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My dream self can't walk?

For the last few weeks, Ive been having dreams about myself. I'm walking around somewhere, and then before j know it, I'm struggling to move. Remember, this is not my physical body. This is my dream self. In the dream, I'll be crawling around, but even that is very very difficult. I can't figure it out. Can someone help?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16

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Re: My dream self can't walk?

Your depiction of of the events as not being of the physical body illustrates a truth about dream language. The dream language is not addressing an actual walking experience in your conscious life {although there could be actual physical walking involved}, it is a psychological experience. The symbolic reference to actions and events are emotional. The walking in your dream would be a representation of 'emotional movement' of some aspect of your mental life {psychological} where the emotional energies are strong enough to cause 'conflict'.

Walking often symbolizes progression. Likely the meaning has to do with some aspect of your life where you are having trouble making progress. The dream begins with you 'walking around somewhere which may suggest you are not sure of your direction in life {or in some aspect of your life}. You are 'kinda' lost, wondering.

Note: All actions as well as symbols need to be considered when looking at a dream. Especially short dreams. Also, the beginning of a dream would be setting the stage for the rest of the dream.

In your desire/need to make progress you are struggling to move forward. Crawling would also denote a slow progression, difficulty. Often these actions would be related to achieving something in your life which would affect you emotionally {more so than just a normal affect}.

The position of crawling 'could' require you to 'lower' yourself to an inferior position. I say could because this is a possible application of the meaning of crawling beyond slow progression. You may want to consider the lowering aspect in trying to determine where in your life you are having trouble progressing. Could it be you have 'lowered' certain standards or principles which contribute {emotionally} to your slow progress?

So what we 'may' have {it is such a short dream with very little to go on} is a situation where you are not sure about direction {wandering about, kinda lost} which is affecting your progressing in some aspect of your life. It is getting worse because you have gone from walking to crawling. Look at your life and see where this may fit. Especially over the past few weeks you have had these dreams. What events/experiences are there that fit with what I have offered? The events/experiences are affecting you emotionally {as all things do since everything you experience in life affects you psychologically}.

If you can remember more of any of the dreams, posting those may help determine 'what is slowing your progress'.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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Re: My dream self can't walk?

Just reading that, and knowing how freaking right you are is a little scary. The way you figured all that out about my life...just by the really awesome.
Yes, I am trying to change for the better. I'm trying to become a better person. A nicer person.
And I am very lost, spiritually I mean. I don't believe in anything right now, although I'm leaning towards Buddhism, which isn't exactly a religion.
I don't know where to start with how I'm changing. And I don't think I'm making progress.
I'm going to bed in a few minutes. I'll tell you about my next dream when I wake up. :)
Thank you so much.
You're giving me hope.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: My dream self can't walk?

Now, I do remember in one of my dreams...I was helping my friend steal something an I could walk perfectly.
But then when I walked into a church meeting....I couldn't do anything but slowly crawl down the stairs and hide in the dark, before one of the church group leaders came out. She kept staring at me until I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: My dream self can't walk?

Thanks for the follow up response to my interpretation. Every dream is a learning tool. Your response allows me and others to better understand just how dreams function.

Dreams, even short dreams, are revealing of the unconscious forces within one's psyche. Whereas the ego {mask of the conscious self} has biased perceptions that fit with how a person wishes to advocate/present themselves, dreams reveal the true self. You can hide things in your dreams but you can't hide your dreams.

As for the dream in this post. The need to steal suggests finding those needs that will fulfill what is lacking emotionally. Having those emotional 'needs' will help you be your true self. Those emotional needs most likely have to do with your spiritual search {church meeting}. Looking at alternative spiritual concepts may present an element of guilt because of 'learned' religion concepts but when you look deep into yourself {hiding in the dark recesses of the unconscious} your true self comes out. In your dream that self is a woman, feminine and not masculine. Western religions are patriarchal {masculine controlled} whereas Buddhism is more defined by feminine principles.

there may be a second possibility to the church symbol and crawling down the stairs. Is there something recently you have done that you may feel guilty about? What you did was below your principles of behavior and the emotional guilt is staring at you {women are 'more emotional', thus a woman staring at you}. You are staring at yourself.
All dreams have at least two meanings or applications. Your spiritual search is a known but I sense something more to the dream {intuitive sensing is a feminine quality}.

