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hi jerry,

i sent an email i found on another site, before i found this site. this is my dream from this morning, and i woke up shaking & very disturbed by it all. thanks for any help you can provide.

was in a hospital, or hotel, some big building with lots of people. we had

driven there in the big dually pickup truck. something happened, not sure

what. but someone was dead. and another girl and i were apparently

suspects. i had a baby with me. the other girl, a dark haired young lady,

took off. i had to somehow leave the building and make it to the truck

without being caught. finding a stack of clothing in the hallway, i covered

my baby with one of the shirts and started trying to make my way to the

truck. the best way to go was back through the building, but too much

risk of being seen. the other way was out the door and up a steep

embankment. so off we went. drove to the dark haired girls apartment

and waited for her. she showed up, came through the 8th floor apartment,

and went straight to the window. flung herself out the window. dead. now

i really had to go. 2 people dead, i was present. the baby and i somehow

wound up in someone's house or apartment. they did not know me, and i

pretended to be someone else. i made up a name. don't know why i was

there or who they were. suddenly i noticed a police officer. i had to get out

of there. how would i get a different vehicle? how would i make a fake

driver's license? how would i make money to take care of the baby? what

am i going to do? trying to figure out what to do. next thing i know, matt

had managed to meet up with me. we were in a hotel room i guess. lying

in bed, running out of options, saying final goodbyes before fleeing. i

raised up and looked at matt and said "i think i should just turn myself

in." then the phone rang. the real phone, in real life. woke me up. my

mom said "i woke you up, didn't i?" i said i was glad to be awake,

because i was terrified in my dream. i told her i felt like i was shaking all

over. i got up and walked outside with the dogs, while talking on the

phone. i looked down at my hand and noticed i WAS indeed shaking.

been about an hour now, and still i tremble.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52, mt. juliet, tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: nightmare

Hi Salley,
Mt. Juliet, Tn. I know it well. I am a originally from Nashville/Murfreesboro and just recently retired and moved to Florida. A growing town is Mt. Juliet. Say hi to Charlie Daniels for me next time you visit the park named after him.

To your dream. Here is an overall sense of what I see in the dream.
I sense the dream is addressing an emotional conflict that has to do with very early life. It is something that if you give thought to it will be painful and thus you try not to. I also sense there was an experience later in life when you were a younger woman that also causes a lot of emotional pain. Overall these are a heavy load to carry and may now be affecting personal relationships. This may not be the first time it has affected personal relationships and you felt it necessary to flee from them. It causes you to be someone you are not and that is finally catching up with you. There may be something you need to admit to yourself.

Summarizing this I see there was very early life experiences or influences involved in a heavy emotional load you are carrying. This could have been an actual experience{s} or could have to do with early life family upbringing, perhaps not enough emotional support and love as a child. Or it could be both.

Then there is a later life event as a young woman that unconsciously if not consciously is related to these early life experiences/influences. They may be related experiences or repeat experiences. The later life experience may have involved reckless behavior. They have and still are affecting personal relationships to the point where you feel you need to flee being involved with relationships with men.

In particular the symbols of the number 8 and the 2 people dead suggest to me there were two aspects in your life that are now causing an emotional toll. Trying to get to the truck may involve the need to flee from something. It could be fleeing from the emotional pain but could also cause you to unconsciously flee from personal relationships. Dreams are a therapeutic tool to help you resolve emotional conflicts. Early life experiences influence who we become later in life and often unconsciously control out actions. I do sense these past experiences causing a heavy emotional conflict {dually truck} and it is hard to look back at past experiences because of the pain it causes.

Let me know your thoughts to my interpretation and perhaps we will be able to learn more about the dream and the emotional conflict{s} it is trying to communicate.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: nightmare

