the best example being Elvis and his trademark hair and sideburns. If this is the case then he, a masculine identity you associate with, would be something that you have been chasing since that period of time. If could very well be the silhouette of some past relationship or desired relationship that you have been chasing, something you want but can never 'catch' up to. Was there such an experience from that period of time in your life? It may take some effort to remember such an experience.

The other animus possibilities is this man is an aspect of your personality that you can not catch up to, some masculine trait that probably defines aspects of your personality. In the dream 'he' is described as 'stumbling at times', perhaps describing your personality when times of required masculine efforts is placed upon you. Overall your personality is 'lush and green, a positive one. But this unconscious man has defects, something about you that has yet to be reconciled {why you are chasing 'him'}.
an example: Those instances where you need to exert your masculine traits, ie taking charge of a situation, or being under control in a difficult situation, may be lacking.
Everything else about your personality is balanced but this one negative masculine aspect 'covers up' those positive aspects {want to cover the green lush landscaped}. If this is the case then there was probably a recent incident when this part of you was called upon and it failed you. Look back at recent days and determine if this is the case.

The time frame, to fit with the second possibility, may represent past experiences when this trait first developed. Dreams often point to the 'beginnings' of personality traits and unresolved unconscious experiences {a dream of childhood often points to the time when some negative experience began, such as abuse}.

Note: I say this with confidence, my experience of interpreting dreams often presents such situations that are confirmed by the dreamer after an interpretation

Look at your life, including the past, and determine where such masculine traits may apply. The black dress and dark amber water suggests these are unconscious attitudes {both are symbols of the unconscious}, which would point to causation {why you possess such traits, or lack of}. Numbers in dreams most always have something to say about the dreamer's life, often pointing to an age where experiences began. 1800s could easily represent the age of 18, the time you were 18, your own personal 1800s.

Strange but true. The way of the dream, according to Jungian psyche {and verified again and again here at the Dream Forum}.

Let me know your thoughts and perhaps we will be able to narrow the possibilities, if you are unable to connect the dots from the above possibilities.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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