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Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Hello- this is my dream.

I have gone to AFRICA -with MY MOTHER. Seemingly like a holiday or adventure. Its not like the Africa of my imagination, I find. (I've always imagined Africa by the pictures Ive seen of the misty heat on the open grass plains, with thise flat-topped trees they have there. Its always been a mysterious, lush, primal landscape that Ive associated with Africa) and I find the light thinner, the coral we are in more mundane, etc- and in the dream , this surprises me- the MUNDANESS, -its not the promised sultey psychic,adventure atmosphere Id placed onto my idea of Africa- one I longed to feel. Mundane being the big surprise. Moreso- we dont really know what to do with ourselves, now we are here. We sit and try to look at a plan of where we'll go-but we are actully INEPT here/ Out of our depth. It was like- our big adventure- but its not. In my hotel room, I find myself looking around the floor in case there's a snake- (I think to myself "Do they have snakes-of sourse they do" and am realising I know nothing, and also Im city-slicker scared). Im not the adventurer here I imagined -Im scared and stuck
Its not gonna be something we can navigate it appears.Its scary, but also its just that we dont know how to do anything- we're useless, and lost. And not good together either. It seems There had been a very different expectation that we'd had of this trip - as armchair travellers, (with much help from David Attenborough), we would 'Ooh and Ahh" about the psyche, about mysterious places, and psychis detectives etc- all the exciting stuff. (PS-This stuff was like a shared interest b/n me and my mother, and had become our connecting thing, in lieu of any other better or realer relationship- excepting dependency.) PS-This last bit is about our real -our waking- lives. but a little is known also within/during the dream- the expectation of bonding -(based on our fantasies of adventures that we speakof/share)-but the truth being very differnt. Africa is a fantasy of the primal the wild, to us.(moreso a fascination of great depth with me moreso)

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

I'll take a look at your dream either later today or in the morning. But I will give these comments about your 'journey to Africa. It is a journey 'inward' rather than an actual trip to the 'dark continent' {although if there are plans to make such a trip the dream would likely be addressing aspects of that also}. You may already know this.
Dreams are about inner journeys to the dreamers unconscious psyche. What is within those confines are true and unlike the ego persona not filled with biased emotions. Dreams speak primarily in symbol and metaphor.

The inclusion of your mother in the dream will likely be about that relationship in at least one aspect. But she may also represent other aspects of your psyche, you as the Mother. Or possibly a metaphor for your own deep unconscious, the journey inward and discovering the MOTHER. Because you did put an emphasis on the word MOTHER I would look to that as a motif to be understand within the context of the dream.

Africa is the cradle of civilization and could represent an archetypal journey of importance. Dark shadows may also be the theme/motif. You are exploring your inner self and there is so much to be discovered. If not from the personal unconscious then the collective. Which ever it is may have to do with your experience and 'expertise' in the knowledge of the psyche {I get the impression you do have experience}. Have you undertaken a journey inward, a psychological search of your self and Self?

Whatever the description of the journey in your dream is a reflection of some aspect of your life. Compare that to the dream and you may be able to solve the 'mystery' without much difficulty.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

What I get from the dream are expectations that are unmet. And an inability to navigate through an emotional issue that may involve those expectations. You are looking for something in particular that could lead to major changes in your life. There may be feelings of uselessness because you feel there is little you can do, perhaps due to the unfulfilled expectations. Those feelings may have to do with your real mother and that relationship but I sense it goes deeper than that, into something 'primal' about your psyche.

The opening of a dream sets the stage to what the dream is trying to communicate. In this dream there is an exclamation placed on your MOTHER. I would look to that relationship to determine what the dream is focused. It may involve 'psychic' events since that is something the two of you shared. But the MOTHER participation is something that seems unexpected. Perhaps the disappointment you feel in the dream has to do with expectations associated not only with your real mother but also with your deeper feminine self. She {MOTHER}couild be a shadow figure.

Have you been exploring the occult or involved in a spiritual search?

