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The Power of Myth

Boll Moyers is once again providing glimpses into the world of myth by previewing on his site Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth. Anyone who is interested in personal growth and/or has begun the journey inward {which is first and foremost psychological} should view these previews and then watch/read/listen to the entire 6 hour programs. It was The Power of Myth that started me on my journey in 1992. It is because of that synchronistic event I now spend my time working with and interpreting dreams. Campbell's famous catch phrase 'follow your bliss' propelled me into believing I could and now some 20 years later I have. We all can be heroes/heroines in our own lives if we only realize what we need is within our own selves. There is one dictate from Campbell I have, from experience, to be true time and time again:

“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.”

To help entice you to view these videos I will provide the script description for each video {six one hour videos most of which were filmed at George Lucas' Skywalker ranch}.

Eps. 1. The Hero’s Adventure-Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell begin their groundbreaking and timeless conversation with an exploration of the classic hero cycle, including consistent and enduring hero patterns in literature, real life and even the Star Wars films. Campbell also encourages the audience to view parts of their own lives as heroic journeys. In a clip from the first episode, Campbell encourages the audience to discover what excites them, and make that the basis for their personal journeys. Watch Preview {1:51}

Eps. 2. The Message of the Myth-In the second episode of The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell compare creation myths from the Bible and elsewhere, and talk about how religions and mythologies need to change with time in order to maintain their relevance in peoples’ lives. In this clip, Campbell explains why myths appeal to people across all cultures.

Once a myth “catches you,” Campbell says, you develop such a longing “for one or another of these traditions of information of a deep, rich, life-vivifying sort, that you won’t want to give it up.” Watch Preview {2:33}

Eps. 3. The First Storytellers-In the third episode of The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell discuss the importance of accepting death as rebirth as in the myth of the buffalo and the story of Christ, rites of passage in primitive societies, the role of mystical Shamans and the decline of ritual in today’s society. In this clip, Campbell explains how ancient myths were designed to “put the mind in accord with the body, and the way of life in accord with the way nature dictates.” As one example, Campbell explains how myths bring humans to understand and accept birth, growth and death. Watch Preview {2:16}

Eps. 4. Sacrifice and Bliss-In the fourth episode of The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell discuss the role of sacrifice in myth — including a mother’s sacrifice for her child — and the need for all of us to find our sacred places in the midst of today’s fast-paced world. In this clip, the two discuss where heroism can be witnessed in modern society. Watch Preview {2:06}

Eps. 5. Love and the Goddess-In the fifth episode of The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers discuss the mythology of love — from kāma to agape to courtly romance — and the role of the female as the giver of life and form. In this clip, Campbell traces the beginning of the idea of love, as we think of it today, to troubadours in the twelfth century. Watch Preview {1:38}

Eps. 6. Masks of Eternity-In the final episode of The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell discuss commonalities in every culture that create a a need for God, and the symbolism of circles in life and literature. In this clip, Campbell talks about the common experience of God across cultures. Watch Preview {2:12}

Here is the link to Moyer's page The Power of Myth


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Re: The Power of Myth

I agree, the Power of Myth series is a life changing experience. The series is also available in audiobook. I have listened to them repeatedly while I fight dragons in the office all day.

It is also possible to purchase lectures by Joseph Campbell through itunes. He is a fantastic public speaker, and I highly recommend them. In my job I now have to regularly provide presentations. Where previously I was terrible at presentations, I have learnt to 'channel Joseph Campbell' when I present, and have had a massive 180 turnaround in my abilities.

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Re: The Power of Myth

Joseph Campbell was a great teacher and he continues to be so with these materials. I wish his foundation would be more generous in offering The Power of Myth free to the public. I get the sense they are more concerned about profits than they are the important message Campbell has to offer. There are many, were transformed many people like myself whose life because of this video/audio/book series. The Campbell Foundation has so many programs to offer but everything is fora price. Like Deepka Chopra {whom I admire greatly} the marketing for profit seems to be the focus. Its a shame because there are so many seeking a message that will lead them to happiness. 'Follow your bliss' is one that can do that. It did for me and now I am pretty much living that bliss.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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