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Re: Time Travel

Haha that sounds crazy! Oh new age people. Whatcha gonna do. I hope you had a good time at least!

Ok I guess I'll try to address things in order. First my mom. For a long time I was really worried about my mom because she always seemed so stressed out, like she was going to snap at any moment. I'm really sensitive to other people and their emotions so her anxiety would always rub off on me. And then she would say things like "If I have to do one more thing I'll blow my head off" and even though she was joking I hated it when she said that. I guess I just worry about my mom a lot.However I can also see how it would be me as well, drowning under everything. When I had this dream I was drowning in stress, as I was until I came to college and got to sort of escape it all. (I am much happier now I must report)I definitely agree with the message that I needed to escape that environment to feel whole again. I always felt like I was torn between all my responsibilities at home, I had no time for me.

I don't remember any specific events that were going on that happened in numerical order.....maybe something to do with moving, readjusting, then prepping for college and a new life? I was incredibly stressed out and anxious as well as excited before I came here. Also I am very aware that in real life I am coping while inwardly I am a mess. Not only because of my emotions but the vivid dreams I've been having as well, most unpleasant. I had this dream before I came to college, but phew every night I've been here I have had an intense dream. I was working on analyzing one of them during class today actually and think I came up pretty successful haha.

I have 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters. My brothers are 15, 12, and 9. My sisters are both 4. I have to admit that pretty enormously significant things happened to me during all those years of my life. Age 9 I went through a sort of sexual revolution I guess you could say and was exploring everything. I'd play games with my friends and looked at all kinds of porn (probably scarred me for life) and all that jazz. I was incredibly mischievous at this age, as it was also when I was experiencing with curse words and whatnot. I was a tomboy and was also sort of picked on in school for it, though it didn't really bother me. It was just a weird time. Age 12 was my preteen years, which were unbelievably awful. I was depressed, painfully shy, and just all around a mess. I don't even like thinking about it. I feel like that time period in my life really affected who I was as a person, in both bad and good ways. Age 15 I came to some important realizations about myself and my mental and emotional well-being that were rather shocking and disturbing, and that cost me one of my closest friends. That whole year while being my favorite year of high school, I was not doing so hot either mentally or emotionally. So yeah now that I think about it those were all pretty significant times in my life.

As for the things having to do with stuff affecting my development when I was a kid, I guess most of the negativity (pretty much all of) the negativity in my life would have come from my dad. He was (and to a point still is) a control freak with anger issues. As I've said before he's come miles from where he was though. But it could get pretty bad back when I was young. I actually don't really have many memories of him "acting out" when I was a kid though....but then again I have a sort of rosy film over my early childhood, it just seemed so perfect to me but when I think about it and what my mom saying about my dad always being like that I realize he must have been just as terrible and I either didn't notice it or don't remember it. My adolescence is when I remember the worst, and hearing and witnessing him in all his monstrous rage and control-freakiness. It was really bad, I hated him, real hate. But I've talked about that before.

The house thing I could definitely agree with and I'm mad at myself for missing that symbol, haha. Many times I feel like a ghost of my former self, who I was before I went through that awful depression in middle school. It really broke me, I lost so much of who I was and I never really fully recovered. Many times I also think of what it would be like to be able to go back before all that, wonder what my life would be like if the depression had never happened. But I believe that that time in my life was what taught me introspection, gave me my deep sense of empathy, inspired my interest for psychology and people, and just made me a more intelligent, thoughtful and spiritual person as a whole. I wouldn't take those changes away for anything.

If there's anything else I should clarify just let me know! Some of this stuff is sort of awkward to talk about so sorry if I was vague. Ack.

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Re: Time Travel

That was a great response. What you said fits with much of what is in the dream. The numbers especially are significant in that they are a part of the dream as well as the experiences they represent. I'll provide a more detailed response either later today or in the morning.

A question I had that you answered was if you were already at college. The fact you are having these significant dreams is understandable. You are in an entirely new environment, away from the one you have spent the past 18 years. that alone is enough to cause such dreams. The fact you are so analytical as well as sensitive {join the club-both are positives} only adds to that. The next several weeks will be especially trying because of the changes. Once you get settled in and used to a new routine things should settled down. Conscious wise as well as dream wise. The only caution I would look for is if the past family life remains a problem. It will be very hard to concentrate on your new life if the old life is still taking up too much mental energies. Of course that will be in your dreams if true. Let's hope mom and dad can manage without you. As well as your siblings.


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Re: Time Travel

I want to focus on the numbers in this dreams for three reasons. First, the numbers pretty much correspond to both experiences in your life as well as ages of your siblings. Second, I am always interested in numbers in dreams because I believe they are important and many have a specific application/message of their own {as in your dream}. And third, just as with dreams that open with a statement of a childhood age, time frame or reference, there may be specific patterns that can be discerned when numbers are present. I have found that when there is a statement of a childhood age, time frame and/or reference in the opening of a dream {exposition} it is most always a reference to the dreamer at that age. Two examples are Grace's dream posted at the Dream Forum last week and Dr. Jean Raffa's dream for which I gave an interpretation at her Matrignosis Blog and posted at the Dream Forum. With Dr. Raffa's dream she had given her own interpretation but had not included any information about the childhood reference. This is a pattern that seems to hold true in all dreams where the childhood references appear. Whether it is a pattern that can be applied to all such dreams is a 'stretch' to suggest but from my experience thus far {I plan to review all the 3800+ posts and dreams at the forum and categorize them} there is evidence it does apply in many if not most dreams.

