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Your Dream Posts, Questions and My Response

If I should overlook a post or fail to follow up on a question or post please let me know. I often have a lot going on and although my desire is to be thorough about providing responses to every post and question I sometimes miss something. I do have to put a lot of mental {and sometimes physical} energy into my work {I am self employed and that often requires a lot} and as much as I wish I could be as forthcoming with my time, social duty places some limitations on that desire. Of course my hope {'dream'} is to one day to be able to put 100% of my time into my dream work. I am working toward those ends but the means {cost of living, rent, feeding my felines} puts its limitations on that desire at the present time. You can be assured I will provide a response even if it takes a little time to do so.

Patience is a virtue. But a patient can be found in a 'mental ward'.

Also. I hope soon to give more time to the MDS Discussion Forum where questions other than dreams can be discussed. Having survived the mid-life years {I am 58 and approaching 60 very fast} I have te experience of that to go with my 'Jungian' education that may provide insights for others in that stage of life. And there is the ****spiritual aspect that is so important in living a balanced life I would like to give more discussion to. As well as the creative aspect.

****A word about Spirituality

Spirituality is more than religion, much more. True spirituality is 'living' the example {Jesus, the Buddha, spiritual icons} and not just subscribing to some religious dogma. It is related to the natural word more so to some metaphysical expectations in the hereafter. I believe in 'what goes around comes around' as a natural aspect of life. God for me is less supernatural as 'it' is natural, within nature. Judge me if you must by my actions and not what by my religious affiliation {for which there is no one religion that I subscribe to}. As Chief Seattle stated:
There is but one God but 'he' goes by many names.
Seattle's letter to President Grant is a true spiritual doctrine. Something I subscribe to more so than I do any organized religion dogma.

twat twam asi,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Your Dream Posts, Questions and My Response

Hi Gerard,

Thanks for your post, you really do add tremendous value.

I completely agree to your comments on spirituality.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 RSA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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