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The Library Again - Two Books Lookalike

(I've taken notes on this dream but I've not finished with it, so I'll come back to it tomorrow. Yesterday I made a mental note to go watch the Marion Woodman movie that Jerry posted, which I had not done yet. I was putting it off because I knew that I wanted to put all my attention to it, as it is long. I had this dream early this morning.)

I’m in a library, listening to an elder (a wise woman) speak. It could be a public library, but it also feels like a school library. I walk away from where the elder is sitting (my feeling is one of dismissal but not in a negative way) and approach the last stack that is on the right side of the room. I think this is a reference section. I see a scrapbook-type book, (hand-made, full of photos, clippings and glued notes) sticking up on top of the other books in the row. It catches my attention so I take it out from off the shelf, and look at it more closely. It’s very similar to mine, but there are some different elements in it.

In fact, I have mine in my left hand here right now. I have brought it into the library. I set it aside on top of the shelved books to my left in order to pick up the library book and I thumb through it. It’s got great ideas in here. I am going to borrow it so I scan it and use those ideas in my book.

Then two or three young girls walk into the library and walk past me in the aisle to my left. I can still feel the papery texture of the hand-made book in my hands. The covers are a dark sepia-brown colour. End of Dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60, Atlantic Canada

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Re: The Library Again - Two Books Lookalike

Here is my impressions of this last dream. The notes I have added are for those who may not be familiar with your dreams and or Jungian psyche and the various layers of the dream world. The dream message is in white and my interpretation in blue.

I’m in a library, listening to an elder (a wise woman) speak. It could be a public library, but it also feels like a school library. I walk away from where the elder is sitting (my feeling is one of dismissal but not in a negative way) and approach the last stack that is on the right side of the room. I think this is a reference section. I see a scrapbook-type book, (hand-made, full of photos, clippings and glued notes) sticking up on top of the other books in the row. It catches my attention so I take it out from off the shelf, and look at it more closely. It’s very similar to mine, but there are some different elements in it.

Your are revisiting unconscious knowledge. The elder wise woman is of course your wisdom self.

Note to observers: Let me say here if there were an actual person or experience in the dreamer's current waking life that fits this description then the dream would be addressing another level of the dreamer's emotional life, a more recent experience. But since we know that is not the case the dream would be addressing the deeper issues from much earlier experiences.

The public library may have to do with sharing this knowledge in a public forum, the Dream Forum. But it also may be saying something that is within the unconscious that needs to be made conscious. As you do this you are learning even more about yourself and the issues involved {school library}. The dismissal in the form the dream states may suggest you have heard the lesson but walk away from 'her' message. The right side is the ego/social being aspects and the clippings, photos, are referencing those aspects with your wise self {the ego does not want to confront the issue}. There is a thinking process involved that has previously been given attention to this important issue {top of other books}. You are looking at an issues more closely. There are various emotional elements that have to be considered, some you have already considered.

In fact, I have mine in my left hand here right now. I have brought it into the library. I set it aside on top of the shelved books to my left in order to pick up the library book and I thumb through it. It’s got great ideas in here. I am going to borrow it so I scan it and use those ideas in my book.

Left is opposite right so you have this in your unconscious. The unconscious is the true self. You have brought the issue to conscious knowledge with a new understanding. You had put the issue aside but now are 'thumbing' through the possibilities. You are considering {scanning} the possibilities.

Then two or three young girls walk into the library and walk past me in the aisle to my left. I can still feel the papery texture of the hand-made book in my hands. The covers are a dark sepia-brown colour. End of Dream.

There are two or three aspects to consider involving this issue. There is a noticeable concern, one where you have an ability to consciously address and correct if necessary. The possibilities are not cut and dried, vague as how to proceed in reference to these outer aspects {concerns}.

I believe the dream is addressing the confronting of those issues you have previously felt unnecessary to be concerned with. In particular the issue of confronting your abuser. You are revisiting {unconsciously if not consciously} issues seeking clarity. If I had not known about your personal life I can still see the same actions. There may be other aspects to consider {which only you would know} But knowing about this particular issue I can see where it fits with the dream.
What do you think?

A Note About Dream Interpretation

This process we are undertaking, an examination of a series of dreams, demonstrates how dreams can be understood when compared to the waking life of the dreamer. One dream can suggest good possibilities but a series of dreams will reveal what the dream is trying to communicate. Jung said if the dream fits the waking life then there is a good interpretation. Details can never be exact but the overall interpretation will fit. This is why I believe we can interpret almost any dream successfully when analyzed with the Jungian concepts and an intuitive mind.

Another reason for my optimism about being able to interpret dreams properly, and with great confidence, was a recent experience involving another forum and person with abilities to interpret dreams. I happened to come across an article about dream interpretation in the New York Daily News provided by Laura Lawrence {she has a regular column in the paper}. After reading several of the posted dreams and her interpretations I was very impressed. She had expressed pretty much what I would have offered as interpretations. The dreams were short and not all that involved {unlike Raymonde's dreams} but the interpretations were 'right on'. I contacted Laura through her Facebook page and she responded by saying you was primarily a 'Freudian' but had read a lot on Jung. Her method of interpreting dreams is centered on symbol and metaphor. Discovering Laura and her abilities to interpret dreams, correctly in my view, re-enforces my belief that we can interpret dreams confidently. The dream world is not as mysterious as it once was.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: The Library Again - Two Books Lookalike

Yes, Jerry, once again you are spot-on with many elements of the dream.

But yet, once again, I have to just copy and run because we are in the middle of another winter storm and I'm afraid I will lose electricity real soon.

I will repost my deciphering attempt, in view of yours, as soon as I can.

Your help with my dreams is much appreciated. I've been searching for some assistance with my dreams for years. Though others have offered periodic help, it was not like this in-depth uncovering of treasure that I am experiencing in this forum. I feel very blessed to have found this site.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60, Atlantic Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: The Library Again - Two Books Lookalike

I guess you are pretty much used to the terrible weather conditions living so far north. I much prefer warm weather conditions, very much prefer. I lived in Middle Tennessee most of my life and even though they have cold weather it is nothing nearly as bad as you experience. In fact the weather in that part of the country has gotten much warmer than what I experienced growing up as a boy. Climate change may not be noticeable in some parts of the world but in Middle Tennessee it is.

What makes it even worse in cold weather is it is constantly ugly with all the cloudy and rainy days {they don't get much snow-a half inch pretty much closes the area down}. Although there are a lot of negatives about living in Florida they are out weighed by the positives. The biggest being the warm weather year round {it gets to at least 60 every day and nights are usually very mild also} and the constant sun. A few colder days here and there but the 70s is the daytime norm and mid 50s to the low 60s at night. It wqas 61 this morning when I first went outside. Plus the trees are green year round. It is a totally different attitude, one that fits my psyche.

But enough of your bad weather and my good weather. As soon as you have the time, and electricity, post your dreams and response. I am always here.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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