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This dream was just weird

This dream was pretty much set into 4 distinct parts, getting to school, the love triangle, the accident, and the widow's cottage. OK so something happened and I had to take a new route to school. It was a huge highway they had just built. I hated that they had built it, it made it so much more stressful to get to school as opposed to my old easy and relaxing way. Our school had also been remodeled so the entrance was this big auditorium that looked like the set of a gameshow. We had to meet in there every morning to go over announcements. On the first day of the highway opening I made my mom drive me to school because I was too afraid to brave driving it on my own. But once I had gotten to school I realized that I had forgotten everything at home, my backpack, my flute, everything. I was so irritated because the highway made the drive longer thus making it more difficult for my mom to drive me all my stuff and just making things more difficult in general.

Then I was at school. In the dream I was older, like in my 20's somewhere (but I was still in high school?)There was a sort of love triangle thing going on between me and two other guys who were also somewhere in their 20's. One was a foreign guy, from Spain, with an accent and everything. He had a darker complexion, black curls and olive skin. He was a big romantic and there was huge chemistry between us. We could never keep off each other and would always flirt and do these little things in public. The second guy was also attractive, tall and blonde. He was more goofy and awkward and was good at making me laugh. I could never decide which one I was going to go for and make my official boyfriend, because currently I was casually dating both. (I hadn't known them that long) They knew about eachother and hated one another, for reasons of competition I'm sure. They would always almost get into fights and I'd have to send them away. I had another guy friend, who was an older man who looked very much like the Doc from Back to the Future, with his labcoat and crazy white hair. I just called him "Professor" and helped him out with experiments from time to time. He was good friends with both the boys also and knew them very well. One day I was lamenting to him that I didn't know which one to choose. I had been leaning toward the blonde though. I was more excited by and attracted to the Spaniard, but he was so suave/gorgeous/cool, etc. that I was afraid once he got to know my whole silly personality he wouldn't like me anymore. The blonde guy was weird himself so I thought he'd be more accepting. To my surprise the Professor pointed at the Spaniard and said "I think he's a better match for you." Well the Prof. knew us all very well and I trusted his judgement. I went over and sat with the Spaniard and he hugged me and told me he thought I was amazing and exciting to him and that he really liked me, which wasn't just an ego boost it was also a relief to know he reciprocated my feelings.

Later I was on my way to the Professor's house to help him with something when something happened, an accident of some sort. I don't remember what it was, if it was a car accident or something attacked me or what. I do know that I went unconscious and when I woke up I realized that half my skull had blown off and the entire back half of my brain was completely exposed. I was horrified and felt very vulnerable. Luckily I had made it to the Prof.'s house and he told me he could fix me up if I came out to his lab. His lab was in the middle of a courtyard he had. The courtyard was pretty on a normal day. He kept chickens and so they were all wandering about clucking away. There was also a ton of different critters in the courtyard, he probably used them for experiments or something. Snakes, frogs, birds, lizards, whatever. This became a problem for me when I walked out to get to the lab. I noticed the chickens starting to follow behind me. I soon realized that they wanted to get at my brain. (Yeah I told you this was a weird dream) I started running and they were flapping after me trying to eat my brain. Other critters were chasing me as well. Finally I got into the lab which was just this humble little one room wooden building. I got onto the operating table and the Prof. injected me with anesthesia. But just as he did all the critters burst through the door. It was horrible, I felt the drug knocking me out but I couldn't let myself lose consciousness or else the animals would eat my brain. The Professor was very unaffected by this and was laughing and telling me to calm down, that everything would be alright. It was hard to believe him when I was holding a huge snapping snake inches from my face. He grabbed it and tossed it outside saying "See no big deal. Now that he's gone the others should leave too." and they did. So I finally let go and he fixed me up.

