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The Da Vinci Code/Holy Blood, Holy Grail

Before there was The Da Vinci Code there was Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Both call into question the historical record of Jesus and in a final analysis {from more recent discoveries} there was more truth to their assertions than organized Christianity wants us to believe. Holy Blood, Holy Grail led me to look deeper into Gnosticism, the heretic account of Jesus and early Christianity I believe to be true {as opposed to today's orthodox view}.

Before I begin my inspection of the posted dreams this morning I want to note the death of Michael Baigent. He, along with Richard Leigh {he died in 2007} and Henry Lincoln, wrote the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail which was the primary source of much of the material used in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. The similarities result in a law suite and trail brought by Baigent and Leigh accusing Brown of using their materials {which the court affirmed but so that it found Brown guilty. Here is my assessment of the book and the reasons I note Baigent's death.

Holy Blood, Holy Grail**

I first read Holy Blood, Holy Grail some years ago and it was natural that Dan's Brown's DaVinci Code struck a cord. Several of the claims used as key plot elements in the Book, and movie, are first noted in Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh are suing Dan Brown's publisher Random House for plagiarism on the grounds that his book makes extensive use of their research and that one of the characters is named Leigh, has a surname (Teabing) which is an anagram of Baigent, and has a physical description strongly resembling Henry Lincoln. In the book Brown also mentions 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' as an acclaimed international bestseller (chapter 60), and claims it as the major contributor to his hypothesis.

Update on lawsuite The London court found for Dan Brown, the suite was dismissed....
Update on Lawsuit from MSNBC { April 7, 2006}

But withstanding that, the hypothesis is compelling. For a Jungian such I it makes all the sense in the world. In both Dan's Brown's DaVinci Code and Michael Baigent/Richard Leigh's Holy Blood, Holy Grail we are introduced to the Gnostic Jesus, and the feminine principle which was given so much consideration from Jung in his psychology of the psyche. Why would the church, Catholicism, object so streneously if these publications/movie did not present a threat to the dogma it has preached since the 3rd century? Take a close look at Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous painting, The Last Supper. The aspostle seated to his right. Is that Mary Magdalene**, the first Apostle?

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

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