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white animals and aquariums

Hi Jerry,
It's been awhile since I've posted and hope you are doing well. In the last year or so I've been dreaming about white animals. They began with a tiny white dragon that sang like a bird and then moved to actual animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, and finally a beautiful white horse that died and turned into white light. So light it hurt my eyes to look at it. Now I did of course have my little white dog Winnie who I also dream about a lot but she died last spring.
The other series of dreams I'm having is my aquarium dreams. I dream of them every once in awhile and they are usually forgotten and in need of cleaning and food. They are usually in a green house dome or in a space under the ground llike an underground green house.
This last dream was of several aquariums that were clean and ready for fish. Oh..someone threw away a plecostimous and I rescued it and put it into a large tank.
I've never had a dream like that and am hoping its a good thing.
In my personal life, I'm having to let go or change almost everything I've believed in. It's been a very hard few years and I'm starting to feel better.
much thanks,
I just read your information on midlife changes and would say that in the last three years my childhood memories have come back with such intensity that it has been hard for me to function. I can see that these experiences were the beginnings of how I communicate, invest, plan, and care for other people. It's been very painful but I''m starting to pull out of it a bit. Hoping these dreams are good signs.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

Hi Leslie,
I appreciate your willing to share your experiences and the info about the mid-life page in relationship with your life. I have found from my studies, working with dreams and my own life experiences that what you are experiencing, the reflection and memories from childhood experiences as influencing your adult life, to be applicable in the mid-life changes we all experience. A first look at your dream does indicate progress with all the 'white' animals. White can symbolize cleansing, bringing back the purity of the intended wholeness life should be.

The animals in your dreams may symbolize the natural aspects are regaining a normalcy that was lost due to past childhood experiences. The once terrible dragon is now a song bird {what was frightening is now singing to you because you have begun to realize and confront the negative experiences from early life}. Those past negative experiences are 'one by one' becoming realized positives.

The aquarium dreams would reflect your journey into the unconscious {water} and seeing it needs cleaning and nourishing {to bring out more from your past}. There is new growth coming from these realizations within your unconscious. The most positive sign is the aquarium is ready for your true {fish} self to grow and have a normalcy about it once again {those things lost in childhood}. The plecostimous {I've owned and maintained fish tanks in my past} is a large dark 'sucking' fish which would represent a large unconscious force. Having rescued it suggests you have rescued it from the depths of the unconscious and placed it in a sub-conscious mold that can be recognized, confronted and reconciled.

Yes, a double yes. that these dreams are very good signs. Not only does your dreams illustrate this but it also demonstrates dreams do reflect the positives and not always the negatives. I do appreciate your posting because it does show this aspect of dreams.

Continue what you are doing that are providing these positive results. You are well on your way to healing past wounds. Life will be much happier and harmonious because of your willingness to acknowledge and confront past childhood experiences.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Re: white animals and aquariums

Hi Jerry,
Thank you very much for your feedback. I actually like the
plecostimous because they seem so graceful to me. So in follow up I'll share my dog dream. I used to dream a lot about winnie getting lost or being at risk and I'd have to go and find her. The last couple of dreams I had about her were 1. realizing that she wasn't lost but that she had died in my arms and I felt her essence had somehow entered me. This is how I felt when she died in real life. Then the last dream I had she was lost again and I was frantic to find her. I ended up back at the camping area we had been in ande she was sitting right there waiting for me. I realized she had not left me but that I had left her. I put her in the car and drove away negotiating a volcano and getting to freedom. I thought this was a lovely dream and I think of it when i miss her. She is right here with me and spiritually speaking, I'm the one who leaves my essence behind and this dream was special for me. Thank you very much for your interpretation. It gives me more hope.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

Read the dream as if Winnie were you and all that happens is/has happened to you. The dreams would, on one level, represent your emotional attachment to Winnie your dog, but would also represent some other aspect of your life. Think of Winnie as being you {metaphoric reference}. Winnie is you, literally. What part of you has been lost? There seems to be a need for constant rescue which suggest some aspect of yourself is in constant need of rescuing. This is a pattern that would match your emotional life.

Where in your life do you feel there are risks? Some 'other' part of you may have 'died' {on one level it would have to do with the relationship with Winni}. What was lost? With your dog Winnie you have the memories but must move on. But there is likely some other aspect also that fits into this symbolic theme.

