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golden dragon and golden sealing symbols

i had a dream about a dragon that was golden i it had golden symbols around its head and i herd its on the 32 seal like with it breaks the seal it will be free any ideas what that means

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Re: golden dragon and golden sealing symbols

In Eastern philosophy dragons are positive creatures while in Western cultures dragons are seen as threatening and dangerous. Gold is the stuff of the gods, also a positive symbol and of course valuable. Put the two together you have something very positive in your life.

You may have personal associations with the number 32 {only you would know of} but the number 32 added together equals six. I see the number six as a reverse or opposite of the number nine which is a common sign of the feminine. Six could symbolize personal completeness {nine would be spiritual wholeness}. The seal symbol may represent thoughts or ideas. When you open up to your higher resources and not held to structured thinking of social norms you will free yourself to find new horizons of thought.

The dream may tell you to stop thinking {head} in the norms but to look to other possibilities. The Golden dragon is an Eastern symbol. Perhaps you should look in that direction for answers rather than Western thinking which is often limited by its strict adherence to ego and material worth.

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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