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blood moon

My daughter dreamt that we bought a huge house, with a swimming pool, a basketball court, and a volleyball court. The house was so huge that we had a party and every one invited whomever they wanted to attend, even her aunt and uncle invited all of their friends. During the party, the sky grew dark and the moon came out. The moon became blood red and you could see demons flying across the moon. In fact the demons when passing in front of the moon slowed down to be seen. Everyone began screaming and ran inside of the house, Shelby's aunt told her to come in; but, Shelby would not. Shelby said, that she had to stay. When the demons came closer, Shelby began shouting out scripture fast and furiously until the demons left, and the moon went away and the sun came back out. Shelby could not remember and of the scriptures that she screamed out and she was 15 at the time , this dream still makes her fearfull.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 61

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Re: blood moon

At 15 your daughter was going through a stage of life where there is a wide range of possibilities {big house} as well as a wide range of emotions. The party is her ability to celebrate life despite the range of emotions she is experiencing. But the 'related' aspects of the various emotions cause all the difficulties to come to the forefront stimulating the 'feminine' {moon} emotions. Blood can represent anger, passion, disappointments, etc. The negative {demons} within her come out {anger being a good possibility for blood}. She tries to hold in the emotions in but can not. But she is eventually able to use her 'authoritative' {scripture} mind to overcome these negative emotions and life goes back to normal.

The dream probably has to do with the wide range of emotions a 15 year old girl goes through. But there may have been an event prior to the dream that brought out negative emotions. Get her to try to remember experiences during that period of time that may fit. A possibility it had to do with an aunt and uncle but those images may have been purely symbolic.

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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