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dream and text

Im a visually stimulated person, an artist and very creative. Sometimes as im falling asleep, and feeling the transition of concious reality become a dream, ill see rather random blocks of texts, and i can see it like a page in front of me, and I'm reading it in my head, and im like wtf how am i remembering this. Its usually like a text from a history text book it seems. Also recently, in a lucid dream (woke up, showered, but went back to bed) i was playing a very complex personality test on the computer, and i know ive never seen this "game" before, as i rarely forget visual imagery. That is to say, i know if i recognize something ive seen, even if i don't remember how.. Does this happen to anyone else?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, kansas (usa)

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Re: dream and text

It appears your dreams are using a unique way of communicating with you. This may because you are already in touch with your creative self at such an early age. What all dreams are attempting to do is to communicate emotional aspects in your life. Whether it be in symbolic images {as most dreams are} or using random blocks of text the dream's attempts to communicate remains the same. Your dreams are communicating your true self which is unbiased {as opposed to your ego self which masks who you really are so to fit in and to avoid emotional pain}. What you will need to do to understand the dream is to write down what the block of texts are. Along with the actions in the dream these blocks of text are probably trying to communicate something about you and your life that you should know. Even in lucid dreaming 'taking a shower', a cleansing, has a specific relationship with your emotional life. The complex personality game you were playing is probably saying something about your own personality. The game may be the game of life and/or it may be pointing to games people play, metaphorically a game you are involved in consciously or unconsciously. Your dreams may be influenced by your creative mind, or may merely have a unique way of communication {which would probably be related to aspects of yourself, perhaps your creativity}.

All dreams have meaning. Their language is primarily symbol and metaphor and are about you and your emotional self. Jung has provided a road map of how to understand and interpret dreams. It is unusual, and of great fortunate, that you have discovered the creative aspects so early an age. I suggest you read Jungian psyche, not just the acknowledge about dreams but what he has to say about creativity, spirituality and life in general. You will be a wiser person if you should do so.

As for lucid dreaming. If it is done in a context of trying to get to your true being then it can be a valuable tool. If it is done merely as a playful toy it will be a wasted opportunity. Such a playful attitude would probably reflect truths about the personality/attitudes of the dreamer. This is what dreams are about. Discovering the true person that lies behind the mask, that true being whose identity has many aspects hidden within the unconscious.

And the creative aspect. Jung found that one important aspect of being a whole person in this human life is the creative. The creative aspect is a spiritual endeavor because you are given of yourself to the other, your experiences, your visions are being shared so others can experience the values within the 'art' {whatever form the art is-artist, musician, painter, or like myself creating websites and working with dreams}. You are creating, you are the creator. This is therapy not only for yourself but also for others who understand the message behind the created material.

I hope this provides clarity to what your dreams are about. If you will post a particular dream, including any written blocks of text, I will gladly provide my impressions of it with an interpretation.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: dream and text

Wow, thanks for the valuable response! I have always had vivid and creative dreams, but nothing quite as symbolic and relative to my life, as in my last dream i really remember. the part that I remember most and is clear to me was when I came to a door, and there were stairs leading to the basement or cellar, the stairs were difficult to Traverse, with piping in the way etc. it was mostly dark blue and gray, and dank, and there were spider webs (i hate spiders). after I made it downstairs I walk down a hallway to which I entered a room, this room was comfortable and "lighter" isuppose. There were guys my age i did not recognize, but we seemingly friends, and in this room there were video games, a computer, a bed and weed, and im suddenly holding a pipe (im a heavy user trying to quit). I was happy until we all heard noises from upstairs to which we all responded by hiding the pot. The way i interpereted this was as my gf, who is helping kick my use, so i assumed the noise was her. possibly on a larger scale the noise represents growing up , and my lack of wanting to do so..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19 usa

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

Re: dream and text

Your response provides extra clues to the intent of your dream. The door going to the basement would symbolize going deeper into your unconscious. Because they are difficult to traverse would suggest there are aspects of the unconscious that are difficult to open up to. The piping may represent 'fixtures' of emotions that are in the way. The dark blue could represent two things {such nuances in a dream can be importatnt}. Because you do have a developed creative sense it may represent intuitions that come from a deep source {basement/unconscious} within your psyche. But because it is dark blue it may suggest there are elements of depression.
Two thoughts on this part about the color dark blue and depression. One could be a result of your heavy use of pot. Having had the experience with cannibus myself {a child of the 60s & 70s} I know the 'side affects' that can come with it when there is heavy use of the drug. You can go through an arrangement of emotions, from happy to sad, depending on your state of mind.

The other possible reason for a depressed mind would be emotional experiences in life. This would have to do with growing up, parenting and negative experiences. The dark, dank color and feel could also point to such emotions.

The spider and webs could have several possible representations. Being caught up in an emotional web. The spider could be addressing outer emotional experiences that influence your psyche {going back to the dark blue color}. A lesser possibility could be the spider represents the 'devouring mother'. Would the relationship with your mother fit into that category?

Hallways are passages to something essential in your psyche. The room which is comfortable and lighter may represent a couple of things {the room is an aspect of your psyche, one part of the many parts/aspects of you}. But that is followed by the phrase 'i suppose' {again nuances in a dream that be important}. You are not quite sure which would reflect possible insecurity in your conscious life. My sense that would be addressing influences from early life experiences, something that holds you down or holds you back from full achievement or attainment of personality.

The unrecognized friends would be unrecognized aspects about yourself {any person{s} that you do not recognize ina dream are aspects of yourself}. The various items in the dream probably represent those things in your waking life that are most predominant if not dominant {at 19 video games, a computer, a bed/sex, and of course your weed would be imporant to you}. The pipe would be one emotional attachment {that you are trying to quite}.

The happiness is a reflection of your waking life when you are indulging in those dominant items I listed. At least you believe this is true happiness. When the objective mind looks at reality then those 'noises' suggest something different. You may be hiding behind your usage of pot, a sort of make believe world {we all have make believe worlds to escape to}. But reality sets in, the real world is out there.

Your feeling about the dream's message is largely true. Your girlfriend wanting you to give up on your heavy use of pot and you not wanting to. The larger noise would be about 'growing up', facing the real world. But there may be, and probably are, deeper aspects {the stairs leading down into the basement} about your life. Does your pot usage stem from a need to escape from something in your life that is unpleasant {such as your family life}? Early life influences/experiences are at the core of who you are and who/what you become in later life. The dream may be addressing those aspects also. Aspects that are nor recognized {unknown friends}, aspects that usually are confronted in later life {mid-life} that need reconciling and healing.

One last thought. The color dark blue along with the computer and video games may be alluding to {in an auxilary fashion} your creative being. This may be a statement on teh sly about putting down the pot {heavy usage} and direct your energies toward your creative mind. If that is who you are you need only to 'escape' to that world to find wholeness and happiness. Something you will realize later in life if you do not take heed in the present.
Note: Joseph Campbell tells us we have two opportunities in life to follow your bliss. Your bliss is that thing you love doing most and often has to do with the muse or creativity. The first is at the age you are now and the second is at midlife. My personal experiences follow that path. I always have been interested in psychology, I even took a couple of classes when I was 19. But because of early life influences/experiences {broken home} I let my ego desires overrule my bliss.

Then at the age of 42 I happened to see Joseph Campbell on PBS in his series The Power of Myth {which incidently is what Star Wars is based, George Lucas being a student of Campbell also}. That one hour interview changed my life, directed me toward my bliss, my interest in psychology and eventually dreams. That was 21 years ago.

“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.” ― Joseph Campbell

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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