There may be a theme of blame involved in the dream {dying in your arms}. Is there something that stands out where you blame yourself? Volcanoes can symbolize emotional eruptions. If it is something you have to negotiate, that may suggest there is something emotional you must constantly confront.

This dream about Winnie could very well be associated with the transitions you are experiencing in a stage of life. Just as with the mid-life stage {which could still be a part of the cycle the dream is addressing} you are about to turn 60 and that age limit can bring about strong emotional reactions. Reflection, looking back, a need to make sense of it all. You listed different dreams with different themes and all of them could be addressing some aspect of the transitions you are or have experienced. Past experiences and regrets, reflection on the past and a need to reconcile unresolved emotional issues, a general display of different aspects of your emotional life.

Have you recently sought out spiritual resources? The mention of spirit often reveals such an activity. And it is a common search at your stage of life.

Your aquarium dream suggests you are doing well with the transition. I sense this is what the dreams are about. Your working through the emotional baggage, albeit successfully. At least to some degree. The order of occurrence of the dreams would reflect the specific issues and time span.
This post does seem to summarize a potpourri of different aspects you have had to negotiate during your search and rescue.

There is a primary issue of the loss of Winnie. I have several cats and I am very emotionally attached to them. A couple of years ago I lost two to cancer and it is still emotionally painful. I don't often have dreams about them but that's me. We all are different and have our own strongest influences as symbolic representations in our dreams.

Send me your next dream and try to remember as much a s possible and write it down just as it unfolds. Dreams are like a production of a play and the specific actions and time frame determine the actual experience as they are played out. Out of sequence could alter its meaning.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: white animals and aquariums

Hi Jerry,
I did not dream until last night and will respond tonight or tomorrow. You say many things that hit home.
I am also very sorry about your cats.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

Hi Jerry,
Well I have thought a lot about the things you have said. The passage of turning 60, the part of me that is Winnie, the volcano and other feedback you shared. I was thinking that finding Winnie where I left her and successfully getting past the volcano were good signs of change.
I got Winnie in the late 90's after doing a lot of hard work on assault. I was assaulted at age 16 and at the same time I had a dog that died. I was not able to really love without fear after that, and so after the work I did in therapy I gave myself the opportunity to love a dog.
At the same time that I have been loosing Winnie in my dreams, I am also aware that the passage into 60 has included change in just everything I believe and have/have not accomplished as well as changes in my physical/mental abilites.
Everything is changing. The dream I had after the one I posted was this: I have picked my son up from school and he is upset because he was not where he was supposed to be. We got home and I drew him a bath. As I was standing in the tub I said to him, " Don't worry about it, we will handle things as they come up." The closets were flooding at that point and leaking onto the bathroom floor.
This is the new theme I'm dreaming about. Moving into an apartment that isn't what I thought it was, Gabriel small and in the tub or needing a bath and water coming up through the floor. In these dreams I notice the importance of clean water in regards to Gabe. I also notice he loves his bath time. Last night I dreamed again, that I had lost winnie and yet she was right where I left her.
On a spiritual level, I had been talking to a minister about
how to survive Winnie's death, when she died. I was able to see and hold on to the idea that love can't be contained and it doesn't end with the loss of a physical body. But there seems to be some other things going on too ( via my dreams).
I appreciate you'r feedback as always and has given me a lot to think about.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

Hi Jerry,
Well, I'm wondering if I offended you in some way? Please let me know if I did.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

I apologize, I had overlooked your response. Not offended in any way. I will give a reply tomorrow. It has been a tough past 10 days. My mind not all there.

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Re: white animals and aquariums

Me too. Take your time.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

If you look at the dream symbols as emotional aspects in your life it may reveal a lot about them and your emotions. Picking up your son probably has something to do with that relationship but could also have to do with your own inner 'masculine child'. The dream speaks in the first person when it says, "he is upset because he was not where he was supposed to be". Your dreams are about you and any first person images would be addressing aspects about you {beyond relationships}. 'he is upset' because 'he is not where he was supposed to be'. Put that into a context as your own inner child it could fit with the new stage of life you are entering [going on 60} where a new masculine attitude must be develop oped to cope with aging. Schools are places for learning and in dreams they usually denote learning things about yourself. As for the relationship it may take some thought to discover what that is addressing. Often there are personal experiences with the named person that only you can know about {were there experiences where your son was 'out of place'}. Either way there is a 'cleansing involved' {bath}, and that would be addressing your emotions. 'Handling things as they come up' may suggest you are 'putting off' doing something that needs to be done. Again in association with yourself and your son.

