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Chasing my daughter riding her bike head on into traffic

We were at my home, different than my actual home, waiting for other family to arrive. My son, oldest child, does not live with me anymore, was going to drop my daughter, middle child no longer lives with me anymore, somewhere and my youngest daughter, still living at home, wanted to take her sister to her appointment on her bike and ride home by herself. It was set in a small town and I said no you would be alone on your return. We all discussed this and stated that it was a bad idea. I went to check on my mother, who was visiting with her mother, who actually passed away last year and when I return to the front of the house other relatives have arrived, my aunt, one of her sons and his family. He is driving away in his jacked up 4x4 truck, I don't even know if he has one of those and my youngest daughter is following down the center lane on her bike. I ask my older children what is going on and they explain that he volunteered to follow her so she would not be on her own. I freak and am standing there stunned, then watch as she manuveres her bike into on coming traffic and is almost hit. I get my older kids to understand how dangerous this is and its like it just occurs to them. It is almost like being in a sitcom and it takes us a moment to decide to jump in the vehicle and follow them. They are out of site and we are frantically searching for them. The distance ends up being much longer than it should have been but I don't realize this till the end of the dream. We have to get out of the vehicle and climb down a rock climbing wall. This is the only way to go and I have been at this same place in other dreams. Then we are on a military base with my oldest daughter's boyfriend, walking around looking. my son is not present during this part and I have no idea where he went or why. I realize that we should be driving and that enough time has passed that everyone should be back at my house. We start running back to where we left the vehicle, as we are on our way, when we get back to the rock wall, you don't have to climb up the wall. You now have to walk through a university campus where people are always trying to get you to sign up for something. This has been in my dreams before as part of the rock wall. We pause for a moment to get our bearings and my son is now back and the boyfriend is gone. My son sees her across the street heading the other way and says nothing and just lets her go. I scream at him asking why he didn't stop her and he looks dumb and says oh yeah. So we gat back to the vehicle and I insist on driving. In the dream the vehicle belongs to me but is different than the vehicle I actually own. It is a huge van with a bench seat in front so the three of us can sit up front together. I realize, as I am driving that my mother is not even aware of what is going on. I try to call her and she does not answer because she is talking to her sister. In life I do not like this sister much because she takes advantage of my Mother financially. I get so angry, frustrated and frantic that I accidentally reprogram the send button on my phone so now I can't call anyone. We race around frantically in the direction that my daughter was riding her bike and never find her. I am so scared and frantic that I just want to scream as load and long as I can. I wnat to pummel my other children for no realizing the danger of allowing their sister to do this. I am so angry with them. Finally, we decide that she must be home by now and return to the house. She is there standing in the yard perfectly fine, but the relief is so huge that I race to her wailing and crying and huging her so hard. Trying to tell her how much I love her and how scared I was. This scene replays 3 times in the dream. Then I am screaming and yelling at my cousin for bing so stupid. I am pummeling him but it doesn't do much harm as he is such a big guy. He jsut kind of takes it and ducks occasionally but he knows what he did was stupid. I wake up and my resperation is rapid and my heart feels like it will burst out of my chest. During the dream, I kept having the feeling of almost waking up, with the knowledge that this was just a dream running through my thoughts. I am a very emotional person, but I was so frantic and screaming like the craziest person you have ever seen, not like me. I am usually the levelheaded one during a crisis.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42, Phoenix, AZ

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Chasing my daughter riding her bike head on into traffic

A hard dream to decipher. I see a focus on your youngest daughter but why is that? And the irrational response in the dream is opposite your true self. What stimulus would bring up an irrational response in the dream that is opposite what you would normally do?

The dream narrative with the focus on the safety of your youngest daughter suggests there is a real concern about her. Whereas she is still at home and the other children are not, the attention on her is reasonable.

But there is also a constant search in the dream and I see that as searching your own past. And there seems to be element of getting someone to do something {always trying to get you to sign up for something}. Did you have this problem with your older children or having the problem with her youngest daughter? This may also be applied to your own youth, being required to do things voluntarily when you rather be doing other things. Like mother, like daughter?

In the dream your oldest children and other relatives are always doing the wrong thing. Perhaps the irrational fear you feel in the dream is about the wrong things and decisions you have made in the past and you will do the wrong thing in raising your youngest daughter {from your own words you are not an irrational person}. Such false emotional responses in dreams are common and depict the worse case fears you hold, even though they are most often not who you are.
Are you a bit over protected with your youngest daughter?

As for the wall you have to climb down but do not have to climb up on return. This may suggest something that is past, something you have succeeded in doing. But your children must have to do it and signing them up to do the right thing may be the message here.

All in all I believe the dream is addressing fears of raising your youngest daughter and that you will not do the right thing. But since you are a rational person your are overly punishing yourself with unreasonable fears {the screaming, yelling and pummeling}. There may be an element of your own childhood that brings you to this state of mind, experiences from that period of time that would cause you to have irrational fears concerning your own children {especially your youngest daughter}.
But again, these are irrational fears from a rational person. That suggests you may be overly worried. The stimulus for being in that unusual state of mind may be related to your own past. Is there a relationship between the two, the concerns about your youngest daughter and a relationship to your own experiences when you were about her age?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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