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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

Two aspects or possibilities to the dream {both may fit}.

One has to do a recent experience where you are involved in new developments in your life, aspects you are comfortable with but not that familiar. You feel comfortable because you are able to take charge {CAPTAIN Picard} and control the situation. You may not have previously recognized these abilities or/and have had to use them. Life is normal otherwise but because of a crisis you find yourself in a position of having to take control, perhaps having to intervene in something that is not your problem. This would normally cause conflict in you {not a normal aspect of who you are} and unconsciously it does. This previously unrecognized aspect awakens and you are successful in thwarting/resolving the issue.

The second dream may point to embracing this newly discovered aspect and nurturing it. Often a second dream would be a continuation of the first.

You are exploring parts of your life that are not a norm and you are realizing you are able/or need to realize you are able to take command of this aspect. It involves previously unknown/unrecognized aspects that would put an end to old attitudes and open new ones. You are entering new space which could transform you and your life. But it causes a crisis for you, something that comes about unexpectedly. It may feel as if it is a subversive intrusion but because you are able to take control you find success in this new aspect of your life. This has been a part of your true self, an aspect you had not previously recognized.

The dream of taking care of a beloved dog may point to discovering this new aspect and taking care and loving what you have discovered. it is likely an aspect of your true self.

Creative or spiritual aspects me be the focus.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for your response. It helped to stimulate more reflections regarding this dream and the entire theme of spacecraft, starships and UFOs that have appeared in my dreams over the course of the past several years.

You are right. Definitely, they represent my connection with the Self. And I do see a developmental pattern which fits with the sense of change your interpretation(s) point to. There is inner as well as outer change underway. Change on a personal level (relating with the Self) and change on a career level.

On an inner level, this dream does reflect how my relationship with the Self is changing, especially when I compare it to an earlier dream which happens to be contained on your forum. In that dream, from 7 years ago, the spacecraft was submerged and circling in a body of water I walked next to. Now (presently, in the current dream), I am aboard the craft and have my able handed/minded Captain Picard with me. On a career level, I am in the midst of studies to become a Mathematics teacher. A couple years ago, I was not quite sure this would become a reality. But, alas, it will be.

As for the "crises" I have been wondering over two things: (1) As I continue my "golden work," I now keep a rather tightly sealed (hermetic) vessel (spacecraft?). With this exception of sharing here on your forum, I maintain a guarded container with my analyst. This, because I do not want the contamination or interference of outside agency. It is lesser about hiding my inner world away from the larger world and more about relationship both with my Self and my analyst. But there was a recent occasion where I almost opened to allow outside influence in (me, who used to worship a false god). When I saw what a detriment it would be to my inner work, I stepped away from it. (2) On a more practical level, I have Finals (school exams) in a few days time and I admit a part of me would wish I did not have to be strapped to my textbooks right now. A part of me would enjoy wandering away from my "staying the charted course." I am leaning more toward the first as an explanation for the sense of crises.

I did indeed feel that the second dream was commenting on the first. It was a deeply felt space in which I truly felt/believed my Self was caring for and loving me. That, likewise, I was doing the same, caring for and loving the self/Self. It was as if reminding me that the true love was inside, from and with the Self, the relationship I/my Other continue to grow together.

Also, again, on an inner level, for I who have had SIGNIFICANT father issues to deal with, this Picard/Dog Keeper energy feels warm, strong, safe and loving.

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

I appreciate your detailed response, not only because it provides feedback to my analysis but also confirmed my analysis during a period I was questioning if my interpretation was as thorough as it could be. There are times when my intuitive mind {essential in properly analyzing/interpreting dreams} seems to be less forthcoming and yesterday morning was of those times. Perhaps as much as anything it confirms for me that my method of analysis {beyond utilizing my intuitive senses} is the right path {at least for me} in providing the best possible interpretation.

In response to your follow-up post. Two things I sensed strongly in the dream were a powerful 'transcendental' {transcending the norm} aspect as well as a crisis in some aspect of your life experiences. My first thought to the transcendental possibilities were a creative or/and spiritual aspect. This sense was likely related to your 'Self' but perhaps more so to do with your 'golden work, your strong inner connection with something very important in your life. I sensed a crisis of sorts because of the words intrusion and subversion {although the later could also be referencing your 'submersion' in a body of water {the unconscious}. I look for a pattern flow and these words within the framework of your post seemed to fit best with a crisis.

