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A 3 Part Dream

It begins with me in my brother's backyard. It's weird though, because it is not actually the size of his backyard. The size of his yard is much smaller than the dream, but I know it is his yard. I am in the center of his yard and I come across two gold pairs of earrings. One pair are gold circles and another pair are gold tear drop/Moroccan shaped tear drops with emeralds in the center, but in the dream I know they are a deep jade (?) As I look around the yard I begin to see other things that I think are "off" (I saw the earrings and right away thought: someone has been in my brother's backyard who shouldn't have been") I see a small elf like statue with a helmet put on its head and I see small trinkets left next to it. I bring it to the attention of my mom who tells me to advise my brother (we were staying with him I guess) and he dismisses it saying that it could be a pair of his wife's earrings, or a friend's of hers who left them - and it could be his son put the helmet on the statue's head. I standing in his kitchen and I am looking out the window, convinced that if I were to search the rest of his yard that I would find a lot more little things which would prove that someone has been in his yard for no good reason.

Next thing I know I am in a prison. It's an odd sort of place because It is a mixed sex prison, and I can leave at the end of the day. I am only supposed to be there in daytime (?) I have one main male friend there and 3-4 additional male friends there, but mostly, the one male friend is with me throughout my day. (This is just something I know) we are all discussing philosophical/spiritual matters it seems. I remember my bare feet on a chair and seeing pink nail polish on them. I also remember my one male friend being upset about an ex girlfriend which I was confused about because I remember rolling my eyes and thinking "you didn't even like her anyways!" (I do not know who the guys are in waking)

At one point it is lunchtime and I see each table is being called by row. (we are on the left who have not gotten our lunches and we move to the right side after we obtain our food). My row is next and I get up and pick up my chair. It is a metal chair and it is purple. It either has the number 81 on the seat or the number 90 I can't remember, and I know these two numbers are different, and it doesn't make sense to me in waking). Anyways, as I walk up to the lunch food area, I am regretting taking my chair with me and wondering why I did it - why didn't I leave it on the side until after I had gotten my food like everyone else is doing? I am thinking my friend will give me some grief over this.

I head over and see that there is chili and biscuits and a crockpot of some chicken dish with bread. I really want the chili and biscuits but for some reason I scoop the chicken dish and bread. I am thinking the chicken dish will keep me fuller, longer. I sit down on the opposite side of the room and my friend asks me why I chose the food that I chose, "I thought you wanted the chili?" I shrug and just start eating. The chicken dish has a rather large piece of bread in it, so it is like I got a lot more food. Plus, I have extra bread, where the chili does not have this, however much I want it and however delicious it looks to me. I start eating.

I am then in my sister's car and she is driving - but she has no roof on her car. We are going to do something reckless: we are going to drive off a ledge into a spinning kite of some sort (it is white with blue piping and it is on top of a building, hard to describe it, but it has sort of a flower - like shape to it) she says we will drive right through it like an adventure and we will land safely on the ground. I tell her that the kite is not paper, and that I do not think we will merely "drive right through it" she tells me to wait and see. There are 1-2 other people in the back of her car (I think) and she revs the car and goes. Midway through the air she yells out "I think you are right! it is fabric!" which ends up being the case. We hit the kite-like structure and it bounces us back. I face plant as does she and we begin falling. I feel the face plant to the kite hurting. The fabric is rough and has a heavy texture to it.

And then I wake up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34, New York, Female

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Re: A 3 Part Dream

Let me take some more time with your dream {tomorrow morning}. It is a difficult dream to break down. But I do sense it involves choices either of spiritual or/and creative aspects in your life. I also sense a strong influence by your brother for whom the dream depicts as having a 'superior' influence on you. There are also indications there are shared experiences with your sister but aspects that point toward 'adventure' but there is reluctance in going in that direction. Any added thoughts to do with the above would be helpful.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: A 3 Part Dream

My brother and I are close and I would like to live in the area that he lives. He lives out of state and I find myself envying him because of where he lives, the life he leads, etc.

I feel stuck right now with where I live and not seeing any real developments in my life. I have been looking for work where he lives but just have not had any luck. I have been looking for the past couple of years. It seems like no one wants an out of state applicant; I haven't given up but I do get discouraged.