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Thank you. I am not planning a trip to Africa, or anywhere. Im stuck in the most awful paralysi of my life. Also- regarding the CAPITAL letters I used for the words: MOTHER and AFRICA, I do this in my journal of dreams, the reason being to mark anything I suspect could be the symbols- personal or collective. Thats so, to go and look at those dreams again,I have not just pages of words- but I could find the symbols of a certain type-therefore a thread developing, etc, over time. Thing is I dont know if thats gonna prove right to do, but I do it. Seems a good idea.been recording dreams on and off last few years, but alone, no psychanalyst.Im scared of many of the contents-perhaps a little knowledge is a bad thing. I have read a few of Jungs works, & jOSEPH cAMPBELL A BIT. Got the ideas thru my head I believe on collective,personal unconscious and other things, and major symbols.Some dreams appear to speak of death,.Shouldnt reveal much of my situation here I believe, nor take your time with it. Things arent great physically or mentally anyhow. QUESTION -would you say I must get myself a proper Jungian therapist. I watched Marie-Louise Von Franz in interview on youtube recently, and stopped writing dreams somewhat-not as vigorously anyway- as she thought one must get out of ones own self- cant see oneself properly.Also one needs a person with experience & myth knowledge. Makes sense. If you believe I must do so to do things properly re individuation- well also HOW would a person choose a therapist. Theyre expensive,but also I have little resilience as a person at present to go throught he stress of (, reckon) of telling personal stuff to someone, then if they arent right for me, trying that over & over. Did that once with counsellers & I aint the type to reveal 7 share easily- it was traumatic- as the vulnerability required & that they may judge me etc, or whatever proved as traumatic as what I went there for. Group therapy-out of the question.Dont understand the humans who are not as traumatised by THAt process, as they are by thier origianl problems, Thus I wonder- there may be no answer possible- but what do YOu think. i appreciate you reading my dream. Ive written to you before saying this- I really respect & am grateful for you solid('depth & weight'- to quote the Big Book of alcoholics Anonymous)- website. PS- I couldnt understand the last short paragraph orf your reply. Apologies for the long email- hope not to cumbersome. yours sincerely, Susan

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 years. Melbourne, Australia

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Jerry. thanks. i just read your 2nd reply to me. Sorry, I didnt know you had posted a proper interpretation, I just read your first reply to me, and then wrote back(thought the 2nd reply to my dream was probaBly from another person. Therefore- the last bit of my last email to you- where I said" the last, short paragraph doesnt make sense to me" -is irrelevant. Im reply to your question "HAve you been a spiritual quest?" The answer is yes, yes, yes, and failed. Absolutely. cant trust god, and etc. Am abstinent from 2 severe addictions though- Drug/alcohol, and Romance addict-(may sound tame- I attempted suicide over it). A spiritual solution has been my efforts in this. But I am absolutely paralysed in my life, apart from the abstinence Lots spiritual knowledge- useless on its own. ATried to approach spiriual quest. Um- and have been absessed with mother lot of my life. And- in the greater context- I fit Jungs description of women with mother complexes pretty much. Paralysed in the world. Obsessed with security. Your interpretation of my dream rings bells. thank you. i've tried to live life, failed, feel absolutely useless- am really(& that isnt putting myself down I dont think- its watching self fail-like a bad dream).As per your interpretaion also- I am DEVESTATED by my failure as a woman, in relationships, no kids due to being useless to do anything, etc, etc,- am not taking it easily or philosophically. Im also staying clear of people who want to just buck me up with philosophy, or trite stuff. -Dont work. Mid-life NOTHING achieved (no exageration). So yes much rings a bell. Thanks,Gonna re-read it and keep it, Cheers, Susan

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 years. Melbourne, Australia

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Hi Jerry. This is my 3rd post- Just to say Im quite embarrassed by what I posted earlier today- I mean about my life's situation. Went to far for the public-internet. D'you think? I only did so to answer your question properly-the one about "Have you been a spiritual search recently?" (or however you exactly put it). I think Id like to get that great expose of my not-so-hot situation details down off the net. I suppose though, for the sake of a informative sharing -which will make your replies re my dream USEful to others who read this- I suppose for that sake it would be helpful. A loss of the thread by deleting part of our postsw would diminish the whole thing for other possible readers- and I dont want that. Suffice to say I am rather embarassed got carried away-forgetting this VERy public forum Leave my posts for now. But I may ask would you take it down-but no-one knows who I am I just realised. Also-if I have gotten too personal for your forum I apologise. Susan

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 years. Melbourne, Australia

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Don't think twice about being too personal or saying too much about your life. Speaking what is on your mind and being able to talk about your emotions is a good therapy. Holding it in can be harmful to psychological health {which affects physical health and vice versa} if not dangerous.

I will take another look at your dream with the knowledge you provided and see if I can gain any other insights to what the dream may be communicating. I did look at the capitalization of the words Africa and Mother as important and although it may be your style of writing it does seem to focus on important emotional aspects. Unconsciously the psyche denotes such issues. You state you have 'mother issues' and that would lend to a need to focus on that relationship {not only in adulthood but from the beginning as a child}. Africa is the 'dark continent' which would be an apt description of your total psyche. 'Expectations unmet' would be your assessment of yourself as a woman, feeling you have failed in that aspect. This inward journey is archetypal and the dreams seems to be focused on the total frustration you feel about yourself and your life.

