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Ice cream, decapitation, and Florida

I was standing in the hallway of my school with books in my arms, right outside my Psychology class. The hallway was completely empty except one guy. He had darker, longish hair, and had one of those styrofoam bowl they give you in an ice cream shop when you don't want the cone, which was full of ice cream. We had some sort of relationship, maybe supposed to be my boyfriend? I told him I would see him after class, and he took a bite of his ice cream, said alright, turned, and started walking down the hallway. I turned, went into my classroom, and put my books down on my desk. I remembered that I had forgotten to tell him soething important, and went back to the door.
There was a group of people hovering around something, or rather someone, on the floor. I ran over and the guy was on the floor, eyes fluttering, and his ice cream was spilled all over the lockers next to him. I started patting his face to wake him up. That was when I realized that he no longer had a body. It was pretty gorey after I realized that. I started panicing, asking if anyone had called an ambulance yet. I ran back into the classroom (which was strange, as the students in the class were completely calm and disinterested), over to the phone, and started freaking out because I couldn't remember the phone number for the hospital. Other, coolheaded self told the panicing self that I could dial 911 and they would send one. I dialed, got the operator, and babbled, but she got the gist of it and started to try to calm me down.

Skip to a few months later. I was in Florida, where the guy was recuperating, though I didn't see him. Everything was a dusty brown color. This woman, older and with glasses, but not a grandmotherly figure, told me that I had to go out to the back patio. I didn't really want to go, but I knew it would make her happy. She grabbed my wrist and took me out through the garage, out the back door, to the patio. A hurricane was coming, but four people were sitting on the patio in lawn chairs as a hanging basket was getting whipped about over their heads. They all looked to me, like they were waiting for me to join them on the patio. I grabbed the woman's hand, and told her that it wasn't safe, we needed to get out of the open. She sighed, and went along with me. We got into the back of the car in the garage, because it would be safer there than in the house if the roof caved in.

Any help, please?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, MI

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Re: Ice cream, decapitation, and Florida

An issue addressed by the unconscious through dreaming often unfolds via a series of dreams – serial dreams. As successive dreams release unconscious information to conscious, and insight is gained and adjustments made, a process of progressive knowledge occurs that incorporates new insights and adjustments reflected in dreams to follow.

In looking at your prior post “Death-by-fire and strawberries” I was struck by Gerard’s last sentence ”Go with that and I believe you will be heads above your peers in making the right choices.” and the symbols in this new dream.

The overall theme of this new dream may address resourcefully utilizing rational thought and logic rather than emotion as productive of or producing balance as differentiated from common use of emotion rather than rational thought at your current peer group level.

The first scene (paragraph) setting the stage for the examination of an issue:
This scene then may be of personal identification (books, Psychology), peer identification (halls empty, relationship), indulgence (ice cream), and alternative (bowl rather than cone).

The second scene (paragraph) the issue unfolds:
Personal resources and/or resourcefulness as capability in devising ways and means, able to meet situations, without losing your head in utilizing rational and logical thought before or rather than an ‘emotional response’. Possible intimation you seek or are ‘calm’ and how this methodology promotes such.

The final scene may offer resolution or may reflect your real actions as opposed to a skewed self perception of your self:
Following then joining (in wildly emotional) by bowing to external peer expectations. The vehicle (the car) to resolution and avoiding damage to self and others would then entail being a leader rather than being led.

As a possible continuation in a dream series and the wild emotions of mother, perhaps there is a tendency to be led into conflict (either by her or you) and a more productive way to handle this is described in the dream.

Are your mother's fluctuating emotions new? If so, possibly a result of physical mid-life change - onset of peri or actual menopause? Peri menopause can begin as early as late 30's and can bring increasing emotional changes via changes in hormone levels, sleep deprivation, etc.

