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Vivid Dream Cheating Partner

Dream: My Fiancee and I had a row on a night out, we both went of our separate ways. Next day, I spotted him sitting in a green area (like a park) I went over still quiet angry but to look for an explanation / apology (not sure what arguement was even about when woke up). He wasn't that bothered and there was a girl lying on a red suitcase and she got up and sat in between us and said I'm the reason and she wasn't a bit bothered. I looked at my fella and he wasn't reacting. I told her to get out of the way and was asking him what was going on... The situation went on where it seemed like he wasn't bothered with if it was me or her that was with him. He wasn't bothered that he had cheated and was like just get over it or don't.
This is really confusing me cause when I woke up I was really upset and angry. This is not the first time that these type of dreams have happened. Also my fiancee has had dreams of me cheating on him. We have discussed it but PLEASE can anyone constructively explain why I/both of us are having dreams like this.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 / Ireland

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Vivid Dream Cheating Partner

The first thing to realize is these dreams are about 'your' emotions, feelings that most likely have to do with your relationship with your fiancee. My sense is from the dream there may be unconscious insecurities or doubts about the pending union on your part. There may have been waking experiences that give you cause for such doubts. Or it may merely be the natural anxieties of committing to a relationship {by you and your fiancee}.

One aspect of the dream that may be true in your waking life is the 'I looked at my fella and he wasn't reacting' part. Are there instances where you feel he doesn't react to certain aspects of the relationship as you wish or expect him to? Or aspects in the relationship where you expect more from yourself? There may be other aspects of the relationship you feel important but he doesn't seem to be bothered by them. It may boil own to the different personalities that are in conflict. And it may be that is something both of you need to adjust to, bringing together two different lives into one relationship.

There may be expectations by one or both of you in the relationship that are not or can not be met. The anger may be at yourself {the other girl may be symbolic of your own psyche, something not uncommon in dreams}. Perhaps you may feel you can not meet certain expectations of him.

In a Freudian approach {Freud thought all aspects of the psyche were sexually motivated}, are there any conflicts in your sex life with your fiancee?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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