Closets are where we 'put things away' which often represents unconscious aspects. Perhaps things we wish to hide so not to be seen emotionally. When they begin to flood then that usually suggests there is a flood of emotions. Strong emotions that are in need of elimination/cleansing. This is affecting the whole foundation which supports who you are {floor}.

Apartments are aspects of yourself {one aspect of the whole building with the building being you}. This particular apartment could be the stage of life you are entering. Since it is showing Gab as being small or younger the dream could be addressing the past. It could have to do with aging and reflection on the past {what normally happens at midlife and beyond} or/and it could be addressing actual past experiences. I use the or/and to denote that dreams always have at least two meanings/applications, the dream dealing with more than one aspect of your life using the same symbols. This is what makes dreams so fascinating, how they use a language of symbol and metaphor to address the dreamer's overall emotional life. Gab's needing a bath, emotions {water} coming up from your foundations/floor {foundations build on past experiences}. There is a need for clean water, cleansing of the emotions. Perhaps to do with experiences with Gab but likely to do with your own inner being.

Losing Winnie is like losing a child. I just recently lost one of my cats Jack {my mind being elsewhere and to a degree still is} and it is very painful. Your dream is probably addressing that real fear but perhaps your own demise. As we grown older such things unconsciously if not conscious occupy a space {perhaps an apartment} in our lives. The general themes in a dream are what I look for.

Your minister is right about the love being contained, losing the physical being but not the emotional attachment. I get emotional thinking about Jack's passing just by writing about such things. We have to enjoy our time with them while we have them. I still have three cats and think often of their health especially since Jack's sudden death. We become so attached. But they make life much more wonderful, their acceptance of us humans without judgement. Let's hope Winnie lives a long time.

The bottom line is these dreams are addressing emotional issues in your life. personal relationships as well as metaphorical applications. If there are specific issues to do with personal relationships it would be important to find resolution to those. As for the metaphorical references to the stage of life a spiritual search is common and desirable. Don't get to caught up in the religious aspects but do find a place where the spiritual aspect naturally comes through. My favorite places are within nature {waterfalls when I was in Tennessee, the ocean here in Florida}. Getting in touch with nature is a cleansing experience within itself. Living a spiritual life {think Karma} is important to finding your meaning in life and it does put you on a plane that can lead to a more harmonious life.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Re: white animals and aquariums

Hi Jerry,
Well, your feedback hits home on many levels. I am changing in almost every aspect. I am working on looking at things differently and wanting to do healing work with myself and my son. That would require that I change first. So both the symbolic meaning and the daily meanings are true. I am full of emotion and a bit unsure of how to approach him. I think the information you shared is true on both levels.
I am sorry to hear about you cat Jack. And I totally relate to the loss of a pet as being like the loss of a child.
Winnie died a year ago. She was 17. Sometimes I feel bad that I have so much emotion over her and less for some people in my life. I have not been able to stop grieving over her...but I'm working on it. This grief seems to go hand in hand with my waking life losses.
The information that you have given me has helped alot and has made it easier for me to focus on myself. You have helped alot in my getting clarity and I thank you very much.
My thoughts go out to you and your dear Jack.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59/Denver

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Re: white animals and aquariums

I appreciate the response. I feel your pain in your loss of Winnie. Grieving is a process that can take along time but time does eventually help ease the pain. But losing a pet leaves a big void that is hard to replace. I lost two other cats to cancer a few years back {I was with them until the end} and I still grieve. Not that it is consuming but I still get emotional when I think of them.

It does give me a good feeling to know my interpretations have helped in your understanding of your dreams and the unconscious affects they can have. Being able to focus on the emotional conflicts often depend on understanding exactly what they are and the effects they have. Dreams reveal the true self, the true emotions and can help us understand what is really there. Otherwise the ego will go off in ways that can do more harm than good. Dreams don't lie, the ego will {by denying the true emotions}. Understanding what the dreams is trying to communicate can help in resolving the emotional issues. Resolving emotional issues, conscious and unconscious, will determine whether life is good or not so good.

If you have future dreams you need help with you can post them for interpretation. The Dream Forum is open 24/7. I try to give an interpretation within a couple of days.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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