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Beautiful scenery, intense anger

I thought I'd cintinue the discussion from the last post here, since I had a new dream this night which I'd really like you to have a look at.

I know I have a strong intuition, everything you mentioned from your own experiences sounded very similar to how I relate to people. My problem is that I'm often controled by my emotions, and I have a very strong imagination and it's sometimes difficult to decide what is what, especially when it comes to reading people I'm very close to.

When it comes to religion, I don't lock myself to finding the truth in one direction, but I believe there is a root of the truth in every reliogion. I think the origin of every religion is the same, and that the theme of death and rebirth is at the core. But since there has been so much suffering caused by the interpretation of religion, I feel that the way Jung talks about it is easier to relate to. For me it's been about dreams all my life, so you can say thay are my religion.

And Obama. There's no question he's the voice of the collective unconciousness. The question is if HE is aware of it ;) Watching him speek, I get a sense that he is.

I had a new dream, most of it was pretty unclear, but one scene was very intense. I'll give a rough draft of the beginning of the dream, and be more detailed when describing the final scene.

The first part of the dream takes place on different parties. At first I'm at a party with three women from my boyfriends workplace. (He works in the kindergarden where our daughter is spending her days, so these women also take care of her) In the hall there is a chaos of shoes, and all I remember is that I'm leaving and I can't find my shoes and my cell phone.

Next I'm at a different party, at a friends apartement. It is a very modern apartement, high up above the ground. We are standing out on the balcony, I have a winter coat on. Some people I know are there, all male, and suddenly I realize that I can't wrap the coat around me, and that I'm just wearing a bra undreneeth. The boys compliment me, but I'm very uncomfortable.
Next I'm leaving the party, and my boyfriend is now with me. Our daughter is also with us, sitting in her stroller, and we get odd looks from people since we're walking around in the middle of the night, drunk, with a three year old. ( of course we'd never do that in reality)

Now, the last part: The scene changes and me and my boyfriend are now walking in the streets with a female friend of mine. It is still night time. Suddenly my boyfriend runs off into some bushes, we run to follow him, there is a path through a garden with trees. My friend is left behind, since she can't run so fast. I catch up with my boyfriend and now the city is gone, and the path continues alongside a lake in an open landscape. It is now in the middle of the day. I yell at him because he just ran, and that the never asked if we wanted to run, or even go where he went, that he just took it for granted that we would do what he wanted. He just laughs a me, thinking I have no right to be angry. We walk by the lake. Out in the perfectly still water are solid rectangular pillars, made of almost white wood. It is some kind of architechture, the constructions is a bit similar to the old ruins of acropolis in Athens, but more minimalistic, almost like modern art. The landscape gives me a sense of japan or china. it's very beautiful. We walk and I talk to him about how I feel that I can't trust him, and that if his boss suggested that they'd go to a bordell ( is that the right word) he would follow him there. I can see that he is very angry, his jaw is tight, and he is holding that furious anger inside, biting his teeth very hard together. He then says: Yes, that's right. The only reason we're still together is that I can't bring myself to actually kill someone (me). I reply: Yes. That's how it is for me too.

The contrast and intensity of that last scene, so much clearer than the rest of the dream: the perfectly still water, mirroring those strange and pure constructions, almost looking like the pillars of a house or temple, but with no floor, walls or roof. And then the anger between us as we walk in this beautiful scene...

What do you think?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Norway

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Re: Beautiful scenery, intense anger

I have a big work project the next two days and it will most likely be Saturday morning before I give an interpretation. An early start limits my morning intuitive time and I would rather be at my best in giving my assessment of your dream. I hope Pippi will understand.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Beautiful scenery, intense anger

Of course Pippi understands! :) just take the time you need!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Norway

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Re: Beautiful scenery, intense anger

Unresolved conflicts seem to be the focus of your dream. And at the moment I have unresolved conflicts with my computer because I had a long, detailed interpretation written out and then my computer crashed.
#@*&^%#+@* Metaphor for words unsuitable for young minds.

Let me try once again.

Kindergarten and childhood. This part probably is addressing your own childhood issues although it may also be addressing present day experiences with your children also {as dreams often do}. The shoes are your foundation in life and there is a 'chaos of shoes' in your dream.
Cell phones are tools of communication. This may be communication between your present conscious mind and the unresolved issues from childhood that are stored in the unconscious. Since your bf is mentioned in this paragraph there may be an element of his involvement in present day issues {having to do with him}.

Then you are at another party, probably reflecting on the present day issues {modern apartment}. The coat is those things that provide comfort, warmth and security. But it does not completely cover you, there is something lacking. And there are masculine components.
The symbol of bra {covering the breasts} may be two fold. Your femininity is appealing to men but it may be also a symbol of a lack of proper mother nourishment in childhood {the breasts are the infants nourishment}. The discomfort you feel may involve both issues.
Leaving the party with your bf and baby. This may be addressing current issues with your bf but it also may be focusing on your own actual childhood experiences {of course we'd never do that in reality}. Overall there is a conflict with masculine elements, possibly addressing current life experiences {bf} as well as past experiences {your father?}.

