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Space Chase

Would appreciate some perspective on this dream, which was all in color.

I am on a space mission pursuing a "bad guy" (kinda vague figure)who is an alien. He has the ability to go to some corner of the universe where there is no space/time continuum. We have figured out how to follow him there, and also how to trap him. It involves several of us (including me) exiting the space ship at that point and trapping him. Then, we have a small window of opportunity in which we are able to get back into the ship.

It seems, however, I'm the only one outside of the ship. I'm in a space suit. It's unclear to me how the "bad guy" threat is neutralized, but somehow it seems it is resolved. So, I go to the ship and touch it, which is the signal for it to "beam me" in (ala star trek). I can feel my body/being dissolving into energy and am waiting for that moment when I will no longer "be" as I transition into "being" again back on the ship. But somehow, it's not me that gets back on the ship. It's hard to say what happened, but it seems a part of me got back that is now wreaking havoc on the ship. It's not evident to me in the dream it's the "bad guy," but it's a logical assumption that somehow the "bad guy" got on the ship through me.

Meanwhile, I'm aware the crew doesn't know I'm still outside the ship. I go around the ship pounding on windows and doors, hoping someone will hear me. My assumption is that they probably won't hear me but hopefully will see me. I was very concerned at this point but not yet terrified. But very aware I was going to die if they didn't find me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Chicago, IL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, years ago

Re: Space Chase

My sense is the dream is addressing recent experiences that have to do with unconscious motivation factors. It is probably something that reoccurs in your life and you have little control or understand why. Let me break down the three paragraphs by symbolic expression and see if you can recognize patterns of behavior you possess. There was probably a recent experience where this recurring behavior was demonstrated. Since it is a 'bad guy' then it would like be about masculine aspects, anger, lashing out, etc.

*exploring an unfamiliar masculine aspect {unconscious aspects}
*continuous aspect {something that is repeated}
*a need to consciously bringing out and understanding the unconscious forces
*something unconscious that is not your normal self has escaped and there is a need to reign it in {you may realize this is a pattern you need to stop doing}

*feminine emotions used to neutralize masculine aspects {you may become very emotional during these times}
*when these emotions are displayed you need to reign them in
*not wishing to display these emotions {unable to control your emotions}
*not able to control tendencies {there is a tendency to repeat this emotional patter due to unconscious stimuli}

*not completely aware of these tendencies {unconsciously driven}
*need to consciously express the emotions {you consciously express these tendencies not knowing they are unconsciously driven}
*wanting to control them but not sure how {you have no control because they are unconscious motivations}
*seeing the results of the unconscious motivations {they are unconsciously driven and the results show up in your conscious life}
*a need to discover and to understand the unconscious motivations so you can put an end to them
{this last part is where the dream is offering a therapeutic remedy to the emotional conflict}

What I get from the dream is you possess a pattern of behavior that is unconsciously motivated and consciously displayed. It is a pattern of behavior on your part that is a result of early life experiences/influences that have been 'imprinted' in your psyche and cause you to behave in a particular manner. It could be you make recurring wrong choices in your life, possibly in relationships {or some other behavior in decision making}. An example of the motivating factor would be someone who tends to get into bad relationships because as a child they were influenced by experiences of these same type of wrong decisions. Such a pattern would involve choosing a man who is like your father {the evil guy} trying to substitute that person in place of your father. But because the choice is the same as the father there is a continuous pattern of choosing the wrong type {because the person is wanting to replace the bad father with a good father but does not know the difference}.

Look at your life and determine what wrong choices you tend to make. That part of you must die/end. there is an unconscious motivation you have no control over because you are unaware it exists. Only by knowing it does exist can you start to put an end to it. When you consciously see it happening you can learn to control it.

Let me know what you come up with and perhaps we can discover more from that.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Space Chase

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for your response. Well, I gave it a lot of thought this morning. Fortunately, I can rule out some "big ticket items," ie poor choices around men or other major self-sabotaging behaviors. I credit that to getting a lot of help when I was younger. So, I have a great husband, a career I love, a good spiritual path/community. But I thought a lot about that image of being in outer space in the no space/time continuum and decided that meant to me I was chasing down someone (the bad guy) in my mind. That got me to thinking about my thoughts, and that I have been feeling discouraged lately over a start-up to a new business, and feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts I've been having trouble letting go. So I thought, "Hmmm, maybe the "bad guy" are my negative thoughts that I can't seem to chase down and stop."

Another thing...One day recently (maybe a day or two before the dream) I was talking to a friend about my frustrations, and commented (we've got a lot of snow right now),"Sometimes I just want to sink down into that snow and go to sleep." Now, I assure you I don't feel suicidal in any sense of the word, and I meant it just as a metaphor that I wish I could permanently rest my worries and concerns over the start-up. But, I also noticed it triggered in me fears about feeling suicidal because, in fact, my father committed suicide when I was five. So, I had a really strong internal response to having said those words, and noticed (upon reflection), I got very reactive to my own comment. I think it triggered old fears I might become suicidal (I never have), or that it's not every ok to give up, etc. And that I need to keep going, keep busy, can't let go and trust that things will turn out ok. So I thought maybe the "bad guy" was that old fear that I'm not safe from losing my mind and giving up (as my father did).

