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A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

Ok these are the dreams I had a couple nights ago. (Because I can't remember last night's dream. Sigh.)They will probably both be short because I only recall small excerpts of them both. The first dream I can't make heads or tails of the meaning.

It was several years in the future and I was out of college. I was living in an apartment with my current boyfriend, as we had stayed together. (Curious because I don't plan on dating him after I graduate, I don't like him all that much anymore) We were very close in the dream however and had a good relationship. I ended up finding out he was completely nuts. He sat down with me one night and told me that he was the chosen one, who was destined to father the reincarnation of Christ. (I forgot to say this in my last post, but I am not very religious. I am however very spiritual, like you said about yourself. But I seem to have a TON of religious imagery in my dreams, which is mildly confusing to me. I usually just see it as symbolic)He kept talking about how important he was and all I was thinking about was how deluded he was and that he had a really inflated ego. As I thought that he kept transforming into one of my guy friends (who has a large ego) and back into my boyfriend. (Usually when people change form it means that they are symbolic rather than representing their actual waking self)Then he told me that I was chosen as well, and I had to let him impregnate me (again with the impregnation? ever since that angel dream it's been a recurring theme....) because I was the destined mother of the reincarnation of Christ.

I told him to prove what he was saying and he showed me his special mark, which was three white crosses on the palm of his hand. I asked him how he knew I was chosen, because I didn't have any marks like that. Then he got confused and troubled. He stared at my hands but there was nothing. He began to doubt himself and desperately looked for ways to prove his statement. So he began to cut his hands. I don't remember why, but it had something to do with the proving that we were Christ's new parents. He wouldn't stop obsessively cutting his hands and slitting his fingertips while mumbling to himself about his delusion. Even when one of my good friends came over he wouldn't stop cutting and I was both embarrassed and worried, though my friend didn't seem to notice anything weird about it and acted like everything was normal. Finally to attempt to distract him from his cutting I asked if he wanted to have sex. It worked and he stopped and was excited. But then I didn't actually want to sleep with him so I ended up being coy and saying something like "Well too bad." which made my friend laugh and make some sort of joke about it.

After my friend left we were getting ready for bed and my boyfriend turned out the lights and went to go brush his teeth or something. But I got scared in the dark alone and called out to him, it was like I was a child again. He came in and asked me teasingly what the matter was but when he saw I was actually scared he softened up. I told him I was afraid of the dark and didn't want him to leave me in it like that. He sat with me in bed and held me in his arms and even turned on a lamp wordlessly though I knew he'd rather sleep in the dark. We just sat that way until I woke up, it was very sweet and a good ending to such a strange dream. (Again pointing out that I feel very little for him anymore, so this was kind of odd.)

The second dream I only add because it was an interesting lucid experience. Basically my mom dropped me and my three younger brothers off at an amusement park at night and said we could ride as many rides as we wanted. It was a lot of fun scrambling from ride to ride and I wanted to go on a rollercoaster but knew that it wouldn't be the same as riding a rollercoaster in real life. As me and my brothers got on I asked the ride attendant if he was going to make the ride lame and unrealistic and he said "Hey if we gave you the real deal it would wake you up." And I was like "Ok, ok." Because I didn't want the dream to end. We rode the coaster but none of the adrenaline or excitement was there, no wind in our face, nothing. Finally at the end the attendant said "Alright fine I'll make it real but don't blame me if it makes the dream end." Then for the last stretch of the coaster it was as if I was actually riding a rollercoaster and he was right, it was really hard to stay asleep I had to fight not to wake up and people on the ride with us kept disappearing as if they were waking up. I made it to the end of the ride without losing the dream though. We were walking around the park looking for another rollercoaster to ride when I woke up. I think this dream was just a silly fun one that didn't have too much deeper meaning, I just found it humorous that my dream characters and I were so open to the fact that it was a dream. Lucid dreams interest me very much as well. Also sorry that ended up being longer than I intended, I think it's because of my added commentary o.o whoops

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 usa

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Re: A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

I'll provide my thoughts on this dream tomorrow. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings are my days to go to the gym. I like to give my mornings to working with dreams and my gym time cuts into those days. Sometimes my 'intuitive' mind is working and I work with dreams but more often I use afternoons to work on my websites and other interests.

While on the subject of working out. DO it! Physical fitness has been a part of my lifestyle for the past 30+ years. Long before I discovered Jung it was the physical fitness that kept me centered. And the benefits go well beyond that. At the age of 63 I still can do things most people my age can not. The only medicine I take is aspirin. I wake up in the mornings ready to go and not burdened with medications and a wrecked body.
I have a basketball routine where I can still run around like a 14 year old. It takes a lot longer to recoup {there are some things about aging you can't change} but I live very healthy life and feel good every day. Few of my peers can say that. Not that I am 'better' than they but because I have lived a healthy lifestyle by intent. The old saying, "pay me now or pay me later" hits home when you start to grow old---er. I don't look my age and certainly don't act it. The best of two worlds...a physical body that still functions properly and the wisdom that comes with living 63 years {of experience}.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

There are probably a mixture of masculine aspects, your animus and men in general, that are being addressed in the dream. The topic may be whether to trust your masculine aspects and the trust in men in general. I suspect the dream is focusing on the trust in men in general more than the animus. This could be because of your father and the image he displays in how he lives life. You are not particularly fond of the male bf and plan to leave him after you graduate from high school. Is that not what will happen with your father when you do graduate?
Note: This would be a perfect example of how early life influences can affect later life personality and actions. How the father acts becomes an unconscious, 'imprinted' model for the psyche. Such imprintating can be controlling later in life if not realized.

