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All of my dreams take place in the same town and the town is growing

For many years now all of my dreams have taken place in a town. The town started very small just a few houses on a dead end street. Now the town has neighborhoods, businesses, people, roads, a rock quarry, apartment buildings, cruise ships and ports, sea life. I am aware that I am dreaming because I recognize the town. The dreams are different but the town stays the same other than new growth like any real city. Recently an apartment building has been added. It is full of people. Some I know, so I recognize and don;t know why and others I just don't know at all. When I am in the town I can see the construction happening and the work is being performed by individuals dressed for the job they are doing. When I interact with the people in the town I can look into their eyes and see their eye lashes and individual hairs on their head. I can feel the warmth of holding someones hand, kissing someones lips, eating food. I can even smell dirt under my feet or smell someone perfume. I have also noticed that just before I wake up I will drink something and shortly after, I begin to feel very drunk or tired and it gets extremely hard to keep my eyes open. I find myself either trying to return to where I perceive the dream to have started or to my bed in a house in this town. Most of the time I don't make it back to where I was or my bed and I end up falling onto the floor staring up at the ceiling or the sky struggling to keep my eyes open. It seems as though I wake up shortly after that.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Florida

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Re: All of my dreams take place in the same town and the town is growing

I believe I have a good idea what this dream is trying to communicate but I want to look at it with a fresh mind in the morning. My intuitive sense are at their best after a good nights rest.
A couple of questions.

Does your job require working with a lot of people and making judgments? Do you possess good people skills?

If you read this post before tomorrow morning answers to these questions will be of great help in understanding the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: All of my dreams take place in the same town and the town is growing

I do have a job where i work w people and make judgements. I am interested to hear what you have to say. Thank you for reading.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: All of my dreams take place in the same town and the town is growing

And sorry i forgot to answer the second question i do believe i posses people skills.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: All of my dreams take place in the same town and the town is growing

Thanks for the added info. It verifies what i thought i saw on my first examination of your dream. Here is my interpretation.

The town is you. It is growing and prospering, starting out with very little and growing to have many differentiating aspects to not only your life but also your personality. My sense is you probably didn't start out in life very well off but have done well since. And you may have been a bit with drawn in the beginning {when you were a child} but have expanded those personality traits as well. The sea life may be a reference to actual experiences with large bodies of water. But it could also suggest a growth of your emotional self. And probably something more profound and possibly enriching personality wise{which I will get to}. You have come to recognize who you are and your abilities {dreaming and recognizing the town}.

There has been a new dimension added to your life with various aspects. Some you are aware of but others you don't. Those unknown aspects are 'under construction' which fits well with your abilities and personality. Looking into others people's eyes would have two applications. One would be your own better comprehension of self. The other would having a better awareness of other people in the waking world. Seeing the eyelashes and individual hairs would suggest a deeper insight. This is where I believe the new dimensions are important to the dream {apartment building-many apartments, various new aspects to its meaning}. You are better at 'seeing' things. But again there may be two applications to this seeing.

One would be directed at experiences in your waking life where you now are aware of things you were not previously aware of. This would involve particular experiences to do with actual people. There are good aspects to this experience as well as bad {perfume and dirt}. It could be of a romantic nature where there is a threat of intoxication. That may be the downside to the experience. Having learned to control your emotions this presents a dilemma since it would require you to surrender to your emotions.

But there may be more to this new apartment building than just a new personal experience. The ability to see better may indicate an intuitive nature that you have developed. Intuitive insights. Like you I developed very strong people skills early in my adulthood and then added to those through the years. Then at 42 I discovered Jungian psyche and soon began developing my intuitive mind to the point I can 'see' things with dreams that I would have missed if not for these special insights. You may not be conscious of these new skills. Once you are they too can become intoxicating because you instantly know things about people and experiences. If it is used for good then you will reap even more rewards. if not it could bring the whole building down and destroy your town.

The last part of the interpretation is something you may need to give extra thought to. Let me know your response and perhaps we will be able to determine if that truly fits. You may want to read my page on the intuitive mind.

By the way. I was able to better see what the dream was communicating {to me} after a good nights sleep. Entering into the unconscious world of sleep and dream {I had a vivid dream just before I awoke I will need to analyze} helps the awaken the intuitive senses.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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