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Zombies in the Snow

The dream started out pretty normal. My dad was out of town and my mom wanted to take us all out for dinner. I was studying like crazy for exams so I told them to go ahead without me, I'd get something to eat later. So they left and as they did I noticed it had started snowing outside. Just lightly. I went back to studying. A couple hours later they came back, my mom complaining that the dinner wasn't very good anyways. I was hungry at this point so I asked if I could have some money to go out and get something for myself. She gave me some and I went outside but by this point there was snow EVERYWHERE. It was still coming down too. It was piled up in the roads. I regretted not going out when the rest of my family did because driving in this would be ridiculous. I drove around a bit trying to decide where I wanted to eat, if I wanted to invite anyone to come with me. Finally the snow was building up so much I decided to just call it quits and pick up McDonald's. But on the road there my car got stuck in a snowdrift. I had gotten out (I wasn't cold at all o.o) and was trying to push my car when I started seeing weird figures approaching me from the distance. They were moving really funny. I was on a secluded road surrounded by trees so I felt sort of nervous. When they got closer I realized they were zombies. My car still wouldn't move so I ran away to find shelter.

I ended up in the town hall. Zombies were in there too so I ran to the top floor about 4 stories up where there were none. But there was a police officer. Now as I've mentioned before I almost never have good relationships with the police in my dreams. I was already wary of him. He was actually a cop from an anime I watch, he's old and tough and very dedicated to justice. A good guy. But he told me that the police were in need of my services. I was like UGH because once again the police/government was trying to use me as a super weapon. This happens to me all the time in dreams too, I will be kidnapped or have family kidnapped and be blackmailed into helping them. (Or sometimes I just get sent to labs which turns into this whole escape dream and it just isn't pleasant) Anyways I basically told him to shove off and he got mad because he doesn't take crap so he grabbed me by the back of my shirt and dangled me over the balcony, saying he didn't have time for me to act like a punk. This was more amusing to me than anything, since if I took my beast form the fall would be nothing to me, and anyways I can fly. I realized he must not know very much about me, considering I could have easily taken him on and he had very little for protection with him. I decided to humor him and hear him out though because I liked him. So he pulled me back up and told me how a terrorist group had been manufacturing and releasing this airborne disease that was turning people into zombies. Their base was really well fortified and they would lose a lot of men if they tried just taking it, so they needed my help. I actually didn't mind helping them with this because then I could fix the zombie problem. I told him I had to get my own family to safety first though, and I went home.

I had to fight my way home because of the zombies everywhere. I tried arguing with them telling them they were wasting their time coming after me since I couldn't get their human disease anyways, but they were only half convinced. Anyways I made it home and the police were already starting the evacuation, and calling for people to line up in their cars ready to go if they wanted to be escorted out of the city first. So I got everyone in the car and ready to get to a safe zone except my mom was taking forever to come outside with my sisters. Me and my brothers got really mad but I pulled the car to the front of the line to save our spot. After waiting ages and hoping the police wouldn't leave before she got there, my mom finally walked outside with my sisters. After that I woke up so I never got to fight the terrorists I guess.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Zombies in the Snow

I will provide an interpretation Sunday.
Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Zombies in the Snow

Life is as usual, your dad not there and your fears about family. But in the distance you see possible problems also. Your future is ahead of you but you feel stuck in the present. You feel you are not progressing as you should of wish you could.

Good thoughts deliver you from your fears. Escapism is thinking about the good possibilities. This is your mold of getting away from the pressures and stresses.

But there is a part of you that has been 'kidnapped' and it has to do with the masculine and authority. This is something you have had to do in your life. Be the strong person and take charge. You have been 'blackmailed' into having to be this 'adult' {you have to do it or else}. You are having to negotiate with this masculine part of yourself> It is not something you want to do but have gotten used to being that person {mother and dad to your siblings as well as to yourself}. You don't have time to 'revolt' since if you don't do these things they won't get done {mother and dad not living up to their responsibilities so you have to do it for them}. This has been a constant in your life {fortified based} your life being one of constants that influence who you are. You have the abilities {what else can you do?} to be the 'good guy' but it is taking a toll on you. You feel you can't move forward in your life as long as family needs you.

You are ready to move on to the next stage of your life, are getting things in order to do so. Your 'mothering' responsibilities is holding you back and this make your 'masculine self' angry {anger is a masculine quality}. Your higher ambitions are having to wait because of the mothering factor. You can't fight the brave new world because of your responsibilities. That is the terror{ists} you want to fight but are stuck doing the same ole same old stuff.
Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Zombies in the Snow

The blackmail thing makes sense, since I haven't really had much control over most things in my life. My family is currently causing me a lot of stress that my life would be easier without at the moment as well. Thanks for your insight as always! :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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