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Re: Long Dream About Unconventional School

In response to your follow up to my analysis, commenting on the primary intent in each section you quoted. This is a critique of my analysis as well as pointing to the issues I see as being the primary intent of the dream.
First Quote
Analysis: The waking conscious life {front door of building} is OK but your inner life is in conflict {inside of the room is dark}.

Your response: My waking life is probably in the best place it has been in for many years, perhaps even for my entire life.

I currently live with my parents and a combination of my upbringing by them and the current toxic living environment is extremely stressful, almost rage provoking. I will finally be getting out of here within a couple of months after having repaired, through years of therapy, the years of damage they inflicted.

Further Comment: At this time in your life you are in a good place. But the unconscious energies are there and must be realized because they can cause problems later in life if not acknowledged as such. Their are imprinted energies from your childhood that can be motivators for actions. The good news is you are working on these issues. By analyzing your dreams you are taking proactive measures and by understanding the unconscious issues you are aware of them.

Second Quote
Analysis: The first sentence points to the unconscious energies that motivate your personality and life.

Your response: I do keep a pretty tight lid on all the wonderful stuff going on subconsciously regarding my inner frustration with my home situation.

Further Comment: Keeping a lid on is OK but not to the point of ignoring the issues. If it is to prevent conflict with family members that could be positive since such conflict is never healthy. On the other hand if it is to \'keep a lid on\' so to ignore the issues and the unconscious energies you will find that only manifests new issues.

Third Quote
Analysis: The road you are driving is leads to a dead end reflects the path and direction you are going in life.

Your response: I feel that, by this point, the \"dead end\" in my life is attempting to maintain a meaningful relationship with my parents.
Once I have an apartment in the near future I am honestly inclined to sever contact, at least temporarily.

Further Comment: Severing contact with your parents may be warranted and needed. By again it is important not to severe the unconscious influences caused by early life experiences/influences with your parents. These are motivators you may not realize and although you consciously severe contact with your parents unconsciously it is a much more detailed process.

Fourth Quote
Analysis: As for the boat that is launched in salt marshes in waking life. This may point to the \'jovial\' life you live when engaged in social environments {this may be a prime message of the dream} but there are other aspects {perhaps conscious but definitely unconscious} when you have empty feelings, perhaps even periods of despondency or depression.

Your response: I actually generally consider myself an introvert, but it is a bit more complicated than that one word label {note the underline}.
I generally do not choose to inject myself into a social situation and I usually feel recharged and refreshed by seclusion and drained by socialization. Still, once I get in a social situation I am often the life of the party and can utterly control the ebb and flow of conversation in a crowded room.
I actually really enjoy being a social savant in situations like that. I suppose I am an introvert who becomes an extrovert in the company of other people.

Further Comment: Personality labels can be deceiving. But what I read from the dream, and what led me to assume you as having extrovert personality, fits with your true self {what dreams do, reflect the true self}. It could be you are possess introverted traits but have a hidden extroverted personality that needs to fully blossom. The unconscious energies because of childhood issues with parents may be what is keeping you from this.

Fifth Quote
Analysis: Exiting the car is bringing out these unconscious aspects so you can see what they are {I exited my car and looked around at the houses}. Because the dream abruptly ended may point to a resistance to acknowledge the unconscious aspects. And until you do that you will find yourself in another place other than the true self of balance and harmony.

Your response: Can't comment too much on this part, but the above counter-analysis I have given probably will shed light on this too.

Further Comment: As long as it is not a denial of the inner energies then commenting is not important. The whole intent of dream analysis is to bring out the unconscious energies so they are recognized and can be acknowledged. Acknowledgement with an intent to find a resolution to the issue is what is important.

I believe my analysis was pretty much on target {not to promoting myself}. We have revealed several unconscious energies and once again parenting is a big issue. How this plays out in your current adult life is still unclear although we have identified some aspects. Perhaps the question is are there unconscious energies/motivators at work that negatively influence personality traits and behavior. Considering yourself as an introvert {you may want to read the Briggs Meyers personality basics to see exactly where you fit {Briggs Meyers bases its personality identification on the personality theories of Carl Jung}.

