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Pregancy and Priests.

For several weeks now I've been having pregnancy dreams. Never the same one and i can never remember them completely after i have woken up. And for the record there is no way i could be pregnant.
But last nights dream i can remember and i was wondering if anyone can help.
I was at high school but i was pregnant. i was waiting for a friend to arrive when i started having contractions. I wasn't meant to be on the school property and when my friend arrived we started to leave only to get stopped by a teacher, who for some reason wanted me to be taken to a doctor,but i didn't want to see the doctor as i knew he would hurt me. So me and my friend ran into the main shopping center where i live. Once we got there i told her that the baby was coming and she had to go get help from the cathedral. I told her to bring back the young male priest who i had seen in previous dreams. He arrived and took me to the church, promising that he and the older priest would stay with me in the cathedral until the baby was born and we were both safe.
Everything was going fine, i got the impression that at least 12 hours had past when the doctor (whom i didn't want to see) turned up at the cathedral. I wouldn't let him examine me, despite being in labor and he lost is temper, pour boiling water onto my leg, before the priests pulled him away from me. Before i woke the last thing i remember was laying with my head in the young priests lap as the other priest tried to sort out my burned legs.
OK this was a really weird dreams but some things are the same as always from my dreams. The young male priest i have been dreaming about for months (i haven't seen him in real life) and the pregnancy things has been a couple of weeks.
Please help.

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Re: Pregancy and Priests.

Pregnancy in dreams can have several different symbolic meanings in a dream. Often is represents something new is expected to come about in your life. In this dream that may be applicable but I also sense an element of 'moral' issues. The high school could represent learning something about these new emotions/experiences, the emotional conflict 'graduating' into something that recently has become a bigger issue. The 'unnamed' friend in your dream would be a positive part of yourself that assists you with this emotional issue. There may be something you have done or are afraid you will do that needs better a understanding. Something you may have refused to think about because it emotionally painful. The shopping center would be your inner search for things in life that provide worth. In that sense the new baby may represent new ideas on how to live your life. There are moral considerations. The young priest may represent new spiritual guidance you are using or needing {are you Catholic?}. There is a combination of old and new spiritual philosophies that are being considered until you can decide which one will work best for you.

There is a need for healing in connection with your spiritual self. Your old concepts have a lot of anger that do not fit and that is causing emotional turmoil {boiling water}. Your spiritual needs are what rescue you and are important and the newer concepts seem to fit better.

Three possibilities I see in the dream with all three having to with moral issues. The first is issue about a spiritual search. Are you considering new spiritual concepts because your old ones do not fit anymore? The young priest/old priest may suggest this. There may be aspects of your old spiritual identity you like but others that are emotionally conflicting.

The other possibility has to do with moral issues to do with sex. Are there thoughts or actual experiences involving sex or/and relationships that have moral implications?

The third would have something new {other than spiritual needs} that is developing in your life {pregnancy} that involves moral considerations.

Does any of the above hit home and fit with your waking life? Whatever is in your dreams reflect your true emotional self and what is emotionally important to you at this stage of life.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 62 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Pregancy and Priests.

Thanks. Your correct i am on a spiritual journey. Ive never had religious indications and have recently begun wondering about going to church and stuff and wondering if this is the right thing to do as i don't completely agree with all christian beliefs.Many of my friend are pagan and are very angry about this.
My spiritual issues are a big thing in my life so your post makes a lot of sense. Thank you.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: United Kingdom 21

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Re: Pregancy and Priests.

The dream is addressing those spiritual considerations. The old teachings of Christianity vs the new age pagan philosophies {old priest and young priest}.

If I may interject a possible solution it would be to use both. I grew up in Southern Baptist/Church of Christ but became disillusioned early on because of religious concepts that just didn't fit. I drifted until I discovered Jungian psyche and the new spiritual concepts. Learning that all religions are myth and should be read metaphorically I applied that to my old religious concepts and realized what all religions are talking about is going within {psychologically} to find my highest power and not having to bring it in. Jesus is the way. Metaphorically the way is the way to live your life, spiritually, ethically and as Jesus would. Forget the dogma of the church, all that matter are the good deeds.

To expand on the metaphorical references, when you look at Jesus dying on the cross it points to what has to happen to the individual. They must 'die' to the ego-centered, material self and be resurrected/reborn to the spiritual identity. Instead of letting the emotional ego self rule the life there needs to a life that is based on spiritual concepts of good and bad. But more in the way of Karma, cause and effect. What happens in a person's life is most often the fault/cause of that person. He/she did it to their self. Eliminate those mistakes and you have less problems in life. Pagan religions are 'earth based' and in my view more applicable to reality. Man is not separate from the earth, God is not separate from the earth or man, we all are a part of it all. Witness what we are doing to the planet. As the famous native American proverb states, 'what we do to the earth we do to ourselves'. My philosophy in life is to 'think psychologically and live spiritually. The truth is, and I know this from experience, what comes around comes around/you reap what you sow.

Don't be afraid of the so-called pagan concepts. But you don't have to completely abandoned old concepts. Just bring them into the present {the Gnostic Gospels put a whole new light on the concept of Jesus. It is pure Buddhism}. Let your own mind decide what best fits.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Pregancy and Priests.

I have to admit you have managed to completely confuse me as it have very little knoledge of any religious concepts. All i know is something big is missing. And has been missing for a very long time.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: United Kingdom 21

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Re: Pregancy and Priests.

I've studied all the religions over the past 20 years. Here are a some pages on religion from my website that will introduce you to different spiritual concepts.

Spirituality & Religion

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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