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I have been stressed, had an interesting dream

Okay, so I have been incredibly stressed out in dealing with daily life, and problems at home with my disabled mother and emotionally-closed off fiance. I had a dream after an emotionally charged explosion from my fiance last night. Im not sure how many details of my waking life you need to help you interpret this dream, but im just going to go right into the dream and any details of my waking life you need, I am open about so dont hesitate to ask so you can help me get a clearer interpretation.
My dream started out in a lake, there were dolphins and an evil sea witch, who was controlling the dolphins. I could harness there power though and utilize them as stepping stones to keep me out of the water and away from the evil sea witch. I saw a apartment building with a balcony overlooking the lake, and jumped onto the balcony to escape the evil sea witch. I opened the sliding screen door (the glass part was already open) and saw two kittens playing and a man sitting at a breakfast bar. another man came out of the bathroom as I was trying to explain my situation and why I broke into theyre home. they seemed friendly until I saw the one who exited the bathroom with needled syringes blocking my sliding glass door exit, and realized that they were probably going to inject me with something and put me to sleep so they could rape me. the man who exited the bathroom was able to stab me twice with the syringe. I pulled it out of myself and threw it at this eye, and it landed, but he was still blocking my way out. I managed to get past him and into the water with the evil sea witch again, knowing that my limbs were going numb and if i didnt escape to dry land soon I would drown. this time in the water, their were schools of shrimp to walk on instead of dolphins which were more difficult and sometimes i would sink in certain steps. The guy who was sitting at the breakfast table in the apartment was in a boat in the water with me now, and revving the engine trying to pull me into the propellers, I saw my friend elises car, and knew if i could get to that on the land i could escape (which was a delorian idk why, lol). But the propellers were pulling me in, and then we got far enough away from the man in the apartment and boat driver guy came to his senses, and said he was sorry but he was being manipulated by apartment bathroom guy. and let me go. then I woke up.
Does the men and the evil sea witch signify me having to choose between the lesser of two evils in my life? Much love, Jerry Kool ;) and thanks for everything, see you in a few days at your class. ~Namaste~

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 rockledge, fl.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no, but am attending your workshop ;)

Re: I have been stressed, had an interesting dream

What you have provided is enough to help understand the possibilities of the dream. Most often when I give an interpretation the only thins I know about the dreamer is their age and gender. After a response to my interpretation I usually get more info and can tie up loose ends through continued dialog. I can see from a quick glance at your dream there is a definitive {and true} characterization of your personality {dolphins}. Let's see where the evil sea witch fits in.

To start out let me expand on the dolphin association. Knowing a little about you and your spiritual preferences the dolphin would be that part of you that is spiritual, intellectual and mystical. I can assume the intellectual part, dolphins being an intelligent animal. The lake would represent your emotions {bodies of water symbolize the unconscious}. The deeper the water the deeper the emotional conflict.

The evil sea witch probably has two associations {which is the norm for dreams-all dreams have at least two meanings/applications}. The first would be your disabled mother and the problems you are having with her. You may not look at her in that fashion but the problems would color her as such. The second application of the evil sea witch would be as part of you. There may be guilt feelings you possess due to certain responses that are out of character due to the stress you are under. Being a 'sea' witch suggests an unconscious aspect. I see this as a part of your personality since dolphins are very playful animals but also can be very aggressive. The aggressive nature is out of suit for their normal behavior but we know from observations they do have the 'evil' aspect. We actually have come full circle in describing your personality. Does this fit?
Note: From my observations in working with dreams I often get a glimpse of personality traits.

The power of dolphins is great compared to man. The metaphysical spiritual power you possess is how you control the evil sea witch within you. You do your best to refrain from letting the emotions control you. The stepping stones are of the soul {stones being the soul-one of Jung's earliest dreams contained a stone which he interpreted as the soul}.

But within you, and all of us, are apartments, aspects, that overlook our normal personality. The sliding glass door would be something that is 'changeable', it being movable to open and close. The glass part is a barrier you can see through making the door with the screen an aspect of your psyche you are able to control. The two kittens are young felines and probably represent two aspects of yourself-playful but can get into trouble easily. When you open up yourself {glass door} to examination these two aspects are something you probably would see. The man would be a masculine aspect {animus} and could have two applications also. One could be your fiancee. The other would be your own masculine qualities. The combination with the kittens will probably play itself out later in the dream. The breakfast bar could represent something that has just arisen {breakfast/mornings}. Something in your life has just started anew. Look to recent emotional conflicts that have recently arisen.

The other man again could have two applications. And again your own masculine attitude as well as the 'other' side of your fiancee. Bathrooms is where we eliminate wasteful aspects. The wasteful aspects to do with this man could be how your fiancee is acting as well as the negative attitude your masculine self has reacted to that. You have to break into yourself {the house is you} to realize these attitudes {dreams are attempting to communicate to the waking self the true emotions and the reasons for them}. The friendly attitude fits both applications of the 'man' symbol, until you 'interject' the negatives of the masculine {needled syringe}. These attitudes {your fiancee as well as your wonare there actual syringes involved in your fiancee's life?}.

