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Ancient Aliens Theory vs. Jung's Archetypes

The History Channel has been broadcasting a program that proposes the great pyramids in Egypt and South America as well as other mysterious structures around the world were built by technology provided by alien beings from another world and not by ancient earthly man's abilities. My latest blog post Ancient Alien Theory vs Jung's Archetypes addresses this phenomenon with the argument that Jung's archetypes will explain much of the similarities.
The theory in part asked how can there be so many similarities of the pyramids around the world, located thousands of miles apart and from different cultures and time. Joseph Campbell best presents a simple answer in his book Transformations of Myth Through Time Chapter 5: The Sacred Source: The Perennial Philosophy of the East {also recast in book and video as 'Mythos}. Campbell was citing not only Jung but also the original source Adolf Bastian with these words about the archetypes:

I want to first present a couple of simple ideas. The first, which I've discussed many times, is an idea of the German anthropologist Adolf Bastian. He recognized that throughout the mythologies and religious systems of the world, the same images, the same themes are constantly recurring, appearing everywhere. He called these "Elementary Ideas", Elementargedanken". But he recognized also that wherever they occurred, they appeared in different costumes with different applications and different interpretations. He called these provincial differences "Folk Ideas", or "Ethnic Ideas" - Volkgedanken.. Now this is a very important distinction. It divides our subject into two quite different departments. Historians and ethnologists are interested in the differences, and one can study the mythologies and the philosophies of the world with an accent on these differences. On the other hand, the problem emerges of the Elementary Ideas. Why are they everywhere? This is a psychological problem, and it's a problem that separates us in our discussion of comparative forms from the whole research having to do with differences. Now in giving the story of the Oriental system, I want to insist on the elementary aspect.

These 'elementary ideas that Bastian presented are Jung's archetypes. And they explain how cultures around the world in different times, not connected by diffusion or any other way of sharing knowledge would have similar images in their language, art, constructions and myths.

I used this as a blog article because it does involve something we Jungians are well aware of {archetypes} and because the ancient aliens theory does not do justice to the science that requires evidence beyond pure speculation. There are many who feel Jung's archetypes are just as unprovable but my experience with working with dreams leaves no doubt in my mind Jung got it right. I have provided links to the Ancient Aliens videos for viewing. I also have presented what I believe to be sound arguments that address other aspects of the hypothesis of ancient aliens providing the technology and advice to ancient man.

Ancient Alien Theory vs Jung's Archetypes

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Google Rankings

There is an experiment I will be trying with my latest blog to see how fast it moves up in the Google listings. Because Myths-Dreams-Symbols has a high ranking in so many categories with the search engines, any links I create and add to my site will be picked up by the search engine 'spiders' and often move up very fast in the rankings. This is of great benefit since links at MDS become very valuable. I have been offered to sale my site solely because of its ranking.

Here how it works. Type Ancient Aliens Theory in your Google search box and the results will show The History Channel listed first. Since I just today made a link to my page it is not even listed and it will take 3-4 weeks to move up the rankings. I have tried this before and it has worked. In fact my last blog prior to the ancient aliens Physical Fitness, Psychology & Wholeness is
listed #1 when you use the keywords physical fitness, psychology, wholeness,
listed 7th with the keywords physical fitness, psychology,
listed 1st with the keywords physical fitness, wholeness and
listed 13th with the keywords psychology, wholeness.
These are results as of today and will change since I have taken them off my main page at Myths-Dreams-Symbols. When I had the original blog The Language of Dreams listed on the main page it moved up very fast but is not listed high since I removed it.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Ancient Aliens Theory vs. Jung's Archetypes

hello, thanks for the great blogging Jerry. I don't suppose we should take much offense to this man's alien theories of ancient civilization, since the concept of elementary ideas and archetypes are not of much popular interest, and are not as immediately exciting as aliens and ufos. Not even Archaelogy or National Geographic has much to say about purely mythological iconography or literature from antiquity. If it were true that aliens helped build Cheops and Giza etc., I think it would be very contradictory for them not to impart advanced medicine, energy, and the number system that I believe we ended up getting from India fairly late.
I also wanted to let you know that I tend to remember several parts of at least one dream every morning. I often wake up around 4 or 5 a.m. for five minutes to reflect on a dream so I can remember it. I just wanted to tell you that to let you know that after several years of wondering if I'm going to remember my dreams in the morning, that now I'm getting well acquainted with the activity of the psyche, and it feels like a consistent source of spiritual and emotional support and self knowledge. I'm glad that I had the luck to read Flying Saucers at the same time you had ideas about the History Channel. That was a bit of synchronicity since I don't have cable tv.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 Montana

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Re: Ancient Aliens Theory vs. Jung's Archetypes

I agree with you about advanced medicine, energy, and the number system not being left behind if aliens indeed were involved. There is evidence of other lost knowledge {The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi scrolls/Gnostic Gospels could qualify as discovered lost knowledge?} and I tend to believe that is where the answers lie. I am not anti-UFO because of the biilions of suns and planets and the math possibilities of being other intelligent life somewhere in theuniverse. It is a great program with opposing views so I encourage all to watch them eitehr on the History Channel or the links I have provided in my and listed below.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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