After that we moved onto what I had originally come to help him with, which was procuring some ingredients he needed for his next experiment. The only place these ingredients could be found was the Widow's Cottage. She lived very very far away in complete seclusion in a big open field. I traveled out there with the blonde guy to go get the stuff. Her house was very little and cute. But it had no doors, because she never left the house, ever. It did have windows however, so we creaked them open and climbed in through those. The widow had two twin babies,(my little sisters are twins....) and they were all cats. They were exactly like these little animal dolls I used to play with when I was a kid called Calico Critters. The widow was very kindly and we felt bad that she was out here all alone. So we stayed with her a while and kept her company, chatting and helping her out with little things. When we had to leave she gave us the ingredients and waved goodbye but leaving the house wasn't that easy because no doors, and only one window opened outwards. That window had never been opened before, so it was very dusty and filled with nasty cobwebs. And sitting on the cobwebs was a very familiar little bug, a big black spider with huge fangs. (Third time it's appeared in the past couple weeks) I needed to get out of the window and this spider was seriously deterring me. I tried swatting it off its web and horror of horrors it fell down my shirt. I started freaking out and the blonde guy ran over and tried to help me get it out. It climbed up out of my shirt and was literally trying to crawl into my nose when I yanked it off and tossed it away. Once again, I felt relieved and lucky that it hadn't bitten me. Also surprised since I had seriously manhandled (spiderhandled?) that thing. Then I climbed out the window and we left. That was basically the whole dream. The spider scene would have been almost comical if I wouldn't have been so scared of being bitten.

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Re: This dream was just weird

Maybe I should start posting my dreams in parts 😳. Ack I'm sorry they're always so long, Jerry.

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Re: This dream was just weird

The dream post is very long. Most often when there is a dream this detailed {most don't remember their dreams in such detail} the contents beyond the opening of the dream is repetitive language describing the unfolding 'plot' which leads into the 'climatic' stage of the dream. The climatic stage, or what Jung termed the culmination stage, describes the crucial aspects of the dream and ends with the final stage or closure. Because the dream is in very long I will need to do a detailed analyzation. Give me until this weekend to sort through it. Of course it is more likely addressing much of the topics we have already discussed in previous dream posts so I will be looking for something beyond that or aspects of the dream I feel important to point out.

If you will, in the future, do a summary of your dreams. I am in the process in making changes in my free interpretations and will limit them for new visitors. I am looking to do more personal one on one dream consultations in my area {central Florida} and will put more effort into that. Here is my website that will provide insights to the new direction I am taking in my dream work The Power of Dreams.

For those like yourself for whom I have been working previously I will continue to provide unlimited interpretations. Unless you have a dream that you think is addressing something beyond what we have already gone over, if you will shorten the posts or do a summary it will better fit with my other responsibilities and endeavors. I want to continue our dialog but do need to limit the time I put into dissecting your dreams since they do tend to be very long and detailed. I appreciate your understanding these changes.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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/Gifford Fence Orlando

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Re: This dream was just weird

Of course I understand haha. I was very surprised and grateful that you took the time with my dreams to begin with. It was very difficult for me to find anyone with the patience to help me work through them since they're always so long and you've been a phenomenal help! I will attempt to make shorter summaries of my dreams. It's just difficult when I remember so much of it and I get worried that I'll leave out a detail that seemed insignificant but was actually important. Also there's the fact that I enjoy writing, so I'm probably adding unnecessary descriptions or whatever like when I write stories haha. I'm glad you decided to keep the site open. You've really been a great help and teacher to me when it comes to dreams :) So thank you for the millionth time haha.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18 USA

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Re: This dream was just weird

Finally had time to sit down and give a good look at your dream. I am deep in the process of making changes with how I utilize my dream interpretation skills. I want to work more on a personal one on one relationship with individuals, much like our conversations where we are working to get to the core of the dreamer's conflicts. But unlike our conversations, having personal contact with the dreamer will provide insights as well as factual information about their life. I am completely convinced with this type of personal information I can give a complete and competent interpretation to any dream. And in the process work with the dreamer to help understand how to proceed. Finding answers to the questions is the true goal in interpreting dreams. Understanding the question is the first thing to do and that is what the dream does. The answers come when the dreamer understands the question and decides to do something to answer them.

