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I was in my grandparents' home, in the long corridor. I was walking fast, in a hurry. a man was following me, he was very close at some point he even touched me. he looked harmless, was carrying luggage I think, but I just had no time for him and felt annoyed so I speeded up the pace , went out down the staird into the garden then turned the corner and up the little path that led back to the entrance of the house. i actuallan that bit as I wanted to get rid of him. I was about to enter the house by the livingroom door (which is the entrance that my uncle who NOW lives there uses, but I saw a long table full of people sitting round it. What was it? Uncle was holding a gathering, a conference a club meeting? So I went to the normal entrance door and managed to get in from there. Went into the kitchen and found 3 or 4 people there. There were trays of food, obvioulsy those people were having lunch. The food had been prepared by a catering service. Somone said that uncle could not have managed on his own for all those people, and that he'd been smart to ask for a catering service. I was hungry and said so andsaw a bread or was it cake with raisins that looked inviting, but could I eat it, those people in the kitchen, I didn't know thme, I was not free to reach out and cut a slice as I felt I wanted to do. Then I repeated I was hungry and reached out to a piece, but someone said it was made with chestnut flour. I'm allergic to chestnut flour. Ok so I just can't have any. i'll still get a piece for mother and took a little pice, then saw a smaller one and took that one, as it was smaller I fet i was not inttruding too much. There were also some spinach. I reached out to take a leaf but it was hard and raw and thick, didn't tast nasi at all, So much for the spinach stuff. There was roasted meat to but there was none witin reach. So no food. Uncle was in the meeting so I really didn't see him. end of dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50, Florence

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Dream

My sense is the dream is addressing issues of emotional nourishment that go back to your youth. The dream seems to point to a large family but you are not/did not receive the nourishment you needed from any member. There may have been uncomfortable situations in your life, in the past, that involved family members. You still feel unattached to your family, unconsciously if not consciously. You never received that proper emotional nourishment you needed. And there may have been situations where you needed it in particular, experiences of conflict you wished to share but had no one to share them with. You reach out for help but come away empty.

Where did your uncle fit into the immediate family and your life? Does the above fit with aspects in your life? Likely there are lingering emotions having to do with not 'being fed properly'. These emotions go back a long way. The nourishment you sought is still not being realized.


Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:
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Nashville/Murfreesboro/Brentwood/ Franklin/ Lebanon/Hendersonville/Mt. Juliet/Springhill
Gifford Fence Orlando/Gifford Fence Melbourne
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Murfreesboro , Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Dream

First time I post on this website, not sure how it works. Are you a psychologist Jerry or just any one on the Forum?
anyway, thanks much for your thoghts, they are spot on over all. yes I come from a large family, 4 older brothers and yes did not receive adequate emotional nourshment from either of them in the past, Am unattached now, except trying to look after my aging parents...
My uncle is my mother's single brother who never married and who never moved out of my grandparent's house and is still liveing there. I go visit him maybe once every 3 months or so.... when I was little I thought he was funny but he hanged out more with my brothers and me, didn't get much attention from him really.

Yes what you say does fit with aspects in my life.

it's a difficult phase. Thansk you so very much for your time and thoughts. I had this dream this very morning and on my own I hadn't gone as far as you did.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50, Florence

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dream

I am not a psychologist but have had an interest most of my life. I consider myself as an 'intuitive Jungian', possessing an intuitive understanding of Jung's philosophies and theories {I once heard this actual terminology spoken on in an episode of the Law and Order television series about a female psychology student studying Jung}. Having studied Jungian psyche since 1992 and having the Dream Forum to 'practice' my skills I have developed a keen ability to understand dreams and provide 'qualified' interpretations. If you look back over the many posts you can determine for yourself my abilities.

One way to determine if an interpretation of a dream is correct is to see if it fits your waking life. Although a lot of what a dream points to may be unconscious and not yet realized or understood, the dreamer often can tell if it fits, if not consciously then 'intuitively'. I sometimes get a response to an interpretation with an 'Ah! Ha!'. Something that the dreamer unconsciously knew was awakened consciously. If that occurs then I consider the interpretation as correct.


Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:
Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee
Nashville/Murfreesboro/Brentwood/ Franklin/ Lebanon/Hendersonville/Mt. Juliet/Springhill
Gifford Fence Orlando/Gifford Fence Melbourne
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics/Dream Interpretation Space Coast

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Murfreesboro , Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dream