Look forward to your thoughts on the dream and interpretation.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 Central OH

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Re: Ice cream, decapitation, and Florida

I can see where you're coming from with this. It's true, I'm attempting to stop my emotions from ruling me. I've lately (or perhaps always had,but now more prominent) been in some rather emotional situations, in which though I was panicing, there ws the calm, rational voice telling me to think about it, how to resolve it. But the things that have been happening, I have no control over. I can't change it, and it's hard.

To mention, the guy in my dream, whose name I don't know, has been showing up in my dreams a lot lately. It's always the same person, always very important to me, but I don't know who he is! It's a bit frustrating and more than a bit puzzling.

My mum's emotional state has been this way for years now, and yes, she's menopausal. I've taken it as who she is, and try not to let it get to me too much after she has a mood swing that I get caught in.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Ice cream, decapitation, and Florida

Thank you for responding with your thoughts.

We all experience events where we have no control of the event. The shift in perspective is understanding that this occurs, releasing from trying to control an uncontrollable event and exercising self control. Better put by Marcus Aurelius:
“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.”

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the pain itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

What we want to attain comes about through progressive learning and exercise. Rarely does something arrive all at once, but with patience and attention we can bring it about through progressive stages.

The male dream character may represent the animus, your masculine aspect. The recent appearance of this male character in your dreams may represent newly developing or a need to develop specific traits. At 16 you are in a transitional stage of life. No longer child but not yet fully adult. You are now examing and testing authority structures, thinking, behaviors, as you begin to create a new foundation of individuality, and consciousness and connection to the wider world. And much of this stage is about psychologically leaving the known ‘father’ and ‘mother’ to develop and be your own ‘father’ and ‘mother’.

I want to clarify Jungian thought on animus/masculine and anima/feminine before delving into specifics because some have viewed Jung's designation of specific traits to gender as bias. For example, designating logic as masculine and emotion as feminine. This perception of bias is grounded in separation from context. In the whole of context of Jungian psychology, Jung specifically states that each gender possesses all traits, and it is through socialization and personal experience (society, parents, etc) that individuals are encouraged to over or under develop specific traits based on their gender.

An example would be males taught to repress emotion while females taught to express emotion. Both genders possess emotion, it's the social demands, teachings and personal experience of such, that can result in a singular trait developing differently and more prominently in one of the two genders.

That in waking like you do not consciously know this 'person' is ok. It’s likely this is someone you passed on the street or a character in a movie, etc, unnoticed by conscious, yet unconscious noticed and retained. What’s important is what does this character represent/symbolize in the unconscious? The unconscious chose this specific symbol to communicate information to conscious.

This said, when you examine your dreams and the male character, it helps to jot down your thoughts and associations of the dream character, both in the dream and in waking examination of the dream. The hint would be a ‘typically’ masculine trait(s) because the dream character is male. Masculine traits include logic, reason, discipline, competition, etc (click the Anima/Animus link above for more information). What did/do you think of this character, what did/do you admire, dislike, in what way did/do you desire to be like or unlike this person? What details did you notice or recall? These will ultimately lead you to the answer(s).

And a thought about 'stopping' something as opposed to appropriate expression. Stopping something has a repressive aspect, which is not in a person's best interest. Jungian psychology is about and shows the way to develop appropriate utilization and expression of a trait so a negative can be transform to a positive.

Again, thanks ever so much. Please feel free to respond.
Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} f

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? y

Re: Ice cream, decapitation, and Florida

I remember this about him (sorry if I end up repeating details!):

He was a bit taller than me, unsurprisingly (I'm only 5'1"). He had bluish-silver eyes and dark hair, which was a bit long-ish, just to his eyebrows. He seemed unattached to the school. He didn't go there, didn't quite belong there, where I belonged, but he was still a part of it, like when students visit schools they don't attend or when graduates visit. Our relationship seemed almost like he was my brother, but it was more of a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in a way.

Trying to remember these things has actually sparked the memory of another dream he was in which I have yet to post here. I believe it happened a few months ago, around June. I'll post it here after I'm done, perhaps it connects.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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