You said something I totally agree with. Everyone wants to throw these philosophies at you as if a slogan will automatically bring about a cure. I wish that were true. But it is much more complicated as you know. I've met so many who subscribe to some philosophical or personal rationalism yet have not discovered a true balanced and harmonious life. This is because they have only touched the surface of the problem and not gone into the depths of their inner self. The primary issue is a psychological one and until a person takes that inner journey into their 'dark Africa' the cure will remain elusive. It takes time, effort and DISCIPLINE. It is so easy to fall off the path. It is a heroic journey and when one does stay the path life does improve. I speak from experience having spent the past 20 years in self analyzation. Life isn't perfect, it never will be. But I am at a place and time where I know what I want and where I am going. The rewards of staying true to the 'inward journey' {a slogan for a psychological investigation of one self} can be tremendous. But again it takes time, effort and most of all discipline. God can only provide the tools that are required for the journey. The toll of using those tools are left to the individual.

I may be wrong but I believe Marion Woodman could provide you with tools for your struggles. She has worked with women's issues most of her life and her insights are that of a sage. Take some time and investigate her books. You may find something that will point you in the right direction. The power of the feminine is greater than all other forces combined and it seems you may need to learn how to trust this inner aspect more than anything else. Follow the links below and see if there isn't something that will help. I attribute my 'psyche' abilities to understand dreams and communicate that understanding to others to the 'feminine power' of the psyche. One not be a woman to tape into this feminine power. As the word psychology infers, it is the 'psyche' that one needs to investigate and in doing so you are touching the soul {Psyche - Greek for Soul}. As Marion Woodman states, "Psychological work is soul work".
Pardon the slogan.

Woodman's book Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride: A Psychological Study may be a good place to begin. A review of the book paperback}

Through case studies, dreams, and myths, a Jungian analyst explores the hidden causes of compulsion in the lives of men and women. At the root of eating disorders, substance abuse, and other addictive and compulsive behaviors, Woodman sees a hunger for spiritual fulfillment. The need to experience a sacred connection to an energy greater than their own drives people to search for an illusory ideal of perfection. Through discussions of parenthood, creativity, and body image, this presentation shows that freedom from addiction can be found by discovering the wisdom and power of the feminine principle.

Here is a video of Woodman in an interview {24 minutes} that will provide insights to her approach to therapy.
Marion Woodman
Jungian Approach to Dreams

I recommend this page also IN FOCUS:
. Woodman addresses much of what women must do in finding harmony in life. I know slogans are often wasteful but Woodman has a way of saying what fits.

There is a point...
where people are addicted
to being victims. It's very
important to want to
walk on your own.

I'll take another look at your dream with the info you have provided and see if there is anything that stands out worth mentioning.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

(damn cap-lock- its a gremlin). I shall get the books of Marion Woodmans that you suggested.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 years. Melbourne, Australia

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Got In Focus Thanks

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 years. Melbourne, Australia

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Woodman's books may help. She is a wonderful Jungian analyst who has set new trends in investigating the psyche. Her feminine perspective is partly from experience, partly from psyche understanding. I believe she may have answers for you in some of the problems you are experiencing.

I took another look at your dream and it really does seem to fit the person you describe yourself to be. A lot of darkness {Africa being an appropriate metaphor}. In the dream you feel useless and lost. I see potential {'Ooh and Ahh" about the psyche, about mysterious places, and psychis detectives etc- all the exciting stuff} but something is lacking that would let you carry through with these positive aspects {the darkness prevails}. A good bet the darkness is a result of childhood experiences and shared inherent traits, both involving your mother {your mother issues}.

The unexplained thing about your condition is you are fully aware of it yet have not been able to resolve the issues. Could it be that the 50 years of life you have spent with this emotional baggage caused a neurological mutation in your genes? Or/and an inheritance from your mother? As much as I believe in psychology as the way forward to a balanced and harmonious life {the discovery and understanding of your condition is because you have taken the time to make these psychological investigations} there are some maladies that drugs can make a difference. Imbalances can be stabilized with the proper drugs. I don't recall from any of your posts that you have had psychological treatment but I assume you have. If so have were any drugs prescribed and did they help? Of course even treatment for a chemical imbalance the continued proper psychological treatment can also benefit genetic deficiencies. But that probably required a trained Jungian psychologist. There has to be a solution.

In the meantime continue your search inward. A continued spiritual search should be beneficial {I believe you are wise enough to stay away from religion as a possible solution in your spiritual search}. Woodman may have provide some helpful insights. I have benefited from true Ah! Ha! moments in my life and believe in such things, to the extent should experiences can be life changing. A continuation of investigating your dreams will help you not only reveal any unknowns but will also help in guiding you forward {dreams do not lie}. If you have any dreams you wish help with please post them. As i stated previously 'sharing' is in itself therapy.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

Wooo. Very interesting
Got a lot to say. You've tapped into a couple very interesting things re whats gone on over here with me. Im gonna compose a careful reply -but this is just thanks

Re: Dream about me with my mother in Africa-(any Jungian/Cambell ideas anyone?)

I look forward to your response. We are participating in a dialog with the unconscious as well as with each other.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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