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Same man keeps showing up.....

There is a man who has like this crazy black aura around him that appears in my dreams from time to time. I usually don't realize it's him until after I wake up. This was a dream I had last year that was slightly disconcerting that had him in it.

The man was an assassin who had been hired to kill my little sister. Only it wasn't my little sister in real life it was a little Asian girl who was about the same age. Anyways I basically spent the whole dream trying to protect this little girl. Only it was weird because me and the guy felt like old friends despite the fact he was also my arch nemesis. So when he wasn't trying to kill my sister we talked and joked around and it just felt like I'd known him for a long time. Then he'd suddenly stop talking and make a move to get my sister and I would stop him. This is where it was weird though, I would just like tap him and he'd fly off all dramatic like I'd swung at him with a mallet. I became suspicious because he was older and bigger than me and this should be stronger too right? I felt like he was playing around with me. Luckily that made protecting the girl much less stressful. Anyways at one point my "sister" wandered into the woods by the playground we were at. Me and the guy followed her and then he stopped and said something like "Alright it's time to stop messing around." That's when I noticed his black aura. I sensed his change in attitude and realized he wasn't being playful anymore, he was going to seriously try and kill my sister. So I took my beast form and roared at him in the most frightening way I could, usually enough to intimidate any dream character. Sure enough the other parents and kids in the woods freaked out and started running away or panicking. The guy didn't. He just stood there, smirking at me, apparently amused. Now my beast form in itself I imagine looks pretty horrifying so I was already stumped at his reaction. Angry, I swiped at him, intending to slice through his clothes to show him I meant business. (I didn't want to slash his skin because I did like him) Nothig happened though. It was as if I'd just run my fingers down him. But sometimes in my dreams that happens, so I just pretend like my powers work and then usually the bad guys act like they did. So I said "Ha! I've torn your coat!" And he just shook his head a little, still smiling at me and said "No you haven't. Not even close." This was shocking, the fact that he wasn't playing along, couldn't be controlled like my other dream characters.

So I tried punching him, hard. He caught my fist like it was nothing. Again I'd like to re-emphasize that this DOESN'T HAPPEN ever, not when I'm in beast form. It was as if he was literally negating all my powers. Then he said teasingly "What powers are you even meant to have? Do any of them work?" I glared at him and told him I still had my fire breath and he said "Ok let's see that." So I blew at him but no fire came out, just hot air. Even when I don't see fire actually come out of my mouth in dreams, my enemies still act like they were burned. He didn't. I'll quote my dream journal here "It's like how sometimes when I'm in beast form I still see myself as a normal person, but everyone else sees the monster. This guy saw right through my facade and it was really unnerving. He wasn't pretending for me, wasn't playing along like everyone else seemed to." He just made some joke about how my breath stank and then walked off because my sister had left the woods and gone back to the playground. I hadn't even noticed. After that I turned human again and ran after him and started asking all these weird questions like "What do you think O am? If I'm not a beast then what am I??" He just burst out laughing at me, like I was hilarious. I thought he was some sort of demon and I kept yelling at him to tell me what I was, getting more and more frustrated. I wasn't really mad at him, I just desperately wanted to know what I was and he wasn't taking me seriously. He acted like I was the only one who wasn't in on some great joke. At the end of the day he just shrugged and gave up trying to kill my sister and told me I won, then he left like he didn't care about killing her in the first place. I returned home with my little sister who had become a little boy instead and had a normal evening.

In this dream he was in a trench coat and fedora that really concealed his features. He also looked unkempt with a bushy black beard and curly black hair. He's probably in his mid 20's. He had shown up in dreams before that though in different clothes with different hairstyles, sometimes shaved. He always stood out to me because he could control my dreams like I could. For example once he literally paused my entire dream to come talk to me. He usually plays the main villain when he appears, and when I first met him he scared me a lot, though our relationship seems to have improved as in this dream we felt like old friends and in my most recent dream he was in (he was the construction worker I questioned in the monster mansion dream) he seemed to take a more passive, non aggressive role in my dream. Anyways another thing that gets me about him is he is one of the few dream characters I've met who always seems to know we are in a dream, even when I don't, and has better control over the dreamscape than I do. I'm really intrigued by this shadow man.'

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Same man keeps showing up.....

This is the developing or needed masculine aspect we have been discussing in previous posts. The inter-play in the dream probably involves a lot of personal associations. Those only you can discern.

In your comments you state you and the dream man have conversations. What was discussed? That would be important to understanding the dream and what masculine aspects are being addressed.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Same man keeps showing up.....

Well I don't remember exactly what it was we talked about. It was just casual small talk stuff I think, or I'd joke around with him and ask him about his plans or something. I'm not sure what you mean by personal associations.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Same man keeps showing up.....

It is important to ask questions when you have lucid dreams, especially if you learn to control them. Next time you have a dream of this male ask him who he is and what he wants. That may reveal the nature of what he represents in your psyche. Lucid dreaming can be a great tool when used properly.

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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