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Naked photo of women on the laptop


I would like an interpretation of this dream please:

So, I am in my living room and on my laptop their is a beautiful picture of a naked women, I think she is being 'submitted' by other men. I am in my living room with my sister. Now, I'm a perfectly stable 24 year old male who does not normally look at indecent images.

What is your intepretation of this dream Jerry?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 and England

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Re: Naked photo of women on the laptop

The key words in your dream may be 'submitted' by other men. Your respect for women is illustrated by those comments. But that respect may be too restricted, a feeling that all women should be like sisters. Sexual desire is a natural process and any extreme one way or the other can lead to an imbalance within the psyche. Your psyche is actually saying this in the statement, "a beautiful picture of a naked women". Beautiful pictures are just that, beautiful. A naked woman is not in itself ugly. Its how it is used that makes it ugly. Men who produce 'ugly' pictures of women are using them {and unfortunately women are letting themselves be used}. In the living world there are these truths. Art is not ugly, misuse of art is.

Look at your feelings toward women and see if it fits the above. Do you feel women should be 'wholesome' {like a sister} and not submit to having their bodies displayed? That is not in itself a bad thing but too narrow of mindedness could be bad for your sexual health as well as how you treat women. It is OK to submit to a man's thinking when it comes to other aspects but nakedness is wrong? You view may be too wholesome. But better that than exploiting women.

Dreams are by 'nature' therapeutic and try to create a balance. Anything out of balance in a dreamer's life will come up as a topic in their dreams.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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