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Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
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Dreams and My Interpretations

It is amazing how much even a dream can say about a person's life. Few dreams point to any one concrete thing in a person's waking life but instead the dream provides 'periphery' evidence of emotional energies. The actions and flow in a dream are as important in understanding the dream as are the symbols. And because no symbol is 'fixed' {a symbol could mean something different in another dream or in another person's dream} it is often the actions in the dream that expose the dream's intended message. Once I get a feel for the flow of energies, patterns emerge I then put into words that hopefully the dreamer will understand. Articulating in the simplest words is a big part my job of interpreting dreams. Often a dream will reveal something the dreamer doesn't know {had forgotten or repressed}. Those type dreams are usually very important dreams and getting to the root of the emotional energies behind them will often prompt the dreamer to think more about the experiences causing an emotional conflict. If I can get the dreamer to give thought to the dream's message I feel I have accomplished a lot, even if the person doesn't understand the whole scope of an interpretation. What was buried has been 'dug up' and that give light to what are often dark secrets within the unconscious.

Interpreting a dream
I often think to myself after posting an interpretation that perhaps what I have offered is totally wrong. That would tend to confuse the dreamer and likely give an impression dream interpretation is like a psychic card reading or predicting ones future using a crystal ball. Fake and not reliable. Defending dream interpretation as a reliable science is hard enough and if my track record for interpretations is 60/40, or even 72/25, that proficiency may not be good enough to be convincing. I do argue and believe that most all dreams can be interpreted. I point to my record of interpretations here at the Dream forum as evidence. I can't remember the last time I had a response where the interpretation was thought to be totally outside a good possibility. I have had posts where further explanations are needed, and sometimes with added information provided by the dreamer a deeper look at a dream is warranted, but in the end the dreamer usually recognizes the associations in the interpretation to their waking life. Most often my original interpretation is enough for the dreamer to recognize waking life associations.

Uncovering through an interpretation experiences in a dream that parallel actual waking life experiences is how a dream is verified as being correct. Does it fit with the dreamer's waking life experiences {past and/or present}? Of course the more I know about the dreamer the more likely I will able to discern patterns in a dream. But seldom do I have that info, which I believe gives support to just how well Jung got it right in his theories of dreams and the psyche {I only ask for the age, gender and location of the dreamer from the outset}. No matter how intuitive a person is {an evolutionary sensory function that is most important when interpreting dreams}, without the years of research by Jung we would still be 'guessing' what dreams are about, and what they mean. All dreams have meaning, more than one to be exact. Uncovering meaning through interpretations is discovering something within the dreamer's unconscious that needs to be revealed. And because dreams ARE about the emotions, giving thought to the possible meaning{s} and discovering the realities is how a person starts the healing process in resolving emotional conflicts that are often unconscious controlling agents in the dreamers' waking life. This process is a 'natural' and prime function of dreams.
This is The Power of Dreams.
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