Your Dream
A new route to school would be new way at approaching 'learning aspects' in life. Since this is the opening part of the dream the rest of the dream will focus on the 'adventures' in your unconscious and conscious life in achieving it. The new highway is the direction for your future. The fears and concerns about that may be a primary focus of the dream. You are loaded down with a lot of emotional baggage which makes it harder to focus on your future.

The two guys are masculine aspects {animus}. My sense these are opposite traits that are seeking to become the primary governing power for your future self. One is the deeper unconscious aspects {dark complexion} you possess and the other the appealing conscious light hearted aspects of your personality {both are personality traits}. The professor is a wise masculine aspect which could have associations to your father. But it is also your deeper self recognizing the best choices to make. The choices to be made are related, on one hand, to how he has lived his life {which has a reflection on your psyche} and the wise choice is to choose the opposite of who he is. The dream is going beyond the desires of the ego self and providing guidance from the deeper wisdom aspects {innate masculine mechanisms}.

This part may be addressing is 'which path to choose' for your future, not only in choosing masculine attitudes that will govern you but also in relationships. The path of the father which is ingrained from the 18 years of experience of living with him are bound to have clear influences on who you are and become. The ego self is more tuned to those experiences and influences, emotional decisions, reflecting in part the personality of your father. The deeper psyche {which is accessed through your dreams} favors objective decisions. Both represent animus aspects {two guys} and opposites fighting to be the governing influence in your future. The 'Spanish' guy {the wise unconscious} is more compatible and reciprocates the true self {true feelings}. In decisions of future love relationships the message is, you do not want to 'marry your father' {we have discussed this in past conversations}. Personality wise, and something that is important to your well being, you don't want to live life prompted primarily by the emotions {reflecting your father's attitude}, but by objective reasoning. These are two opposing forces in your life, one of experiences and influences of early life, and the second of true nature and of which your deeper psyche recognizes and wishes to follow {investigating your dreams at such an early age demonstrates your ability to recognize the importance of knowing your true self}.

I see the third paragraph {reaching the climatic point to the basic plot in the dream} as your evolving masculine psyche as well as experiences {in symbolic expression} with your father. I'll address this in more detail later but first let me comment about one aspect I do not completely understand. My inability to understand would be because one, it is a personal experience that relates to a real waking experience in your life, and two, is not something previously revealed in our conversations. It also is a symbolic statement reflecting an overall relationship with your masculine attitudes but it is the personal experiences I can not determine {which is understandable since specific personal experiences are not often something that can be readily recognized when interpreting dreams}.

Specifically it is the 'car accident or something attacked me'. Later in the dream there is the statement 'no big deal' which is in response to the snake. There is an injection of an anesthesia, an insensitivity to pain. I think these are related. It may be primarily related to overall experiences in your 18 years of family life but there could be a specific experience involved. The car accident is something that went into your 'unconscious' which may be an experience that has been forgotten or even repressed into the unconscious. The experience was horrifying and made you feel vulnerable. Vulnerabilities often are experiences that occur when you are very young, not recognized at the time by the conscious self {too young to understand} but known as 'not right' by the unconscious. I see the first part of the third paragraph addressing this but then pushed into the unconscious so to go to the routine experiences in life. The ending is also reflecting on the experience. Whether it is 'no big deal' is because it was an experience that happened innocently or whether it is a direct reference to someone telling you it was not a big deal. This is something you will have to work out since it is personal and not something I can discern {nor anyone else who interprets dreams because of the personal nature of the experience}.

As for the symbolic reference of the third paragraph. I see it as a continuing commentary on your masculine aspects and developing attitudes. The unconscious influences of the 'professor' has created a potpourri of strange experiences in your life, in general relationship with masculine relationships and specific relationship with your father. Your 'family' life is the barnyard and at the center is the developing relationship with your animus. The chickens would be your siblings {in one aspect}. The critters are the different experiences among the family, the laboratory of life within the family structure {as well as your own psyche}. These experiences have gotten into your brain which is an expression of the influences of the family/general experiences in life. These experiences have ingrained themselves with in your psyche {followed behind you in the unconscious}. It is in this context the anesthesia is induced. I see a comment on the overall scope of personal relationships but again the personal aspects are nor readily available for interpretation. There is an emotional affect and response {telling me to calm down} and the wisdom of the masculine {professor} calms you down. In general the wisdom is of your own innate and developing masculine {a strong developing masculine self} and specifically a true masculine aspect in waking life.

