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Hi Jerry,
I haven't visited your web site for several months---I have yet to read all the new information but when I read the dream about not having soap I projected my thoughts about a situation in my life where the expression "no soap" comes up---having no money for something. If you haven't already you might want to look up "No Soap Radio" on wikipedia---very interesting also. Being a nurse I thought immediately of the acronym SOAP which is used in charting records. The SOAP note (an acronym for subjective, objective, assessment, and plan) is a method of documentation employed by health care providers to write out notes in a patient's chart, along with other common formats, such as the admission note. Documenting patient encounters in the medical record is an integral part of practice workflow. Your dream as i took it on as my dream was very helpful to me, so I thank you. Pat

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Re: soap

Thanks Pat. Your use of soap as an acronym in your profession illustrates what Jung termed the personal unconscious. Those are experiences that are intrinsically known only to the dreamer. Such acronyms can only be understood by the dreamer since they alone had the experience. It puts anyone who gives an interpretation at a disadvantage to the symbolic meaning unless the experience or relationship is known before hand {I basically know only the age and gender of the dreamer in my interpretation}. If the word soap is spelled out in the form of S.O.A.P. then perhaps the interpreter can form an opinion to its acronym. Of course how the word is used within the dream makes a huge difference in its meaning as well in recognizing its application. A word can also have more than one meaning or/and application within the same dream, being used in one instance to apply to a particular experience and within the same dream have a different meaning/application in another part of the dream. The word soap for instance could suggest 'cleansing' in one aspect of the emotional life of the dreamer but later in the dream have an application as you suggested with the acronym. Or if the dreamer is influenced by what he/she sees on television, the soap could be applied to a soap opera {which could be symbolic of the dreamer's emotional life}. This is what makes dreams so fascinating. They are like puzzles being put together only to have a second application when you turn the pieces over and then put it together.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: soap

Your example illustrates why we can never put a fixed meaning to any dream image. Soap in a dream of one person can mean something entirely different in another's. Not only that, a dream image can also take on a different meaning or application within the same dream. The soap symbol in one instance suggest a type cleansing and then later on allude to the acronym you provided. A lot has to do with personal associations to the image in determining its application. These type images come from the personal unconscious, the experience{s} the dream is trying to communicate being a personal experience using an acronym or action {cleansing} related to the dreamer's personal life.

On the other hand an archetypal image that comes up from the collective unconscious would relate to a collective experience of all mankind. It is a universal pattern. But even those can be different images. Since my personality fits this classic type I'll use the trickster archetype as an example. He/she can be take on an image of one of the following:
The Fool
The Magician
The Clown
The Jester
The Villian
The Destroyer

ignoring the realities
If in a dream you see an image that fits fool then you can believe it isaddressing a significant apsect of the dreamer's life. Such images usually appear in great times of change or transitions in the dreamer's life or if the dreamer's is being informed by their unconscious of a realization about oneself. Of course to determine the accuracy of the image as archetypal there needs to be a pattern that confirms its application as archetypal {a clown in a dream can be from a recent personal association}. To confirm the image as being archetypal look to the waking life and determine if it does indeed fit with such major changes, transitions or realizations. Then take the image and define its characteristics and apply them to the dreamer's life, personality, or type of experience. The archetypal image of the fool would suggest the dreamer is having an experience of the fool in their waking life. Such an experience would be important, perhaps defining and should be taken seriously.

The inclusion of the archetypal trickster may suggest the following as a reason for its inclusion in a dream:
The fool is a comic relief character who makes the audience laugh by consistently making bad decisions, ignoring social boundaries, and generally acting absurdly.

Does the dreamer have a pattern of making bad decisions in his/her life, or one of ignoring boundaries to the extent it is psychological unhealthy? If such an archetypal image appears in a dream then there would be reason to believe its 'universal' meaning fits the dreamer's life.

Here is a Jungian psychological application {Tony Crisp} of the Trickster/Fool:
Jung puts all these figures under the name of Trickster, who Jung says represents the earliest and least developed period of life – or the least developed side of our personality. According to Jung, Pig, like Trickster is a figure whose physical appetites and senses dominate his actions and decisions. His thinking does not rise above his belly or his genitals. Not understanding finer feelings, his responses to other people appear crude, self-centred, cynical and unfeeling.

These are common images in myth and fairy tales. There are also common 'universal patterns', behavioral patterns.

On the other hand the Trickster image can be a positive.
The trickster breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually with ultimately positive effects. Often, the rule-breaking takes the form of tricks (eg. Eris) or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often very funny even when considered sacred or performing important cultural tasks. In many cultures, (as may be seen in Greek, Norse or Slavic folktales, along with Native American/First Nations lore), the trickster and the culture hero are often combined. To illustrate: Prometheus, in Greek mythology, stole fire from the gods to give it to humans.

This image in a dream would also apply to some aspect of the dreamer's life or personality. It denotes a positive attitude or trait but with an awareness of the opposite if abused or misused. Great power can be had from this quality but there must be a realization of its power over the dreamer. These are unconscious forces that come up from the soul and as such are not governed by man's authority but by the cosmic forces of the collective. The collective force take birth from the origins of all existence, the molecules of star dust proceeding their birth within the human psyche.

Archetypes are the DNA of the psyche and their origins a product of all matter that came from before our concepts of 'time and space'. We see them in our dreams as well as myth and fairy tale. To understand them is understand oneself, as well as the universal patterns they represent. The function of dream and myth is to bring these unconscious forces to conscious life so there can be a realization that applies to the individual, a discovery of powerful forces on the individual. If they are negative then a healing process can take place. If positive then a better understanding and use of their power. If left unrealized then the destructive forces we see in the universe will become a reality in the life of the dreamer. Or a society or culture as a whole.

Just look around, you can see them at work individually and within our own culture and society.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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