I'll look at your most recent post tomorrow.


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Re: Long Dream About Unconventional School

Had a post but it got eaten by spam filters. Lost it so I will try again with a summary.

Quote #1 - I would say working on this is an active focus on my life right now. My responses to other quotes expanded on that, but they're gone :(

Quote #2 - I only keep a lid when warranted. I unload on siblings, very close friends, and in therapy. I use the whole sarcasm/obtuse method when in the company of friends who I am not too close with.

Quote #3 - The intention is only to sever communication, verbally and in writing, with the parents. Given all I have learned about suppressing the unconscious over the years suppressing the unconscious energies regarding my parents is not the goal. I know from experience that would be harmful in the long run.

Quote #4 - According to other peoples' anecdotal evidence I was very outgoing as a very young child and would introduce myself to total strangers. That changed quickly and I was basically a recluse for a long time. Perhaps the pendulum is swinging in the other direction.

Thanks, and I look forward to your next reply.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28; NH - USA

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Re: Long Dream About Unconventional School

I'll comment on your response on Thursday.I apologize for the filters but they sometimes do me in as well. They are a part of Bravenet's system I have little control over.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 64 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Long Dream About Unconventional School

Keeping a lid on it when warranted sounds as if there are times when the lid comes off. That couldn't be healthy even if the situation calls for it. It merely feeds into letting the ego self control the emotions {which it wants to do} and manifesting deeper issues related to the unconscious motivators. If you are working on resolving the inner issues your unconscious {the message in the dream} seems to be saying you need to do more or you are not making enough progress to counter the ego demand {the ego is a separate entity from the true self in Jungian psyche, one that resists 'therapy' because it prevents the body/desires to have what isn't healthy physically/psychologically and/or spiritually}. I take it you are consciously aware of your letting the lid off and intentionally do not to try to control it {with the people yo noted}, instead you are saying you use it as a offensive mechanism when it is actually an unconscious defensive device. To support the positive conscious life you are in now requires you to suppress these inner warnings {are you sincerely working on these inner conflicts?}. There are an abundance of motivating factors {from bad parenting/childhood?} that need deep introspection since the outer self can never fully change for the positive until the inner conflicts are resolved. I can personally attest to having an early adult life that seemed pretty good, while all along I was under the control of the unconscious motivators that caused actions on my part I deeply regret now. Once I realized there were these unconscious factors {discovering Jungian psyche and using his Individuation Process} I began the long task of resolving the inner psychological conflicts {like yours, a product of my childhood} because I could see the truth about my life during that period of life. Instead of subjectively looking at life, through Jungian psyche {and dreams} I have been able to look at things objectively and that is where you see truth. I've identified the controlling factors {resolved the issues from childhood}, isolated them where they no longer have any control over my life.
Note: The task of identifying, acknowledging and resolving the psychological issues in ones life is the ultimate goal and prime theme of the hero/heroine in mythology. Outwardly is a story about fighting an enemy {Star Wars was designed from these same mythological themes}. Inwardly is a psychological war to resolve the personal issues related to unresolved emotional conflicts. The two levels of dream address both aspects {outer/more recent conscious experiences that possessed emotional energies and the inner/the unconscious forces that are the motivators and come from life experiences/influences} using the same images. Following the hero path is to work toward resolving the inner issues that control the consciously life. The hero deed of accomplishment is to resolve the issues and find in ones life a physical, psychological and spiritual center which brings about harmony in life. The first 40 years are used to creating the conflicts, the last 40 resolving them {and in between you have a mid-life crisis}.

As for the pendulum swinging back the other way, that will not happen until you resolve the inner issues. The outer actions are a direct result of the inner conflicts. And as with the hero of myth that requires conscious intent and dedicated discipline. Your dreams are addressing these issues.


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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 64 Cocoa, Fl

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