Also, the fear of being left out in outerspace I think reminds me of feeling very isolated and alone with my fears/thoughts/worries, and of ultimate abandonment. Maybe the conscious pattern you were picking up on, then, would be losing control over negative thinking, and that perhaps is unconsciously fired by memories of my father losing control over negative thinking to the point of taking his life? I'm not sure about the unconscious motivation piece yet.

I dunno. What do you think?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Chicago, IL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, years ago

Re: Space Chase

It is difficult to pinpoint if not impossible personal experiences from a dream. Especially for a young person because a great majority of their dreams are focused on current waking life experiences more so than on the deeper issues {although somewhere with all dreams there are both}. Usually for an older person the focus is more about the deeper issues. One exception would be for someone who does have a strong spiritual/creative identification since those type people have resolved most the inner emotional conflicts. That is what dreams are about, the emotional conflicts, deep issues and issues from current waking life that cause emotional imbalance. Since you do have a balanced life your dreams will focus on current issues {I have the same type dreams} with the deeper issues remaining but in a 'folder' marked 'mostly resolved'. I emphasis 'mostly' and will address that later.

Looking at your response I cans see a 'masculine' type attitude. The feelings of being overwhelmed by negative thoughts that been troubling and not being able to let go would fit with 'something unconscious that is not your normal self has escaped and there is a need to reign it in {you may realize this is a pattern you need to stop doing}. You are aware of this but yet can not let go. I can see where displaying of these emotions could also fit. The bad guys could very well be the negative emotions.

But you talk about suicidal thoughts and I see the dream addressing that issue as much as the current stresses in your waking life. The current emotions awoke deeper emotions. And as often the case there is an unconscious aspect. Seldom are we aware of these tendencies related to such emotions and when we are we do completely understand them. The reason is often because they came about in early life when such experiences are unconsciously 'imprinted' on the psyche. Your father's suicide is not a controlling drive but the experience is still there and can still influence. The 'strong internal response' is just that. A strong emotional response to what happened to you at the age of five and was imprinted in your psyche forever. We must never think such influences always remain benign, they can still can influence. Always be aware of that.

And there is your abandonment issue. Those fears are also motivated by early life experiences/influences as well as later life experiences where fears are established because of experiences. I am in the belief almost all tendencies have a motivating foundations and most often from early life. Experiences at the age of five may seem so long ago they could not have anything to do with life at 55 or 60. But the longer we live the more these influences and experiences are punctuated. One reason is because death does become a reality as we grow older. Being aware of early life influences is how you control the power they can have. Dismissing them is the greatest mistake. How often have you heard 'looking back you saw the warning signs but did not recognize them'? Being aware and understanding the unconscious motivating factors is how you overcome them. They are unconscious and must become consciously known. That is what dreams do.

Something related to the feelings of being overwhelmed by the negatives in life. An issue I have given thought to over the past several months is the sorry state of the world as it is. I've become involved and active in animal rescue and saving abandoned animal lives at out county animal shelter. Although I have forged a balanced life, pretty much living my dream of working with dreams and designing websites, the emotional pain and stress I experience from seeing so many cats and dogs put down needlessly is sometimes overwhelming {Google Herbie the Cat and read my story about wanting adopt this beautiful animal-killed 2 1/2 hours before being saved}. Then I look at the world as it is and see so much needless human suffering. Sometimes I feel it would be better just to lay down and let go of the physical life and the suffering in it. Of course that goes against sound psychology but it is a sincere feeling. I don't think I could claim to be a spiritual person if I did not feel as I do. But knowing all about the hero journey and saying 'yeah to life' despite the suffering is hard to do. Especially when I possess a belief that something better exists after this life {that doesn't have anything to do with religious dogma}. Life is short and the end time will come soon enough so you learn to endure and make things better where you can. I believe that to be an important part of the hero journey.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Space Chase

Thanks, Jerry, for the thoughtful reply.

As is so often the case with me when I take the time to reflect on dreams...I have a few more interesting dreams over the next several days. I don't know if they are connected or not. Should I post them in a separate thread?

I just noticed you live in Space Coast, Fl! Ha, ha! That's quite a synchronicity! Now I know where to bring all my "outer space" dreams!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Chicago, IL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes, years ago

Re: Space Chase

If you will do post any other dreams in a separate post. It is easier to find if I need to refer back to them.

I hadn't thought about the connection with the Space Coast. I moved here in 2012 and love the area. Especially the weather this time of year. Even though it was cool today {low 50s} it was almost 80 yesterday and will be in the 70s the rest of the week. A lot different from the rest of the country. You would have to travel to 'outer space' to find more extreme weather.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 63 Space Coast, Fla.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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