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Church Goods!


First of all, thanks for the work here on the site. I like coming here specially because it's trustful and interesting! Now, to the dream!

So, I dreamed my boyfriend and I spent the night at a church. The overall feeling was a bit dark and uneasy.

During the night, we had discovered that the priest was keeping the donations hidden, he wasn't giving it away.

It was a weird church with lots of pillows and there was also a silent screen, but I couldn't guess what was on.

So we went through the bags and I found some books I liked and took it to myself, as well as some ripe fruits, which I gave to my boyfriend.

I never dream of churches, so I got pretty curious.

What can you say about this dream?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Brazil

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Church Goods!

I am pleased to hear your sentiments about the MDS Dream Forum. I strive to please and to make your visits enjoyable and informative.

As for your dream.
First look to spiritual aspects to see if there are any waking connections involved. I don't think that is the message of the dream but it could be.

The overall feeling about the dream church probably says as much about the dream as anything {dark and uneasy}. The church most likely represents some aspect of your psyche, possibly that inner sanctum where values and principles are involved.

Since your boyfriend is with you in the dream there may be an aspect to that relationship the dream is attempting to address. The priest may represent external prohibitions governed by those inner values and principles you hold to. Donations are something you give freely. To keep them hidden and not give them away may involve something that has to do with your bf relationship. Are there pressures in that relationship where you do not wish to 'give' of yourself something you hold of inner value? The ripe fruits may say something about what is wanted by him. Does that fit somewhere in the relationship with your bf?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Church Goods!

Thanks for the reply!

As for the spiritual aspects, I had decided to get back to my previous life style, which was tao-oriented. I even let go of my job in order to get in touch with the values I used to live by. And it's not being so easy.

Since I started this relationship, my values have undergone a great deal of metamorphosis. Looks like all that I had set for myself is no longer around. I'm feeling very lost, to tell the truth.

But it's not all bad, since this relationship is very important to my growth and it's making me happy and loved.
The hardness is that it turned into top priority and I never expected to have a person in my life as top priority, besides my mother.

The night before, my boyfriend dreamed we were arguing at a gas station, then I took a red taxi. I was going away by myself, but then he saw me flirting with the taxi driver and decided to jump in.
Suddenly, the taxi was downhill and I was the only one to scape.

I wasn't full aware of this things so far. I guess what you said is pretty accurate.
Thank you!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 - Brazil

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

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