What are your general feelings toward guys {not that a negative view suggests you are gay or anything like that}? Do you think some of your male friends act as if they are 'incarnations of Christ', inflated egos? There may have been a recent experience with particular guys that stimulated these images. Your father, although perhaps not having an inflated ego, can be seen as 'God' when it comes to decisions. You are correct about religious images being symbolic. The symbols are metaphors for your own psyche. Put the father image together with your feelings toward a guy or guys in general and you have a dream like this one.

The transforming may be evidence of the imprinting I mentioned. If there is a general impression most guys have inflated egos that could lead to an out of balance view of men. The experience with your father, the constant changes in your life, could present an out of balance view. Men will tell a woman one thing {make them feel as if they are the 'chosen one' only to disappoint withe their actions}.

There is a resistance in the dream about being the chosen one {female}. That would be the dream presenting a balanced approach as well as your actual realistic feelings {being seduced by men}. Men are, in general, confused and troubled {does that fit you father?}. To trust a guy you will need proof. They lack the ability to control themselves, in general and especially sexually {at the age of 18 guys hormones are raging}. An offering of sex does tend to quiet them down. But for women love isn't just about sex {again, guys raging hormones give cause to believe sex is the most important thing to them}.

Despite your wariness of males you know you need them {if you turn out the lights on possible relationships you will become frightened, of being alone}. Those feelings will soften your view of guys. You need them despite their short comings. At the moment you have very little use for guys {your mind is on the future and graduating and going to college}. You have to leave a 'light on' for future 'use' of guys but now that is not your purpose.

Look at your dreams as depicting how you truly feel about things in your life. This is what this dream and all dreams are doing.

In the second dream I see your life as it is, a roller coaster. The fun part may be about promises being made to you but in reality your roller coaster life is not fun. Your dream {expectations and not the literal dream} is for life to be fun like a true roller coaster. At the moment that is only a 'dream' and those great expectations are disappearing because of the true conditions in your life {a fake roller coaster that is not fun}. Because your life is not fun in your early 'roller coaster' life, you look for something better in the 'park' that is.

Again the dream is depicting how you feel about life. Your life has been a roller coaster and there is a lot of dissatisfaction. By using lucid dreaming you try to enjoy the dream but in the end true life invades {which is good since the dream is trying to present reality as opposed to the false ego perceptions}. There is always deeper meaning to our dreams but we do not have to let that get in the way of enjoying them. Especially our lucid dreams.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

Ok first I should probably clarify on my relationship with my father. He is a very intelligent and successful man who's really family oriented and I know he loves us all a ton. I also love his sense of humor and silliness. I really don't blame the moving deal on him at all. He just likes to take new opportunities, and that moves him up in the business world which means we get more money, nicer things, etc. In fact before each time we move he usually takes me out and tells me as the oldest kid before everyone else that we will be moving and we talk it over. Heck he even gave me the option not to move my senior year, I could have stayed and lived with a friend. But I didn't want to be away from my family, especially my last year with them. Ok so that's the positive side of my dad. On his negatives he is absolutely selfish, childish, a control freak and has a ferocious temper. He has improved so much since when I was a kid and hasn't had an official blow-up since we moved here. But that really affected my feelings towards him when I was young. I hated him. I don't mean like childish resentment I mean I loathed him, I wanted him dead. Mainly because of the temper issue. He would blow up over the stupidest things like if the remote control wasn't on his chair when he got home. Then he'd yell and scream and throw a big tantrum only with an adult man that's terrifying, especially to children. He was also awful to my mom.....really night he would yell and cuss at her until she cried.....he was never physically abusive or anything but he just always expected too much of everyone and was (and is) literally incapable of putting himself in anyone else's shoes. Basically he was emotionally abusive.(A term I never would have used until my school psychologist brought it up after I talked with took me a while to come to terms with it) This had a huge and very negative impact on me as a kid....I don't harbor that hatred anymore but it's a struggle to get past all that. I've started to see that he's only human and that he has good and bad aspects to him just like everybody else, and like I said he is so much better than he was and doesn't scream at my mom every night anymore.