Let's examine the numbers in your dream, my analysis and your response. Please bear with me since there is a lot of my 'thinking' being applied to these numbers and their applications. Much of it I have stated independently in other posts but never together in one response.

Dream: In the dream I had 9 siblings. (In reality I only have 5) I had 5 younger sisters and 4 younger brothers.

My analysis: "The number nine in 'Jungian' speak is symbolic of the feminine." This application about the number nine is purely speculation on my part {Jungian speak is speaking to the number nine being a mythological application of the number} but I have it to be applicable. You are a female and doing self analysis {you have posted several dreams at the Forum and obviously self examining, even at the young age of 18}. This is in my thinking a good application of the number nine. Seeking wholeness utilizing the feminine psyche.

As for the five brothers and 4 sisters. You do in fact have 5 siblings, 3 brothers and 2 sisters. In the dream you had 2 more of each. Two is the number for opposites and/or conflict. Your responsibilities in helping raise your siblings has been a conflict your life {not to with caring about them but the responsibilities}.

My statement about the number 5 about it representing 'changes' is one I have often used in the past also. It is a fact you are currently making big changes in your life, having recently begun college and leaving home. That is a big change, a 'stage' of life change in part since it is often thought of {or was when I was growing up} as the age you leave home to be on your own.

The number 4 in Jungian psyche is the number for wholeness. The changes in life you have undertaken are changes you have been looking forward to for some time {something we have discussed in other posts}. You have had your sights on the future for a good while now {another topic of discussion in our posts}. By going to college you have begun a life toward fulfillment, a step toward wholeness.

Summary of the 9 siblings. You have 5 siblings in reality. 5 is the number for change, 4 the number for wholeness. Opposing aspects is 2, on both ends {masculine and feminine}. Nine is the power of the feminine, your psyche, your power to persevere despite all the conflicts you have endured in your life {the many 'changes' you have had to make]. 5+4=9. The dream seeks to provide wholeness and in my analysis {again my speculative concept of the dream} it is the power of the feminine {spiritual/creative/growth} that allows one to reach that place in life [or as close as one can get}.

Then there is your response to do with the numbers 9 and 4 and the ages of your younger siblings. 9 is the age of your younger brother {an application symbolizing your developing masculine self-a topic we have discussed in previous dreams}. Your younger sisters are both 4 {twins?}. In your dream you have 5 younger sisters and 4 brothers. More sisters than brothers, more of the feminine power than the masculine. Perhaps a reference to the POWER of the FEMININE? Subjective and speculative I know but I am leaning toward my own concepts instead of purely Jungian. The applications of the numbers I have mentioned {4-5-9} are my standard application for them.

The number 3. In your dream the statement is, "My 3 youngest sisters were the first ones to die, aged 1, 2 and 3." In my response I asked if there were any experiences of succession of 'structured' events in your life. There were in fact three such events, in succession, at the ages 9, 12 and 15. Notice these are the ages of your 3 brothers. Whether we can match the experiences to masculine qualities is not definite but all involved significant growing experiences.

The dream actually stated the ages of your brothers so that would be 'usual'. It also used the number 4 which is the age of your sisters. I've seen this application of numbers before in dreams, correctly identifying their application to the dreamer's conscious life, but never as many applications or as clear in one dream. Seeing these numbers in your dreams, and in past experiences, there is a real possibility their application are something we can look to as a norm. Just as with the childhood 'hypothesis' I suggested in the beginning of my post.

I still have yet to analyze the last part of your Time Travel dream. I'll do that in the morning. With the added information you provided in your last post hopefully I should be able to see where the images fit.

And finally. You have had an active emotional life and being someone who early on in life has begun a self examination, you have provided much to the conversation of the dream. You would do great if you should ever decide to study Jungian psyche. Undoubtedly you will have many more emotional issues that lay ahead of you in life but if you will continue to develop your analytical skills you will be able to help yourself as well as others. I see in the near future Jungian concepts on dream interpretation being the accepted thesis in analyzing dreams. Just a few years ago an internet search on dreams would produce a lot of 'Freudian' results. Today it is already pretty much Jungian. I may be pushing it a bit but there is no doubt in my mind that anyone with an understanding of Jungian psyche {mine is pretty much intuitive} and a good intuitive mind will be able to competently interpret any dream. There is a lot of evidence here at this Dream Forum that statement is correct, my success rate interpreting dreams being pretty damn good {with the Forum I have a record to go on}. And pretty much all of the interpretations are with only a knowledge of the gender and age of the dreamer. Just think what could be done if more were known.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

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