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Black Rat chasing me turns into a Man

Hi all, wondering if someone can interpret this dream for me.

I've never had this dream before, by the way. It starts out with a large black rat chasing me along a lane way where I used to live (my family home) and it's nipping at me the whole time, but never bites me. I'm throwing things at it do hold it back. At one point it's hidden in amongst a lot of black cats and I feel bad because the rocks I'm throwing are hitting them too.

I manage to run ahead and I am inside my parents house. I see the rat climbing through the window and I'm terrified. Suddenly it turns into a fully grown man and I feel like he wants to help, not hurt me. Just as he is coming closer to me (and I'm not feeling scared now) I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Ireland

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Re: Black Rat chasing me turns into a Man

It would be most helpful to know your age. It may not be abig factor but often is important to know.

The dream may be focusing on earlier life experiences {family home/parent's house}. If you can determine if there was a noted time period that you were in your parent's house that may reveal exactly when this experience occurred {were you or did you feel younger in the dream when you were inside your parents house {in the dream?}. That usually coincides with the actual time frame any emotional experience {in early life} would have occurred.

If you will provide your age and answer if you can the questions I posed I should be able to provide a good interpretation. I already see possible patterns {dreams speak in a language of symbol and metaphor with emotional patterns or motifs}. There may be patterns pointing to guilt as well as a betrayal of trust.
Melbourne Fence Pros ....

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: Black Rat chasing me turns into a Man

Hi Jerry, thanks for the reply. Sorry, I'm 35 now. I think I did feel younger, but not teenage younger. Probably in my early 20's. I lived at home until about 25, if that helps.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Ireland

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Black Rat chasing me turns into a Man

Thanks for the updated info. It is probably important even if it were only a feeling of being in your 20s. That would coincide with living with your parents until you were 25.

A rat in a dream often symbolizes feelings of guilt, and/or doubts about some aspect of yourself. The black color would represent the unconscious. Thus the dream may be addressing unconscious doubts you had during those years prior to leaving the 'nest' at age 25. Anytime there is a symbol of the parent's home then there would be an association to that place, and time period, the dream is wanting to communicate. Dreams are about the emotions and in your dream this black rat {unconscious guilt/doubt} was nipping at you. It could be the 'rat' also represents addressing a 'negative' relationship with person or persons. In this case they could be your parents, nipping at you because you still are living at home. Were there arguments with your parents during those last years where you 'threw back' as much as they gave {verbally}?

The cats may be your parents in a different positive mold, as protectors and providers. Because they are your parents you felt bad about the negative aspects but appreciated the positive. These would be natural unconscious {black} feelings that were never expressed because of the conflicts with your parents. The black color could also represent the negatives {symbols can represent more than one thing}.

Through those years prior to leaving your parents home you managed to 'stay ahead' of the conflicts with your parents {you survived despite the conflicts}. Windows are openings to seeing something. What may have been terrifying was having to be on your own {or whatever else there could have been that caused the conflicts with our parents}. the rat in this instance would be something you fear {again, different applications to every symbol}. But deep down you know you are a fully grown man and you will have to take responsibility for your own life. the time was coming closer to make that move from dependency to maturity.

You did not provide your age and that could be important. If your leaving your parents home was relatively recent then the dream is likely addressing the issues I prescribed above {it would be a logical possibility due to the images and relationships}. If it was longer then there are probably other issues in play. Take a look at the years in your 20s when you still lived at home and see what was 'nipping at you'. It would involve your parents in some way. If you are older and have a son of your own there may be memories of your experiences at age 20 that have associations with your own children {or other people that age}. This is one reason why it is important to know the age of the dreamer, to determine time frames of the emotional conflicts.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

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Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Black Rat chasing me turns into a Man

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for the update. You must have missed it but I did give my age in the second reply. I'm 35. I'm also female ;-)

Hmm, I started to reply to you saying this wasn't really the case but actually something happened the night before this dream. They wanted me to go to an event and I really just didn't want to do, so I didn't!! I felt a bit guilty about it but I'm at that age now where I've stopped pleasing others and am pleasing myself :). Normally we have a great relationship though and I never argue / fall out with them. I come from a big family and we are all very close.

When I was living at home, it was fine. They wanted me to stay longer, but I bought my own house at 24 and moved in a year or so later, when it was finally built.

So your comment on the rat symbolising guilt really makes sense. I did feel guilty about not going to the event they wanted me to, but I stayed firm in my resolve! I guess it affected my subconscious more than I realised.

This is fascinating stuff by the way. I was really intrigued by this because I've never had this type of dream before. I have an array of dreams, but none like this one.

Thanks, Shinny

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Ireland, 35

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Black Rat chasing me turns into a Man

The scenario you mentioned in your reply would fit one aspect of the dream, a more recent event that created an emotional conflict {although relatively minor, any conflict is capable of being the topic in a dream}. But with every dream there is at least two meanings/applications {standard Jungian dream theory which I have found to be correct}. I believe there is the deeper issue in this dream, one I addressed but in a different context.

Contemplate this possibility. Instead of your parents wanting you to leave the roost because of conflicts I mentioned it was you who was ready to leave and begin your own life. The 'unconscious' guilt {black rat} would be your psyche knowing it was time for you to become 'fully grown man'. That time was 'getting closer' to you when you awoke from the dream. There is a fear in having to be own your own {being terrified}, either because of the responsibilities or because not wanting to leave your family {a good relationship with them, they may not have wanted you to leave}. This leaving has been nipping at you for some time but, until now, not really something you wanted to do or could do {leave the family home}. The rocks you were throwing may symbolize 'be contemplating some changes in your life that will lay the groundwork for your own foundation'. But to leave would cause emotional conflicts for your parents {I'm throwing are hitting them too}. It was the last statement in paragraphs that led me to believe there was a conflict with your parents. But instead of a conflict with them there was a conflict concerning them.

I can see from what you posted in your reply that in some form the above would probably fit with your real waking life situation. This scenario would have been in the past, when you were living at home. Look back that period of time and determine if in fact there were such feelings.

Another possibility, one that would be related to the above, would be you as a parent having to experience {or worry} about one of your children leaving the roost. "Suddenly it turns into a fully grown man" could fit with that. The rat would be guilt feelings you possess. The black cat would represent unconscious anima or feminine aspects {your emotional self} hidden within the guilt feelings.

Consider all the possibilities I have mentioned and see which fits. I believe you will see something that does. Seldom does an interpretation miss the mark completely even though I know so little about the dreamer {age and gender is all i work with from the original posted dream}. If there are other applications those are usually discovered after continued dialog with the dreamer {as in your case}. Having interpreted 3000+ dreams using Jungian psyche, with the benefit of being able to receive a response to my interpretations, I know Jungian dream theory is correct. it is a matter of sorting through the possibilities to get to the actual intent of the dream. More often than not my original interpretation fits close enough for the dreamer to recognize where it fits in their waking life {dreams are about the dreamer's emotional life}. If I had a couch like Freud {who got most of the dream' intent wrong} I feel sure I could interpret any dream since I would know enough about the dreamer's life to fit the dream and the waking situation. Dreams are much like a puzzle needing to be put together correctly to get a picture of what is going on in the dreamer's life {or had occurred and is now affecting their life}. In the end only the dreamer knows for sure but for someone with experience {and using Jungian psyche} interpreting dreams gives a snapshot of what the dreamer's life is about. Dreams are no longer the great mystery they once were and we can give Jung much of the credit for that {the new sciences have pretty much supported his theories even though he died in 1962}. You could say Jung is the 'Einstein' of the psyche.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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