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Re: From a cliff to a guarded library.

Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it. Sorry I wrote it in a way in which you couldn't understand it much I'll work on that. From what you wrote I took note of what I felt as I was reading & it could be true but then again i feel like I've not buried but accepted whatever is to come; not saying I have complete control of my emotions but I've learned for a while the difference in reacting and responding. That itself gave me a lot of insight when it comes to my surroundings & in that I'm able to ground myself and branch out all from a base of clarity. I've had multiple dreams that are still very vivid today with people telling me "you are light" and in my waking life people happen to speak in specific forms of approach that then redirects my thoughts causing remembrance of what it is. Its like I understand but I don't know its just in the midst of the moment when I'm so connected with my thoughts I am able to build the bridge that connects me to my other self and speak of what I understand but don't "know".
My grampa is a very spiritual guy. He spoke to me of the "Akashic records" what if that was MY part of the records? "My mind is a library full of my unknown; what I haven't yet to unfold.
The books are my silent experiences and they explain to me how I've grown"
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Re: From a cliff to a guarded library.

I appreciate the response. You seem to be a level headed young man destined for greater things. Hopefully by exploring your dreams you will learn more about understanding the inner workings of the psyche. It is within those unconscious confines you will make the most important discoveries.

No matter how grounded a person is, we all have unresolved emotional conflicts. My interpretation is based on the dream symbols and what i saw was a conflict from earlier life. if you could comment on the 'experimentation' aspect of the dream we may be able to discern what the intent of the dream was. if you are dreaming about something it means there is something left unresolved.

I do commend your early life search for spiritual understanding. The study of Ākāsa, especially the Buddhist version, is a great way to learn about one's inner being. Growing up in the US and not being so influenced by Western philosophy and religion is a positive. Eastern philosophy, especially Buddhism which is more of a psychology than a religion, have much more to offer than does Western thought. The mystics are the ones who 'know'. In Christian theology it was the Gnostics who understood the true message of Jesus, not one of looking for God outside ourselves, but finding the 'higher power' within oneself. Gnosticism is very much an extension of Buddhist thought. If you continue to read your books you will never be left behind. And although you believe you have a good grasp of your emotions, the study of Jungian psyche will a better understanding of how powerful the emotions are how they can unconsciously control life without knowing it. We are all born with a pre-set book of instructions Jung's Archetypes and to know about these set of innate rules is to be better prepared for life. Continue your growth by first being objective in all things as well as spiritual. My golden rule in life is to think psychologically and live spiritually. Spirituality is based on nature's ways and not religion. Religions are emotional tools and those who live by religion tend to be of lesser knowledge. You don't strike me as being one of those types. A spiritual person leads, a religious person follows.

The title of your post on the surface seems to be directed at the 'library of greater knowledge'. But in terms of understanding dreams such knowledge is less about what you know but more about what you don't know, about yourself. Always remember the proverb, 'he who knows doesn't know. He who doesn't know knows'. That holds especially true when it comes to the emotions. Dreams are about the emotions first. Then, afterwards, there may be tidbits of magical knowledge to be had. Take time to learn Jungian psyche and you will be ahead of all others.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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