Another aspect of my analysis you confirmed had to do Picard. The inclusion of such persons {although fictional} most often is referencing aspects/qualities that person possesses that you identify with. My first impression {even though you did not use the word} was a 'captain'. Picard's personality was of someone who was able to take charge no matter the circumstances, possessing a strong positive attitude no matter what he faces. I see this as reflecting your attitude with your response about becoming a Mathematics teacher and becoming a reality. Even the best of captains have doubts {which is good because it causes reflection and deep introspection}, sometimes questioning oneself. This is reflective of being comfortable in your own body {familiar and comfortable with the staff of crew members} and recognizing you do have the skills to pull it off {as I generally do with my dream work but sometimes questioning my senses}.

The one thing I did not pick up on was the father relationship which may be a reference in the dream statement, "successful in preventing a man from his subversive efforts." But with no other inclusion of a father relationship possibilities that isn't a really bad omission. It is a short dream and what we learned from its message is quite a lot. Of course your ability to put my analysis together with your actual life contribute greatly to understanding the message. Jung said a verification of a proper analysis is when the interpretation is a reflection of what is really occurring in the dreamer's life. It the shoe fits......

One last comment/question. Have you shared with your analyst posting your dreams for interpretation? As you can see dream analysis goes a long way in opening what is within the unconscious. I see a time when more psychologists/psychiatrists/analysts use dreams as a practical tool in their analysis {and it is already evident it is on course with most dream websites being Jungian}. Instead of spending countless hours trying to get the patient to open up, dreams do that whether the patient intends it or not. No hiding what is truth and our dreams are pure truth {expect in a language of symbol and metaphor}.

You have a mission in your life. 'Make it so'.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

Hi Jerry,

Just something short and quick to provide feedback on your reference to the word "Captain"... See the last two lines of the poem. Again, you are "on target." I did not make the connection, probably because my brain is quite full with mathematics right now, but this has become a hallmark poem for me. I did spend time in reflection with it (again) just a few days ago. My Self apparently mirrored my muse when sending me this dream. I find it wonderful when we are given these confirmations from our unconscious.

I will respond more later...have to get to the math while my mind is still fresh!

by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49, Female, Missouri

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

Hi Jerry,

I personally think your interpretations are "right as rain" - good as always they have been - if not better, since the earlier years when I posted here regularly.

In the absence of the highest functioning of one's intuitive sense, one cannot go wrong by sticking to Jungian principles, which clearly you do.

The help you provide here is amazing. More follow up information from those who do post dreams may go a long way in providing a greater sense of confirmation - and appreciation for the time that you dedicate to helping others. Thank you!

I agree that the transcendental aspect has to do with my "golden work."

Because of a dream following on the heels of this one, however, I have reason to believe the masculine figure presenting the subversive element may well have to do with my early life relationship with my father, where, because of his abuse, I learned to fear many a man may have covert/subversive motives. Notwithstanding my experience with my own birth father, we also have the fact that many of the world's religions tell of the angry god who would see to the demise of his that none may be more powerful than he. So, I deal both with the personal and the archetypal.

I appreciated your further amplification on Picard. I see and feel the spacecraft like it is both my "container" and my "vehicle" of expression. And though it is a "spacecraft," Picard is an image of a well-grounded/rounded space/Self explorer. He gives a positive counterbalance to the subversive masculine. And, the dream seems to indicate that I am indeed gaining ground/success in working through my negative masculine (subversive father) issues!

Because I have not been posting dreams online as of late, no, I have not shared of my recent posting with my analyst, but I shall, along with what I have learned from it. I did share that I used to post my dreams online in earlier years and that it was a very helpful time/process for me. Extremely helpful. Your website, by the way, is what gave me my start back in 2003-2004. The Jungian way confirmed what I then seemed to understand intuitively about my process...and led to my choosing to work with a Jungian analyst.