I was in my grandparents' home, in the long corridor. I was walking fast, in a hurry. a man was following me, he was very close at some point he even touched me. he looked harmless, was carrying luggage I think, but I just had no time for him and felt annoyed so I speeded up the pace , went out down the staird into the garden then turned the corner and up the little path that led back to the entrance of the house. I then realize I was having another teennightmare so I could relax but somehow decided to let the dream run oni actuallan that bit as I wanted to get rid of him. I was about to enter the house by the livingroom door (which is the entrance that my uncle who NOW lives there uses, but I saw a long table full of people sitting round it. What was it? Uncle was holding a gathering, a conference a club meeting? So I went to the normal entrance door and managed to get in from there. Went into the kitchen and found 3 or 4 people there. There were trays of food, obvioulsy those people were having lunch. The food had been prepared by a catering service. Somone said that uncle could not have managed on his own for all those people, and that he'd been smart to ask for a catering service. I was hungry and said so andsaw a bread or was it cake with raisins that looked inviting, but could I eat it, those people in the kitchen, I didn't know thme, I was not free to reach out and cut a slice as I felt I wanted to do. Then I repeated I was hungry and reached out to a piece, but someone said it was made with chestnut flour. I'm allergic to chestnut flour. Ok so I just can't have any. i'll still get a piece for mother and took a little pice, then saw a smaller one and took that one, as it was smaller I fet i was not inttruding too much. There were also some spinach. I reached out to take a leaf but it was hard and raw and thick, didn't tast nasi at all, So much for the spinach stuff. There was roasted meat to but there was none witin reach. So no food. Uncle was in the meeting so I really didn't see him. end of dream.

Well, do you always keep a so clever memory of your dreams ? I find my dreams memory is pretty weak and disappear fast. I really do have to take notes before I leave the bed. How do you do that ?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19 years old london

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Dream

Thank you Jerry for your reply. I've always liked Jung, so... and yes you really sounded spot on on my dream. Thank you.

Would you feel like giving a piece on advise on something that isn't a dream, but that's being a bit of a nightmare! If you allow me the word play? I've been renting a room to an american 21yearold girl with eating disorders, of which she immediately informed me about saying they were past, but actually lok very present to me. She's also a compulsive lier and spends most of the times in her room, in bed, when she doesnt go to her Italian language course in the moring which she sometimes skips. She behaves as though she was normal, even talk about food a lot, but she is of course very depressed. Initially I felt so sorry for her and wanted to help her and was very 'motherly' toward her, but then when I realized her lies and her constant presence in the home, I got agitated and I feel claustrophobic in my own home and annoyed by her varied distructive behaviours. I wish I had more compassion, I did have it, but she made me feel cheated and now i distanced myself and just try to get on with my life. I offerd twice to introduce her to freidns of mine who are her age, but she refused. I can't wait till she leaves in 5 weeks, and am wondering how do i get through this time? But i wonder why is her behaviour upsetting me so?. There is something negative, like a negative spirit I feel about her, I feel both liked and disliked by her...I just think there is nothing I can do to help her as she really doesn't care for any help... sorry didn't mean this to be so long, also this isn't a dream, so not sure you'd want to respond. but any thoght you may have, I will sure aprpeciate. Thank you .

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yed

Re: Dream

You have these mixed feelings because you do have a conscience and you do care about others. This is a good thing, an example of what Jung thought of as an inherent spiritual aspect. For those who really want to help them self, provide assistance. Some people, too many people have pushed this spiritual aspect deep into the darkness of their souls and could care less. But it comes back on them sometime and somewhere in their lives. The law of Karma, cause and effect.

There is little if anything you can do to help the girl. She needs a trained therapist and that may not be enough unless she wants to be helped. It is so easy to let the mind do want it wants and and the body will oblige. You do not need to feel guilty about how you feel, this girl thrives on vulnerabilities, her own and others who try to help her. I would tell her straight up just before she leaves to find help. Describe to her what you feel her problems are. That is the best you can do. Until then keep your distance. If she wants real help she must be the one to seek it out. From a professional.

I had a 'friend' who did something similar. I caught on pretty quick and had he move out. He went on to 'game' the system to the max, churches, people, government agencies. And he is 60 years old, has done it more than once. My thinking is to always care. But emotions must never shadow logic. Being too emotional is what causes problems. It can blind a person to what is really there. Always trust your senses. Change the negatives when/where you can but don't let the negatives change you. Being spiritual is one thing. Being foolish and letting others take aadvantage is another

Good luck.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Murfreesboro , Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dream

Thanks so very much Jerry, how refreshing to read what you share!

I just needed to hear it all from someone else, although I now realized I had heard my own small voice saying some of what you say, like I've expressed enough compassion, now time to distance myself (without feeling guilty about it!), and also, i'm out of my depths here she needs a therapist, and also I don't feel an inch of her really wanting help, there is really is nothing I can do... and such a negative spirit in her!

I think this experience highlighted a vulnerability in me to feel guilty .... I will follow your advice and hold on for the next few weeks left... it could acutally be a good 'exercise' if difficult! for me.

Thank you for your help!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Dream

Oh it comes with practice! About 30 years now!

Don't be put off if you only remember little bits of your dreams, write them down all the same, if you really want to listen to them. Get yourself a nice, special notebook for them, keep it on your nighttable with a pen, and see what happens.

You may find in time you also will learn to remember so many details and so much and more of your dreams.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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