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grandmother, poor couple and windows

I don't recall very well the details of the dream (something that is common for me lately), but here is:

Someone called me (or I was searching?) and I entered a room that resembled the grandparents' living room. I saw my grandmother, skinny, weak, numbed and perplexed, short haired. I took her in my arms, embraced her and said "grandma, oh grandma I'm here, I'm here now, my poor grandma..." and I was pouring tears when saying this, and feeling a great pain inside me for her state.

It is night, i'm still searching and I am in the house of a couple, a very small house, and a very poor couple. i don't remember what I was doing there.

then I remember my brother in-law (fiance's brother) coming back from the vacation and embracing his son in my arms while saying the child's name. I was washing windows or fixing curtains - not sure what exactly, but it had to do with windows. I heard my fiance's voice and was feeling unsettled.

These are the pieces I could remember.

Thank you

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: grandmother, poor couple and windows

My impressions are you are searching for something in your life that will provide balance and security. The description of your grandmother {which would symbolize a weak and numbed aspect of yourself} along with the small house and the poor couple, gives me the sense these are aspects of your own life [if not financially then psychologically}.

Windows in dreams are often 'windows of opportunities' to view what is really within your soul, how you truly feel about a situation or yourself. Perhaps washing windows is the need to be able to see clearly some of the events now taking place in your life. The soon to be brother-in-law embracing his son {with your arms?} may be a personal experience having to do with 'seeing' clearly. And the unsettled feeling at hearing your fiance's voice. Are there doubts about the relationship? Perhaps you need to clean your inner windows to view your true 'gut' feelings about some part or all of the relationship.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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