So there is that. As for my view on men in general I really don't harbor any negative feelings whatsoever. I know all men aren't my dad. I actually sort of envy guys because their lives and friendships seem so simple. Girls have always been so complex and confusing to me and I hate drama. That's one of the reasons why I was such a tomboy as a kid, I hated girly stuff and didn't understand any of it anyways. However that whole me viewing guys as simple can at times become slightly condescending in that I view guys as....well simple minded. Ruled by impulse and instinct. And maybe I do think in some cases egotistical. So I envy mans' simplicity yet also look down on it? I realize that isn't a good thing to do....I really never thought about how I felt until you asked o.o I have positive and negative views towards both genders though, I mean girls are very manipulative and always seem to have ulterior motives.....bah. Also all of my current guy friends do have HUGE egos, my two best guy friends are sassy gay guys, one very attractive and has an inflated ego over that, one is very smart and has an inflated ego due to that. My other guy friends all have pretty big egos for some reason or another too now that I think of it. It doesn't bother me really, for the large part I find it amusing.

Trust is a tricky subject for me....I have been hurt by people a lot, most of which has happened from middle school on....I am a naturally trusting person, but certain repeated negative situations with people caused me to lose that trust and now I am quite paranoid and insecure in most of my relationships, platonic or otherwise....I have come to realize this and also that I am at my most comfortable and happy and natural with people whom I KNOW like me 100%. Otherwise my mind always tends to expect the worst from people, because the worst has happened to me before. So yeah I don't think my trust issues fall on males alone. I definitely acknowledge that I need guys though. Back when I was still lovey-dovey with my boyfriend when I was with him I literally just forgot about all my troubles and all my stress and was just happy, living in the moment, feeling incredibly safe and relaxed. I wouldn't give that feeling up for anything, so no matter what my trust issues I know I won't give up on guys. Also my boyfriend doesn't have a big ego, he's actually quite humble. But he's also very passive, never takes the lead in anything and can't make decisions which I find unattractive.... I know there are really nice dudes out there I guess I just haven't found them yet X( (Not to say that my guy friends aren't nice....wah)

And I agree with you on the roller coaster dream :)(Oh and before I forget, you remember that dream I had with the black spider on the post? I had another dream that was almost identical. I was at an animal science camp and another young, mischievous girl had grabbed one of the spiders without permission so I took it from her. When I set it down I realized it was that same spider from before, big black with huge pincers, and the more I stared at it the bigger and creepier it got, and again I felt very lucky that it hadn't bitten me when I picked it up.....the girl just kept laughing at my disturbed reaction like it was funny.You don't have to interpret that I just thought I should mention the theme. I don't like having the same basic dream often because it makes me feel like I haven't made progress with an issue if my subconscious has to keep bringing it up...)

Anyways as always thank you for your time and patience with my often very long dreams :D

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 usa

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Re: A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

It is not that you don't have love and great respect for your father. It would be the unconscious aspects of the constant changes that I am pointing to. His negatives also are a part of the unconscious view. These are natural aspects of growing up with the type life you have lived. Everyone, I repeat, everyone is a product of their early life environment. No two people are the same and could have similar early life experiences and turn out different. But those early experiences/influences do govern who they become. My concern is that you are aware of these energies that can unconsciously control your life because of your early life. We have covered a lot in our conversations and I believe you have discovered aspects you were previously unaware of. Now that you know these things it is important to apply what you have learned. Not to do will leave you beholden to unconscious drives brought about by early life experiences/influences. I may be expecting too much of you in understanding how important this is. This is one purpose, the therapeutic aspect, of your dreams. To provide insights to the unconscious drives of experiences in life {all through life but especially early life since it is that period of time emotional conflicts begin}. I use my own experiences plus my experiences from working with other people's dreams as evidence. In my mind it is a undeniable truth. But more than anything it is a common sense thing. If you grow up in Alabama you will be different than if you grow up in California. Two entirely different environments that are imprinted on the psyche. Beware and you will be more likely to correct the negatives. You can't change the past but you can prevent a recurrence of it. As the saying goes, 'Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat'. That includes personal history.
Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

It's not that I don't understand the importance of having to learn from our pasts, it's that I am not quite sure as of yet how exactly my past has affected me. I am beginning to get hints of ideas but I'm still not sure of anything. I know I don't want to marry a man like my dad. I also know that I don't want to move around a lot once I have my own house and graduate from college and whatnot. I am not sure how the whole me having to play second mother will affect me as a mother myself. I know that this experience has exhausted me with small children and I do not want to have any for quite some time, not until I've done all I've wanted with my life and am ready to dedicate it completely to them. I want to enjoy being independent for once!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 usa

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Re: A confusing/disturbing yet familiar dream and a fun one

These things will play out as you get older. But being conscious of them now helps you understand the possibilities. When you enter into a relationship {romantic or otherwise} look deep into the other person to determine what possesses their soul. Often even conscious knowledge can not escape unconscious forces. The best defense is the intuitive mind, those instincts when developed will let you know immediately who a person is. First impressions are always correct as long as you do not let the thinking mind interfere. And of course paying attention to your dreams will help. Learning to interpret dreams at an early age will be of great benefit, not only for you but other people if you ever use this skill to analyze their dreams. You are reaching the soul when you interpret dreams. That is why we call it soul work.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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