Dreams tell the truth. They are a clear "exposure" (image) of what is happening in the life and unconscious of the dreamer. Many have been the times I have thought that there is nothing I can really hide from my analyst, because my dreams always give me away! This is a good and healing (growth oriented) place to be in, when one has a good analyst and one learns to embrace the process.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49, Female, Missouri

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

I'll comment later about your dream and response but let me address the analysis/interpretation of dreams in general.

I do appreciate the compliment on my abilities to interpret dreams. I have for a long time thought I possessed the skills to properly analyze dreams but now that I have 20+ years experience in working with dreams, and have 'decidedly' begun to recognize even more distinct patterns in them, I feel even more skilled in 'reading' dreams. Using Jungian concepts/theories I believe beyond any doubt that all dreams can be interpreted properly. Not to mean anyone can state exactly what the emotional issues are any particular dream is attempting to communicate, only the dreamer can know that. But by properly analyzing and interpreting the images/actions {symbols} a skilled person with a well developed intuitive sense can drawn an outline of the issues that the dreamer can recognize as applicable to their life. And because just about every dream I now work with gets a positive response, that tells me not only did Jung get it right in his concepts/theories but also dreams do have a universal pattern in the use of the images/actions. In other words the house, as an example, is the dreamer in some relationship. Using that premise when a house is seen in a dream it is the dreamer or related to some important aspect of the dreamer {a mother's house would be about the relationship with the mother in some important aspect}. The same goes for a car or most other forms of transportation {this isn't so strange since we so strongly identify with our cars in a conscious way}. Those things that are normal inclusions in our daily lives reflect who we are and thus are used as images to identify the truth about who we really are. Counter to what many who follow Jungian psyche believe about images being static or fixed, I believe many are {beyond the archetypal applications}. I call these universal symbols {so not to confuse them with the archetypes} because their application is not only mostly fixed but universal {most everyone lives in a house and/or has a car}. I believe one reason I do have great success in correctly analyzing and interpreting dreams because I do use these universal symbols and find the application is true. Science is based on trial and error and truth comes from eliminating the errors.

I will surely discover more new things about how dreams function and that excites me. What I hope to do is present my case about these universal applications to the academic world to determine whether indeed I am correct in my assumptions. If it is true perhaps it will convince even the strongest skeptics that dreams not only have meaning but they can be properly and correctly interpreted. My 'body' of work at the Dream Forum is one place to start in that determination since my success with dreams is on display here. To be convincing there must be facts to support the theory. I believe I have that here at the Forum.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

Picard the captain, that is what I came away with in his inclusion in your dream. A positive figure that reflects an aspect of yourself, something you recognize and need to utilize. Whatever the crisis in in your life {something that may have been an actual recent intrusion in your life on one level, another level being the deeper issues}, you are able to successfully to avoid the subversion {as Picard always is able to do}. Dreams use such images {you obviously identify with Picard, the reason he is in the dream} as metaphors {you are Picard}. This is standard Jungian concepts that fits in most every instance. Universal patterns reflected in the concepts Jung recognized.

As for the poem. Reading it metaphorically I see the deeper psyche of the person who penned it. The creative self needs expression and poetry is one tool to do this. I use my websites {especially Myths-Dreams-Symbols in my early/mid years of self discovery} to express my deeper self. Having an outlet for expression allows us to get to know ourselves, our true selves. Being that true self is the task of the hero/heroine. Not always the hero/heroine in the world at large but in our own lives. The rewards are inward and in my opinion fall within the general patterns of nature which provide rewards in the outer world. Different levels as with most things in nature, including our dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Spacecraft Crises & Man's Best Friend

Jerry wrote: I will surely discover more new things about how dreams function and that excites me. What I hope to do is present my case about these universal applications to the academic world to determine whether indeed I am correct in my assumptions. If it is true perhaps it will convince even the strongest skeptics that dreams not only have meaning but they can be properly and correctly interpreted. My 'body' of work at the Dream Forum is one place to start in that determination since my success with dreams is on display here. To be convincing there must be facts to support the theory. I believe I have that here at the Forum.
Very best wishes in your endeavors, Jerry!

And thank you (again) for sharing your interpretation of this dream of mine.


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