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Healing Secrets with Deepak Chopra: Intention

Within nature there is a power known as intention. "If you want to know the mechanism of a biological phenomenon then you have to know what the intended outcome is. If you want to know why birds have wings then you have to know the intention. Of course the intention was to fly....Deepak Chopra.

Nature's intention. Dreams are an intention of nature, a therapeutic device to help with the psychological nature of the human psyche. Listen to Deepak Chopra's explanation of this useful process. Psychological good help can be enhanced by such knowledge.

In my deeper exploration of the psyche I will be adding more such videos to my Video Library. The spoken word is a powerful thing and there are a great many teachers readily available whose message is available via the internet. I am always looking for new tools to facilitate the message of great minds and philosophy. And hopefully help others in their inner search.

Healing Secrets with Deepak Chopra: Intention


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Murfreesboro, Tn

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