The final paragraph seems to be focused on the relationship of the feminine to the masculine. There may be a surrendering of feminine aspects {perhaps emotional} to the masculine. A Widow's cottage is where a feminine aspect lives. Dead parts. A surrendering of emotional aspects {feminine} to the masculine forces. The references to childhood may be a general statement about your childhood life.

The dream is dealing with masculine identities and which will be the primary force in your future. The two guys are not only the opposing forces working against each other but also reflective of real people but more or less in generalities rather than specifics. An example would the professor. He is a mixture of his true self but also represents your own inner masculine wisdom. He represents the 'outer' professor of wisdom {or perceived wisdom} as well as the 'inner' professor which is your own innate inner wisdom. But there are two aspects to this 'feminine part of yourself' {cottage}. The twin sisters are real life experiences. But the cats are symbolic, which would likely reference feminine aspects. You are having to leave feminine aspects behind, feminine emotions in one respect.

The opening window may have two meanings as well. One is to new aspects of the masculine {animus}. The other could be to a personal experience. Nasty cobwebs. This could have to do with potentials in life, influences in early life if not recognized and corrected limited your potential. Any personal aspects would be limiting also.
And then there is the spider. Spiders are usually feminine references. The mother. There is a deterring nature to this spider. This has a profound affect on your emotions and affects the developing masculine {blond guy}. There may be a fear of becoming like your mother {submissive to the yearnings of the father?}. The good news is you are able to manhandle these 'emotions'. Objectivity may be a strong suite your are developing because of all these 'strange' experiences in your early life.

Overall I see the dream addressing the developing masculine aspects. there may be a personal experience early in life the dream is also addressing but I don't see it as a 'trauma' event as much as a 'gross' experience that left an impression. It would be related to your father. The last the part of the dream, the climax, is showing the influence of the natural emotional self as well as the influence of the mother relationship. If you look at your father/mother relationship with each other you may see a difference of your mother to your father. Does she let him do it is his way? As I stated earlier I don't think you will want to marry your father, a man who is like your father. And you don't wish to be your mother, a 'widow' of loneliness due to giving into the masculine power of the father.

This is also a reference to your masculine psyche. A strong masculine self to counter your mother's personality. Less emotional, more objectivity. Of course the goal is a balance. With all the twos in the dream I see a good potential for that, despite all the conflicts you have had to endure in your first 18 years of life. You may be confused now at the prospects for your future but if you let yourself not be guided by emotional senses but by objective thinking, you be do well.

The new learning aspects in the opening would be, in general, about the developing masculine self. There may be that specific experience I talked about also. Overcoming the emotional baggage you have already accumulated would be a part of the message also. A well developed animus will help you get past the emotional baggage {think about the positive strengths of a man}. Emotional aspects giving way to objectivity. You ask me how do you develop this masculine self. The answer would be you are unconsciously developing it from the experiences in your life. The influence of your father and mother determines who you will become. Not incorporating the negatives will be the task at hand. That requires discipline, a true and valuable masculine trait. Your natural inclination to develop a masculine attitude is a positive. If you follow up on it and not let the emotional aspects rule. To do that would give you a life just like your father and mother.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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/Gifford Fence Orlando

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Re: This dream was just weird

Thanks for getting through this Jerry! Sorry my reply came so late! After coming back to this dream I can agree with the masculine aspects of it, and I also had this dream at a time where I was coming to terms with my sexuality and all that awkwardness so it fits as well. I honestly can't think of any one traumatic incident that happened to me that would correlate with the accident though. Agh.

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