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Hells labyrinth

Heads up ; this is very long. And unfortunately I have another ( not as long)to share. Lots of wired dreams lately.

I convinced my boyfriend to go with me to an enormous Japanese garden. I'd been there once before and I wanted him to go with me because 'it's full of demons who stalk those who are alone'.

This time was different. It was even bigger and more like a theme park ( inside the garden.) I wandered into an Irish pub by myself where I ran into my best friend who told me there was a haunted house she wanted to visit ( which existed on its own plane and was infinite in space- inside a pub - inside a theme park- inside a forest- on an island)

The inside of the haunted house was made up to look like endlessly twisting catacombs. Skeletons littered the floor and I had a constant feeling that something malevolent was watching me.

I ran into a demon it looked like an evil, and very fat radish demon ( Japanese mythology) it immediately attacked and though I was terrified I was able to fight it- I had a sword with me, as I always do even when it doesn't fit the setting. I stabbed him many times and it barely slowed him down. At one point he three me a spear. I put down my sword but the spear was even less effective than the sword, si I picked it up again kept the spear in the other hand but didn't use it.

No matter how many times I stabbed the demon it didn't matter. I eventually cut off his head. He fell for a minute while I looked for the exit. There were none. Only a demonic looking fireplace. Suddenly my friend was with me again. She told not be believe anything I saw there. At that time the demon grew another head and started to slowly walk toward me. Having no other way out I jumped into the fire place and crawled through the lava ( yah it was lava for some reason ) it wasn't hot at all. My friend and I crawled through the tunnel of lava with the demon following behind us.

Eventually we found our way back to the pub and I was alone again. I went to leave and almost walked back into the catacombs. I realized that this 'pub' was a labyrinth that kept changing its shape so I couldn't escape. I spent a good part of the dream trying to find my way out. I avoided the catacombs because it became darker the closer I got.
I eve tally came across an exit sign. Then I remembered how my friend had said not to trust anything I saw. This was also the first new area I had seen I decided to follow the false sign. I knowingly left my friend behind, figuring I'd never find her again.

I ended up in area that was more like an actual haunted house; dark, green eerie lights and chains hanging from the ceiling. Instead of demons there were ghost zombies and creepy humans in stripes top hats and waistcoats. They were tormenting many people who were also trapped.

I was approached by several monsters one of them said something menacing to me but instead of being frightened I was more aggravated and so I just gave some smart-ass response.
Suddenly, I was back in the garden, but it too had a maze littered with several monsters that looked like the radish demon but smaller and less hostile.

I then ran into another friend( one who does not exist in the real world) that I had apparently promised I would help get back home. We found the shore. I knew his home was another island so we swam. The atmosphere was also unsettling, cold, grey, typical WA but with the same menacing feel of the catacombs. I after a long time I realized this was also a trap that I would never be able to escape.
It inlay ended when I forced myself to wake up.

I noticed that I did only run into demons after my friends had gone. But did the demons attack because I was alone? Or did my friends only come to me because the demons weren't around?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30

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Re: Hells labyrinth

It does look as if you have studied Japanese mythology. There myths are Shinto and Buddhism which is a {Shinto} warrior type religion {demonstrated by fanatical behavior in WW2}. Much different than Buddhism in India.

First off houses in a dream symbolize the dreamer. The house is you. Your house is 'haunted'. Or at least some aspect of it is. The best friend would be that part of you that looks after your well being. If she is a real person then qualities she possesses would be something you identify with. Is she helpful, dependable? Your dreams are also a part of the friend {beyond the real person}. Dreams try to help you resolve emotional issues.

In 'your house' there are skeletons {emotional issues or a particular emotional issue}. You cut off its head but it returns which suggest no matter how you treat it the issue will not go away. It has strength which may indicate a serious issue you can not avoid. This is a tormenting issue, something that has been buried in our unconscious. Overall your waking life is good {garden} but there are underlying emotional issue{s} that you can not escape from. This issues is beginning to make its way to your conscious mind {or is beginning to take a toll}. The unconscious monsters are becoming real in your waking life. This may be an issue you have placed into the back of your mind {or repressed} that is now making its way to consciousness.

Two possibilities I see in the dream. One would be an emotional issue that will never go away until you confront it. That would involve past experiences that cause it to be an issue to begin with. Something very frightening {monsters}. You have been living your life with this issue pushed back into your unconscious and able to control it by having it there. Otherwise your life has been OK {garden}. Look back at your life experiences and determine if there is an issue or issues that could fit. It could be involve early life and how you were brought up. how was your childhood? Or it could have been a frightening experience or experiences that you have pushed aside so not to have to deal with it. There are skeletons and ghosts in your 'closet'. Look at your life and determine what they are.

A second possibility that would have some relationship to the first {skeletons but not overwhelming serious issues from early life}. Look at this possibility if there is not something more serious from earlier life.

Your dream starts out with your bf. Are there pending issues in that relationship? Is there something from your past that influences the relationship with him? Perhaps bad relationships previously. There may be intuitive feelings about the relationship that are telling you something you should pay attention to.

Skeletons, ghosts, haunted houses. That suggests there is something withing your unconscious that is haunting you, something that has yet to be resolved. A good chance it is focusing on something very emotional disturbing from earlier life. Look at that and determine what it could be if anything. If not anything serious {be honest with yourself} then the issue will be more associated with current waking life issues that are tormenting you. Possibly involving your bf.

I took a quick look at your second dream. I would look to the first possibility I gave as the issue the dream is trying to resolve. Look at your childhood for the answers.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Re: Hells labyrinth

There are definitely issues from the past that are till 'haunting' me. Those are things that I'd rather discuss through E-mail.

As for the rest, that friend is a real person, an old roommate.

We really are very different. To be truthful, I find her to be very immature. she has Princess complex and is a lot like a little sister.I don't hear from her much but when I do it's something like " I hit my head really hard today. Normally I'd call the Dr but I don't cuz I wanna be strong like you."

I would say the one thing we have in common is that were both looking for something but we don't know what.

Life has been 'okay' but a constant uphill battle. But I think the world is a beautiful place. Not only in it's natural form but in the unpredictable way it seems to 'work'.

My boyfriend is the type of person who has empathy for just about everyone and he wants to make the world a better place. While I distrust the vast majority of people and have given up on them and the world they've made.

I suppose there are a few problems, we've discussed them and we both realize that they are mostly circumstantial.
Of coarse, they are still problems and accepting that little can be done does not help me at all.

For the most part, I would say we have a good relationship

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30

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Re: Hells labyrinth

Thanks for the post. I should get a good idea what patterns are emerging from these two dreams along with her follow ups. I provide my thoughts Sunday morning. I have a full day of obligations on Saturday but Sunday morning I am totally free to give my full attention to them.

Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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