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Hi all,
I keep dreaming about the Seinfeld cast and they are actually personal friends in them. Why would that be?

dream interpretations

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33

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Re: Seinfeld?

I don't understand your full post, the part about 'and they are actually personal friends in them'. As for dreaming about Seinfeld and the characters in the show you probably identify in some way or aspect to one or more of the characters. Dreaming about Seinfeld characters could have been stimulated by your watching the program. Characters in your dreams would relate to something about yourself and not about the actual people in the show. For instance, if you dream about Elaine then there would be some type of association to her that fits in your personality or life. Her emotional response in an episode could be how you feel or would react.

If you could clarify your post perhaps I could be more helpful. Also you provided a link. Please reply to my post to clarify your post or I will have to delete the entire post because of your link. I consider such linking as spam. I do not allow linking unless it is in context to your posted dream.
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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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