There is the 'running away' by the masculine. This may be a fear you possess, a fear of a loss of the relationship with men in your present life, which would be caused by the man in your childhood who 'ran away' when you needed him most. This is an unconscious thing {walking the streets in the middle of the night}. There is real conflict in this area {whether it be solely from childhood or issues with your bf, or emotions that were programed as a child that cause you to fear a loss in relationships with men}.

But there is also an element of calmness within this last paragraph. I see that as the search you are in, looking inward to still the emotional waters. The solid rectangular pillars, architecture and modern art. These remind me of the creative/spiritual aspect within the psyche. This probably reflects that inner search and the rewards of having that as a part of your life. A new foundation to build on.
But the ending of the dream is troubling. "I can't trust him" is significant in that it is at the end of the dream and reflects an unresolved issue that is at the center of your present day concerns. If there is not any real conflicts with your bf then the focus of this part of the dream would be the unresolved issues from childhood {and your father}. The anger part may be reflecting your own masculine qualities {your are angry}. Has there been more anger recently and if so can you point to the cause?

As to your thoughts on religion. I couldn't agree with you more. All religions have elements of truth. But all religions are also myths and my definition of a myth is 'they are exaggerated truths'. The problem with most religions is they focus on the exaggerations, or the literal interpretations and not the underlying meaning of the symbols. As within our dreams it is symbols and metaphor where truth is found, so too in religions are the spiritual truths to be discovered.

Intuition. It is central for me in my interests in dreams and the psyche, if not other aspects of my life. I have discovered how to use my intuitive skills and leave the objective mind behind. It is hard to do but with my interests in Jung and the development of the psyche through Jung's 'Individuation Process', if has become the norm and not something benign as with most people. It can be developed and when it is there are realizations beyond the norm that transform life itself. Without this inner tool I would not be able to interpret dreams. Nor gauge other people 'successfully' all the time as I do. And not to forget to mention it is a feminine aspect even a male can embrace once he gets past the fear of her awesome powers. Something that patriarchy has yet to do.

gerard .

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Beautiful scenery, intense anger

thank you, and sorry for beeing so late to respond. I have had so much going on, and now when I finally wrote a reply, the computer decided it was time for a nap..
I'll try again.
I recognize every thought you have on this dream. It reflects both inner and outer issues, both present and past. I recognize the anger as my own, thats my reaction to feeling the loss of security, both now, when it comes to trusting my bf, but also in the past when I lost contact with my father at an early age. Nothing makes me so angry as when I fear that my bf will run away emotionally. I of course also fear that he is not beeing honest with me, and that he has things going on behind my back. These fears are not really rooted in present experiences, but I can sometimes get convinced that they are, and when the child in me takes over, I'm just totally trapped by this fear.
So I feel that it's difficult to knw what to trust, when I can't even trust my own judgement at times. This frustration adds to the anger, but hidden behind it is the unresolved grief and fear from my childhood. I also have a hard time finding myself attractive, and that increases the fear of losing my bf. So the trustng part is difficult, and I sometimes wonder if I'll ever learn it. Still I'm desperate to do just that, because I wish so much for true love to be possible. But many of my dreams show that it may be the lacking love from my parents that I try to get from him, and that's not the right way to go.
He's my bf, not my mom and dad, but I don't really know the difference...

I'll soon post another dream I had that seems to give a que or two about just that..


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Norway

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Re: Beautiful scenery, intense anger

The dream does seem to verify your thoughts in your last post about the relationship with your bf and the negative experiences from childhood. Trust is so easily lost and so hard to regain when childhood emotional experiences are at the core of the experience. As is self doubt about oneself. Have you discussed these issues with your bf? Especially the part about your attractiveness to him. It may be valuable to approach him and determine his true attitude {intuitively you will know}. If it is not a problem for him perhaps that will help with that aspect.

As for the unresolved childhood issues. I would do all I could to work through that, even if it requires professional help. As long as it remains unresolved {there will always be an element that will be in conflict} it will haunt you and could undermine any attempts to your personal growth. How you feel about yourself is directly related to those childhood experiences. You can't change the past but you can change the future by reconciling the past. You are doing that when you post a dream, you are working through those unresolved experiences, one tiny step at a time. It may be you need to take bigger steps to resolve these issues and that would require more psychological help. If that is possible I would look at in that direction if possible.

In the meantime post your dreams and let's see what they have to say about your progress. I believe we have brought out many of those conflicting issues and by working with your dreams you are working to resolve the conflicts. It is very possible to work through the maze of emotions yourself. If I can do it so can you. It will require effort though and finding the time to put toward resolving these issues.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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