On the subject of Buddhism being a religion. you are totally correct in that assertion. Buddhism is a psychology. It isn't about judgement and atonement, it is devoted primarily to liberation from suffering, ignorance, and rebirth through understanding oneself {psychology} and the world around us. Follow that path and you most likely find a true spiritual identity. I recommend learning all about yoga and learning to 'let go'. it is not only beneficial physically but when you learn psychological yoga {an eastern concept} you put yourself on a higher level of understanding. Jungian psyche is much like Buddhism that it directs you to look 'inward' psychologically to discover what it is you need to find wholeness and happiness. I have many pages on spirituality including Buddhism at my Myths-Dreams-Symbols website. Scroll down to the Site Search and type in religion.That will bring up the pages I have on spirituality and related subjects.

Also. If dreams interest you I suggest you read more about that in my pages. You seem to have a strong ability to understand {especially at such a young age} these things. Dreams are no longer the great mystery they once were because of Carl Jung's contributions. Anyone with a keen intuitive mind {a feminine aspect} and a good understanding of Jungian psyche can interpret dreams. Dreams have a language of symbol and metaphor and are about the emotions. Fascinating stuff for sure.

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Forum
Sponsored & Supported by:

Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tennessee

Gifford Fence Orlando/Melbourne Fence Pro

Daniel Gifford's 2Stain Fence Staining

Web Design - The Power of Dreams
Melbourne Dreams & Metaphysics - Dream Interpretation Space Coast, Florida

Space Coast/Treasure Coast Dreams & Dream Interpretation Meet Up Group

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: My dream self can't walk?

I'm so sorry I haven't been on, I got really busy.

The other night I had the strangest dream of all...I was lying in my bed, at my dads. My bedroom looked the same, and I was naming off the characters on the drawings I have hanging around. The strange part, was I couldn't move. I couldn't move and could hardly keep my eyes open. I knew I was dreaming, because there was a glimpse of a tv through the slit of room my eyes were open. It was playing one of my favorite shows, which just happens to be a PBS kids show, Arthur. Don't judge. It came out the year I was born, I've watched it literally my entire life and I love it.
Anyway, I could hear that, and someone talking to me. I don't remember what they were saying, or if I could respond. It all felt so real...I had a hard time deciding if it really was a dream or not! But I could tell, I mean I just knew that it was.

If you have any idea what this could mean, please tell me xD


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16

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Re: My dream self can't walk?


My first thought is 'what is the relationship with your father like'? You state you are laying in bed and knowing you were dreaming probably represents unconscious thinking {not something you are consciously focused on}. The drawings may represent expressing yourself that you are hanging onto. Not being able to move {paralyzed} may suggest you are caught in those moments of early experiences {you are watching a favorite TV show from your past. All this along with the 'someone talking to me. Arthur, which came out when you were born, and is from your past but remains in the present. That plus, "I don't remember what they were saying, or if I could respond" leads me to believe the dream is accessing your life as it is and from your early childhood. When you were younger would likely be your favorite time since the family was together {I am assuming your parents are divorced}.

Focusing on the good times from your past and trying to hold onto those in the present. Does this make sense to you?

Jerry The God Within You A Prayer For You

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: My dream self can't walk?

My parents have been dicorced for 3 years, yes.

Your reply makes so much sense that it's kind of scary! Lqtm. (Laugh Quietly To myself. It's more acurate than lol)
I do sometimes wonder, "if I curl up on the couch and watch Arthur and draw stick people and eat cookies, will I go back to being the innocent kid I once was?" I do miss being young. I miss the innocence, and the freedom. I miss only ever crying about a scraped knee, or worrying that I lost my favorite stuffed animal, not that I fell in love with another girl, or the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend for me and now he wants to kill me.

I like to hold onto thing, I'm a very sentimental person. I hate deleting messages, and I hate throwing things away.

I hope this helps a little bit,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: My dream self can't walk?

I appreciate the response. As for my interpretation. Anyone with a Jungian education into his dream theories and possesses a queen intuitive mind {and has enough experience working with dreams} can interpret dreams. They are not the great mystery they once were. We know dreams speak in a language of symbol and metaphor. It is a matter of interpreting the symbols and putting the pieces together.

As for wanting to once again being able to 'curl on the couch' and returning to better days, that is something that usually comes up later in life {mid-life}. You seem to understand that you will accumulate a lot more 'emotional experiences' that turn into 'baggage' as you go though life. If you will learn to limit those experiences {choosing right people in your life and making objective decisions rather than emotional} you will live a happier and more harmonious life. Those emotional energies that possess '*psyche energies' and are what dreams try to convey when we sleep.

*The mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior and consciously or unconsciously adjusting or mediating the body's responses to the social and physical environment


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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