As for my sister, you are right. I am not sure how to best provide information on this because of the complexity of our relationship. I guess I can say that while sometimes she can be fun, I just don't have the same interests as she does (even though she pretty much wants us to be one in the same) so yes I do have reluctance when it comes to the direction she wants me to take.

Not sure if this clarifies or muddles things more.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 34, New York, Female

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Re: A 3 Part Dream

The info is very helpful. I have a list of what I see the images/actions might represent and what you state in your response verifies much of it. I have broken down the whole dream {some dreams I do, some I don't, long ones I often do} and given my take on the symbols. And although I saw possible patterns {you confirmed} to do with your brother {the opening paragraph showed a strong and positive attachment} and the last paragraph depicted the conflicting relationship with your sister, I could not at the time pin down the whole dream. Everything needs to come together and when it does I almost always provide a proper analysis and interpretation.

Something I didn't mention, an aspect of the dream I have yet to collate and determine what aspect in your psyche it is focused, has to do with the numbers. In my thinking {intuitive and Jungian} these numbers are important numbers, the number 9 {81 & 90} always having important meaning, not only in dreams and mythology but the whole of nature {it is associated with the feminine principle, creative and spiritual}.

Notes from my 'Jungian' mind: Dreams and mythology share the same archetypal images/symbols. Dreams and myths are constellations of archetypal images.
Dreams are individual myths, myths universal dreams. A myth is an exaggerated truth, the dream our personal truths

I do appreciate you volunteering the added info. Usually all I have to work with is the age and gender of the dreamer. Those two are most important. But even with only that a trained dream analyst {Jungian} can discern patterns emerging that defines what the images/actions represent and what the prime focus of the dream is. Often a secondary aspect can also be determined also, such as personality traits or developed attitudes/complexes {all dreams have at least two meanings/applications}. Because I do get responses to my interpretations I know whether I am successful in my associations/meaning/application of the symbols and my analysis. As to what degree that success is? Without providing an exact number which I haven't calculated, I can say it is quite high, very high. One need only read the posted dreams to see this.

Of course I have to give Jung credit for most of the success. It is his concepts that allow us to understand dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: A 3 Part Dream

There is no question you have high regards for your brother and he probably has been a big influence in your life. His character has helped you in your personal development and you desire to be like him {two gold pair of earrings}. But there is a caveat to this relationship that is 'off', something about yourself that does not measure up to his 'high position'. The added info you provided states you are stuck in your quest for progressing in life. In comparing yourself to your brother's position, this may be what is 'off'. And there seems to be other issues as well in this relationship {comparing your life to his, or you to him}. That seems to be what the rest of the dream is addressing.

The middle paragraphs depict you being confined by emotions about integrating who you are as opposed to who you are expected to be {sex is often a symbol for integrating contrasting/conflicting aspects within one's psyche}. I get the sense you either are putting pressure on yourself in your expectations {something that fits with the added info you provided} and/or others have high expectations of you that you may feel you can not meet or do not think is your true path. The dialog in these middle parts seem to be about choices, ones you have made, those you may feel you should have done differently and those you want to make that fit with who you really are. Whereas your siblings have a set direction in life you are still looking to find your place. Because of your lack of success thus far you have created 'grief' for yourself and perhaps others have caused you grief because of it. This has a lot to do with the pressures on you but is likely an inner issue also {I'll address in concluding my analysis}.

As for the last paragraph related to your sister. I see that as a part of the choices and decision making you are entertaining/pressured in getting your life together. It may be her chosen direction and perhaps a direction she and other family members are pushing on you. This is not who you are. As you stated in the added info she is a fun person but you are not her.

As for the inner issues. I do sense there are other aspects about choices to be made. I get an impression of a choice between 'material' worth compared to 'creative' aspects {creative would include those choices related to your true desires}. The philosophical/spiritual matters may be pointing to those things your soul desires where as other choices involve making money, achieving a better position in life by choosing a path that provides material worth. Whereas the kite is symbolic of higher aspirations to do with your 'higher qualities' {spiritual/creative}, that aspect is 'hurting' as to what choices you are expected to make. To go in a direction other than what your soul desires, that fabric {what you would be made of} is rough and has a heavy texture {feel} to it. I also sense there are intuitive aspects you possess that are attempting to guide you. This would be related to the soul, your true self and should be listed to.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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