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Body and Soul-The Physical Condition As A Part of the Whole

There are two things I am passionate about. One of course is my dream work, delving deep into the psyche to discover what 'mysteries' reside within. And what wonderful discoveries I have made.

The other is physical fitness. Having lived a life that includes a fitness routine for the past 30 years, I am now enjoying the benefits of all those hours at the gym. And as with my desire to share what I have learned from my journey inward I want to stress the importance, and benefits of having a physical fitness routine as a part of the journey to Individuation/wholeness.

Think about it. If the body fails you what does that do to your psyche? How can there be a balance and harmonious life is the body's health is a constant worry? You may be able to resolve all of your inner psyche conflicts. You may find a spiritual place within where all other things 'fall off'. But believe me, if you are suffering from physical ailments that cause constant stress, you have merely replaced one emotional conflict with another. Your dreams will be of physical challenges as well as psychological. As I have stated many times, life is a psychological journey. The physical self is a part of that self and neglecting it has consequences beyond 'belief'.

A fitness routine will not guarantee a long life. Nor will it heal all that the body may suffer from. But I know from experience {30 years}, working with people who have made physical fitness a life's work, that you will live a better quality of life if there is a fitness routine. Study after study has shown this to be true. It doesn't take an Einstein to see it. And it doesn't require many long hours of strenuous, bone crushing workouts to achieve it. My routine consists of between 4 to 6 hours a week. It may take great effort to get going but when you reach a plateau where the body says' I feel better, I am better', you will be in a position of power over the 'self'. The body is your temple and like all temples there is a 'higher source'. The highest source within is the SELF and a part of that higher recognition is a physical condition that is conduit to a sound psychological condition. A great many who visit the Dream Forum are at that age where mid-life is/has been reached. For anyone who has not incorporated a fitness routine it is pay back time for all those years you lived before. But it need not be the final note in your book of life.

Workouts Can Be Fun
I have added several short videos to my YouTube page of my basketball workout {Link and short video below}. This is my workout, lasting from 45 to 60 minutes 4/5 times a week. When time allows I also walk {padded indoor track} for 20/30 minutes. This is all it takes to get fit/stay fit. And it is fun. My intent with these videos is not only to show what can be done when you are physically healthy, but also a prelude to a future video instructing just how to start a basketball routine. From my experiences in most types of fitness routines I know most can get burned out. My basketball routine is fun and easy. I hope to 'turn on' others by sharing what I know and have learned. When I retire one of my goals is to develop a video of instruction geared to my basketball routine.
Stay tuned.

Words of Wisdom
There is a saying that is important for anyone past the age of 45, pay me now or pay me later. For us Boomers later has arrived. But it is never too late to begin a fitness routine. I can guarantee you will be glad you did. A better quality of life, physical fitness not only enables the body but also enhances the mind. The Boomer generation is the first to realize the benefits of a proper fitness routine to the quality and quantity of life. The next generation will take it to the next step {even as more and more people go in the opposite direction}. Being a good example is the best thing to be, in my mind a part of what the hero is about. I find it hard to believe one can be that best example when the temple is not in order. The psychological condition is dependent on the whole self and the body is a part of that whole. Being truly whole is more than just about the psychological condition. You can not divorce the body from the psyche. It must be both or 'else'.

Here is my Youtube page mythsdreamssymbols page


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