Putting you to sleep with an injection so to be able to rape you. The dream is the sleep, the injection is the emotions you are undergoing and the rape is a viloation of your true nature. There may be sexual elements involved in your relationship with your fiancee but that would likely be a secondary emotion and not the focus of this dream.

The man is able to stab you twice with the syringe. You are doubly wounded, once by the attitude of your fiancee and second by your own masculine response {the negative masculine}. This negative attitude comes from within {genuine anger}. Your ability to see this attitude may be blocked by your anger.

Out of one stressful event into another. You are able to detach yourself {temporarily} from one emotional situation { fiancee } only to have another take its place {with the evil sea witch again}. The negative male and the negative attitude of your fiancee has been replaced by the negative feminine {within you} and the 'sea witch' which you are experiencing with your mother. You are numb from the stress and need to find an oasis {dry land free of emotional stress} so to save yourself from drowning in your emotions. The stress has gotten to the point it has taken your normal playful self and replaced with feelings of being overpowered {shrimp} by your emotions. You are sinking under the pressure. The negative masculine attitudes {your own and your fiancee } are pulling you from your true center {propellers are circular which represents wholeness} .

The last part of a dream often provides suggestions if not solutions to the emotional conflicts. Your friendships/relationships {Elises} may be one thing that helps you endure the stressful events. Getting far away from those stresses brings you back to your senses and probably gives your fiancee time to reflect on what a separation away from you would feel like. Perhaps he too would come to his senses. He perhaps would feel sorry for his manipulation of you and you would definitely feel better about yourself stress wise. You need to be let go. Permanently from the negative animus. Whether it is temporary or permanent from your fiancee is to be determined by future events.

One last thought. You included the description of the car Elises was driving, a Deloran, followed by the id? {I don't know?}. There may be more to the attachment to Elise than a mere friendship. You may see something very valuable in her that appeals to you but you are not sure what. Such nuances in dreams can be very meaningful. especially since it is at the end of the dream which does often provide a solution to the emotional conflicts in your life.

To answer your question where the sea witch is you and if you need to choose between the lesser of two evils in your life. We have established what the sea witch represents. As for the lesser of two evils i would need to know what you consider the two evils to be. Your mother and your fiancee? We can discuss this at the workshop on Saturday.

From your dream and the detailed interpretation you get a glimpse what to expect at the workshop on Saturday. I think it will be very entertaining at the least and for those who have a real interest very helpful in their emotional life. Dreams are naturally therapeutic. Carl Jung was able to discover how dreams function and from his theories and concepts of the deep psyche we can see into the dream world. Anyone with a developed intuitive sense can interpret dreams, if they know the fundamentals of the functions and structure of dreams. Jung provides those tools. It takes time to learn all of them but the process is not only fun, it is therapeutic in doing so. When you are working with dreams you are doing 'soul' work and the results can lead to a more harmonious and balanced life. You should have seen the person I was before I discovered Campbell and Jung. I was 42 when I began my spiritual journey and path to wholeness. You are fortunate to be so young in life and have the assets of knowing your bliss {fire dance}. Follow that and you will never look back and regret your path in life.
Now off to the gym. I ill see you Saturday.

Here are the commercials.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: I have been stressed, had an interesting dream

After you digest all I had to say this morning in my interpretation there is likely more to the interpretation that will need to analyzed. As I stated in my original post all dreams have at least two interpretations, often more than two. For younger people there is often a focus of the dream on the current issues {your stressed out condition}, what is occurring in your waking life from the past few days. For older people the focus tends to be more of a reflection on the foundations for why the person is who they are, the underlying causation, as well as the cumulative emotional conflicts built up over time. Elements of both will be a part of everyone dreams. Which is the primary focus is not always evident {I have no doubt your dream is primary about current issues} but usually it is one or the other. If a young person has had an abusive life then that would involve deeper issues, and likely the primary focus, just as with an older person {40 and over as a rule of thumb}.

The relationship with your mother as well as your animus may have other applications, deeper unconscious stimuli from earlier life experiences. The difference between a young person and an older person's dreams is a younger person has a limited life of experience so there is less emotional baggage to sort through. But also, depending on the person's life experiences, old or young, if there are deeper issues the dream will be addressing that also. Depending on the history of the relationship with your mother your sea witch may have more to it than I saw on a first look. It would secondary and less evident. Continued dialog usually can get to those deeper issues, if indeed there are any.

After you do consider the interpretation I provided dealing with the stress factors you are experiencing at the present time we can look at any deeper possibilities.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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