you actually put up a fence for me a few years ago, for my doggies, when i was moving into my house in the tinnell valley area. beautiful yard, bordered by a creek. you told me of your passion of dream interpretation that day, and yesterday that conversation came back to me, so i sought you out and found this forum. your interpretation is amazing, and actually leaves me feeling a little naked and exposed that you can have so much insight into my life. there were many emotional difficulties as a child, probably beginning from day one, as my father was sick and dying from lupus. from what i have been told, my mom spent most of her time taking care of him, while i was cared for by older sisters and whatever friends or relatives were available. he died when i was 19 months old, and sometime shortly after that, my mom had a "nervous breakdown." i could write all day, but will try to summarize by saying things did not get much better after that difficult beginning. most of my childhood memories are not good ones. and large chunks are completely missing. in my mid to late twenties, during a particularly bad episode of depression, i recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse. to this day, i cannot identify the abuser for certain. my mind tells me it was my step-dad, but my heart denies it and says it must have been an uncle or neighbor. he was the only dad i ever knew, and though we were not close when i was young, we bonded later and i loved him dearly. he died 2 years ago last monday, 2/18, and i was unconsolable all day. i rarely remember my dreams these days. i am married to a wonderful man, but we haven't been able to sleep in the same bed for years because i kick, scratch, pinch, pull hair.... constantly fighting and running away in my sleep. i rarely have any memory, though, of what or who i am fighting. i could go on all day.... but i will stop rambling and just say that your interpretive powers are amazing..... thank you.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52, mt. juliet, tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: nightmare

I apologize for taking so long to get back with you. I just lost one of my cats to a sudden illness and for a week have been trying to keep him a live. Unfortunately it was for naught. As will all pets we must grieve for their loss.

Memories of abuse are often pushed back into the unconscious because of the pain they cause. Denial is a tool to help prevent that pain. Although you may consciously not remember the events they still remain and will be a part of our dreams. Because dreams do have a language foreign to most people {symbol and metaphor} the events in them and what they represent are not recognized. Often it is not until mid-life and because that stage of life is one of reflection and looking back, past emotional experiences take on greater meaning. Dreams begin to become more profound and because they are therapeutic tools for healing the conscious self begins to take note. Unconsciously the early life experiences have a controlling affect that is most often not recognized consciously. But with the onset of mid-life the need to find meaning and reason to life those things that prevented the dreamer from being whole seek resolution. First they become events in our nightly dreams and often they become living memories. It is this time of life that the healing is needed most and by paying attention to the dream one can begin to see the problem and start a program of healing. For me it was self analysis with Jung's Individuation Process but for most it requires counseling by someone who is trained for such experiences. Life can not be whole until the emotional scares are fully recognized and put into a proper place. I recommend this for you. It could very end your restless nights and bring about a healing your psyche has unconsciously sought out from the beginning.

We all have emotional scares, some deeper than others. Unfortunately too few people take advantage of the health resources available that can help resolve the emotional issues. Unless this is done, not only will the early life memories continue to be featured in your dreams but they will unconsciously continue to have an affect on your waking life. I hope you can resolve your issues and I do recommend you seek counseling. There is a solution but it is something you must take upon yourself to do.

Give a hug to your dogs. It not for them and thousands of others I have come across my livelihood would have been a lot less certain. Not only mine but my son who now owns the business and is very successful with it. Thanks to you and the hundreds of people I was fortunate to serve in the 34 years of business. I like you love pets. They area part of our family and that is something I always tried to remember in all my years of building fences.

If you have future dreams you wish to have interpreted the Dream Forum is always here.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: nightmare

jerry, no need to apologize. i'm so sorry you lost your cat. those of us who are the truest of animal lovers hurt so badly when we lose our little friends.

i was in therapy when i first remembered the abuse, but i was never able to reconcile the details. the memory is like a scene out of a movie, but there is no beginning and no end. and no face. i even tried hypnosis at one point, but my mind would only go so far before slamming on the brakes and refusing to go any farther back. i suppose that's when i gave up and told myself perhaps i'm better off NOT remembering and NOT knowing certain things for sure. it's frustrating and obviously does affect me in many ways. at this point, i am stretched so thin it would be nearly impossible for me to get back into counseling. maybe i'm afraid to try again to access the memories. either way, i do really appreciate your insight and advice. thanks again.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52, mt. juliet, tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: nightmare

I understand your position. If things are so emotionally tough just with surviving in the moment it would be difficult or impossible to take on the underlying causes. It is a 'catch 22' situation. But if life in some way offers the possibility to do so {counseling} then take it up. That happens sometimes when you least expect it. And it so and you do get the opportunity mention the dreams and the abuse. Resolving those issues can bring about a healing beyond belief. Although we often think our conscious world of conflicts is the worst part of life, often it is the unconscious world that is worse. The dream is dealing with both the present emotions and the past. The later usually has a great influence on the former.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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