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Two aunty dreams

Dear Jerry,

I had both of these dreams recently. I would like to say Lady V's mother as always liked me and I see her as a kind lady as well as the different aunty in the second dream


I am at my old high school with my tutor in a science class. I am now looking at a photo album which I open and look at a photo, which the photo has me and my female cousin of the same age sitting together on steps and we are wearing normal clothes (it is divided by a grassy bank) and Lady V's mother is in the picture in a beautiful dress looking stright at the photo.

In the room, I see Lady V's mother walk past and look at me and I shut the photo album so she cannot see the photo, she is wearing the same dress as in the photo.


I am waiting for the bus in my local town and I see the bus coming, I now see an aunty who I know and I am having a very amicable conversation with her. When the bus comes I sit right at the front where she sits a couple of seats behind. We both then get off the bus and when this aunty and I are walking, she asks what am I doing now and I say "computer science" all in a warm, amicable manner.

Do you think these two dreams indicate I will have support by females or by some females?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23

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Re: Two aunty dreams

I will give an interpretation in the morning {Sunday}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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