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Re: the cartoon sky

The beginning of the dream states what it is trying to communicate. In both your conscious and unconscious life you have the task of discovering life and what it is all about. There is no road map because it is an individual experience with each and every person taking a different path in life. The first part of life is more or less feeling your way through. That is where you are. The second half of life {which will be after you are 35} is spend reconciling what you have discovered {and messed up}.....

There are likely personal experiences where there are conflicts with boys and older men and that seems to be what this dream is about. The personal experiences, those that involve actual struggles of a real kind only you will know about. My 'expertise' is seeing around the periphery of the dream and translating the images and actions into a language the dreamer can understand {the language of dreams is primarily symbol and metaphor-the house is you and the actions within the house are emotional actions within your psyche}.

This dream looks to be addressing a 'learning' experience you have had that left an emotional impact. On the personal side it could involve actual men that have causde some type of emotional conflict for you but certainly not in the way the dream describes the experiences {abductions, being dragged, men strapping on guns and vests-these are metaphorical}. Again what that experience{s} was only you could know.

But the dream also would be addressing emotional issues to do with your inner self, especially your inner masculine aspects, and the conflicts you experience that leave an impression because they are central to your lief and personality. Likely, and because of the dream scenario that involve more or less fantasy actions, you may have a hard time understanding the inner possibilities as well as connecting the dream actions to an actual event or experience in your waking life. I do sense the dream is primarily about the inner conflicts to do with your evolving world and how to handle the pressures from and in it. You have your good side and your bad side, a wealth of strength and fortitude {these are positive masculine aspects} as well as many negative masculine qualities {letting your emotions drag you down, aggressive feelings that lead to negative results}.

The inclusion of famous personalities is most often the result of having identified within those people/characters aspects they possess that you see or wish to have in yourself. A strong masculine aspect, the ability to figure out difficult things in your life would be what Aaron Hotchner may represent. The hero within yourself but a human type that has flaws and weaknesses just as you do {he is you}. Killing someone in dreams is not an actual murder but represents changing something or ending something that has to do with you {inner or/and outer aspects} and your life {changing or ending aspects to do with your relationship with parents as an example}. The actions in this dream are toward you and there is a need to be rescued. What that means is there are emotional aspects you possess that have energies that threaten you and you need to be rescued from those. Dealing with guys at school, males in your life that cause conflict for you, actual experiences that were more or less traumatic that you are still dealing with because they were experiences beyond the norm. These would be more or less personal in nature but the emotional aspects would be about the energies that are a part of your personal makeup and personality. Again, the personal stuff only you can know. The deeper issues are addressed in the dream but because the actions are not defined in a clear sense {ths is due to the imagination of a 15 year old} it may take a couple of more dreams to understand any emotional patterns within the dream.

The central theme, other than conflicts with masculine aspects or/and males in your life, seems to be one of being dragged and chased, being forced into something against your will. That could involve a lot of possibilities. It could be as simple as having to go to school and not really wanting to. Or responsibilities at home and instead of having to do those you rather 'go to the park'. There is one aspect of the dream that may be telling. The dream language of, "chasing me down the mountain. the farther down i got the more unrealistic the world became. when i reached the bottom the world was cartoon", would likely be an inner emotional issue dealing with waking life conflicts with an attitude it is all a cartoon and not real. Teenagers more or less live in a 'cartoon' world and the real stuff is not something you worry about. That comes later in life and is in fact what life is about when you get older {you can't dismiss reality as you can when you are 15}.

Let me look at the other dream you posted and see if I can recognize any patterns that will help understand both dreams and their intended message.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 64 Male Cocoa, Fl

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Re: the cartoon sky

This is the first time I've posted on here before. I posted something yesterday using my actual name. Do you mean that dream?

What you said about the beginning of the dream made sense. However I don't generally get into conflicts with people; I actually get along better with guys than I do with girls. I do identify with Aaron Hotchner, I admire his strength, and (I think subconsciously) the fact that when nobody else can figure out how to stop criminals, he's the guy that can catch them. Also he's just really awesome.

The part about me having emotional issues that I need to be rescued from is very much true. I have nightmares or really weird dreams mostly every night. I don't know why this happens, because everything I've read about people having nightmares a lot, they've always had some traumatic event. However I haven't had any traumatic experiences, ever. I mean every day is fairly traumatic because I am a socially anxious person and I have to go to school and interact with people, but that's normal. There's never been a large traumatic event.

Is it normal to constantly have weird dreams?

Thank you for looking at this and telling me what some of it means.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 female GA

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Re: the cartoon sky

You must be sharing a computer with other girls your age {not a problem}. I saw the same IP address and thought perhaps you were using another name.

If you can provide some info on possible conflicts with guys in your life that may help determine if there are actual unconscious conflicts the dream is addressing. That could include issues with your father {perhaps your parents are divorced and that causes a conflict with/about him}. Or any emotional issues involving guys that were not the normal experience a girl would have {actual trauma from a guy}.

Absent those possibilities the dream is likely addressing an issue or issues to do with everyday life involving stresses. Starting back to school and the peer pressures can cause these type 'emotional' issues. That is what dreams are about, emotional issues and conflicts that need resolution. Dream language is symbol and metaphor and with teens and younger people it is difficult to determine everyday emotional conflicts from the deeper issues that may be present {like a real abduction or punishment by men}. Teens still possess a 'cartoon' like outlook on life to a great degree and dream images can be very exaggerated to the point they seem to be worse than the real issues are. I can only see the outline of an emotional conflict and not an actual experience or recent conscious experience. The dreams of a young person and teens are much more difficult to understand when the issues are everyday pressures and not a deeper emotional issue {such a traumatic experience in life}. Added info about guys in your life, especially anything that may have been 'traumatic' {even father issues} then perhaps I can better determine if there is something that needs more attention.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 64 Male Cocoa, Fl

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Re: the cartoon sky

The thing about the IP address, the other dream is mine, I just posted it using my actual name.

I've never really conflicted with any guys. I was bullied by my best friend for a really long time (I no longer associate with her, but there were no guys involved. And my parents are still married; my dad is actually one of the only people I can talk to, so that's not it either. And I had this dream before school even started, so I don't think peer pressure is it. I don't really care what people think about me anyways. I do have a boyfriend but I've never had any conflict with him.

There was this guy I knew last year, he was a senior and he liked me. But I was just friends with him. When he got super creepy I just stopped talking to him. We didn't fight or anything. I don't know if that could be considered traumatic. It wasn't a big deal to me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 Female GA

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