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Re: 4 phased dream

I too believe we have sold our souls to the material world and often feel that world is so corrupt it should be allowed to continue. I can't speak to European countries but America has become so corporate owned the average person has become hooked on the status quo and can not think for themselves any longer. IPhones and technology are what lives are about, the creative spirit is left to the few who dare seek their true identities and live a true life. The planet is doomed because we all allow ourselves to be complicit in destroying it. There is good intent by most but they are unable or unwilling to leave the safe confines of their private world and do what is right for the planet. And as with everything in nature there are the corrective measures that ultimately come to bare {just as nature provides the human psych with the dream to regulate the psyche}. If we don't destroy ourselves by other means within the next 100 years we will do it environmentally. Armageddon will be environmental.

With that said we must carry on and live life. We all have issues and yours sounds more dire than most {that is what dreams speak to}. There are choices to be made and they are not easy. But they must be made and you either continue to live in a 'wasteland' {TS Eliot's poem by the same name} where there is nothing but a wasted life or choose to take the adventure and slay all the dragons that will be thrown at you, survive or die doing what your soul longs to do. The advice I offer is the same advice given to me some 23 years ago when I first met Joseph Campbell and began my journey into Jungian psyche and dream analysis. FOLLOW YOUR BLISS. For me it was doing just enough as a contractor to survive {a business I started and built for which my son makes a good living managing today} and spending the rest of my time studying/learning Jungian dream psyche and web design. The result, after the 23 years, is I am retired, spend much of my time working with dreams and maintaining my websites. But I also am the care taker for many neighborhood/feral cats which requires me to continue to work in the family business {Saturdays is the only day I work} to pay for that. The care taker aspect was cast upon me and requires a lot of energy {becoming attached to the animals and worrying about their welfare}. But I chose this path and other than struggling at times to insure I can cover the expenses of my care taking of the cats, I am doing what I want to do, living life on my terms and not by what society dictates. Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were barriers. I can honestly say that has been true throughout these many years of taking the 'hero journey'. When I need a helping hand there always has been {and will be} a resource that comes to the rescue and another dragon is slain. A lot of mental energy dedicated to the lives of others, human {analyzing their dreams} and cats {insuring their welfare}. But again it is what I love doing {as far as the dream work and web design} and must do in as far as my commitment to the cats.

Take a little time and read what Campbell has to say. It may help in resolving issues of direction in life because it directs you to what the soul really wants. Of course day to day challenges will always be the prime issue but when you gain a perspective that there is a soul energy and it does wish for the life to live in accord with the natural world {going green as much as you can even if you can't live totally in the mold}, you realize there are natural forces working on your side and you are not alone. It has worked for me and as with dreams 'I know' there are powers that allow us to go beyond the normal world and live a life of being true to the self in this life {the here after will take care of itself, whatever there is after this life}. Do what the soul longs for and do not turn back. No matter which direction you take there will be sorrows so why not follow a path that the true self wishes for instead of one that is dictated to you and suffer the sorrows from it. At least the life of bliss will bring you to your true center and from there you find strength to face each day anew, and survive without having to compromise your principles. Follow your dreams {and your bliss} and they will lead inward and when you go inward you discover what your true dreams are {the psychological dream revealing the true dream world in which you long for}. Nothing to lose except your life and where life has become so entangled in the material world you may save your own life by escaping the outer world of 'things'.

"If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."
― Joseph Campbell


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hey Jerry,

Thanks for your reccomondations and your extensive reply. I will get back on it asap. For now have a nice day!



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Re: 4 phased dream

Hey Jerry,

Thanks for your introducing me to professor Joseph Campbell. I will definitely read his books. Luckily we have a big public library here in Holland that has some of his books. I feel grateful about that.

The main thing I keep thinking is that somewhere something deeply hopeful arises from your message. I keep having this idea that we might not be as alone as we sometimes think and that your site and us "meeting" throught it brought us to that awareness. Surely we are still a minority, but we are not alone. There are more people like us, who knows how many more? I guess if you keep up the good work, how many more people will you be able to inspire and help grow? That brings me to the second thing I wanted to share with you. I just want to take this time and moment just to tell you how amazing I think you are and how much your talents inpire me. Who cares that sometimes it's hard? I always try to see it in perspective. Some human beings have to struggle with much more. Ofcourse things are lonely, hard, frustrating and all. That can't and shouldn't be denied. I just think that there are many rewards on the road too. The fact that life is hard, no matter wich path you choose is just for me a part of becoming an adult. We just have to face it and again remember the rewards. I for example can imagen you feeling awesome when you nailed an alaysis again, or just enjoying the praxis of just analysing and connecting the dots. It must feel like solving a very hard puzzle everytime. I just have to laugh about that you mentioned this Joseph Campbell, because I had been thinking about you and that you remind me of this Biblical figure called Joseph. He was a dream teller and he was, just like you, very good at it. He just like you was able to point to the important things in life to people. You migth see that everybody could do it, but not everybody does. That makes you special. You are special and the world needs you and your contributions. Just like those cats need you (and you need them). I think I already said it but for all of this you inspire me a lot!

I also thought about whether you have considered maybe adding an 'donation' button on your site? Because I would love to pay some amount for your work if that helps you feed your cats. I know it would make me feel fine knowing that I am helping stray cats by being involved in Jungian dream work! I don't want to tell you what to do though. Just know that I and probably more people would be willing to engage in that kind of contract with you.

Well Jerry, thank you again for everything. For pointing me towards the right direction and inspiring me and all. Let's keep in touch. I wish you all the best and till the next dream!

Greetings from Holland,


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Re: 4 phased dream

I'll provide a detailed response tomorrow {Tuesday}. I do encourage you to take up Campbell's works. Your library may even have his The Power of Myth videos. It was from those I first began my journey to wholeness {self psychology through Jung's Individuation Process}. That was 23 years ago when I was 42. At 24 the insights you will gain from Campbell will be most valuable in later life.


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hey Jerry,

As you reply, if it's not too much of a trouble, I'd really like to read a little bit more how you learned to analyse dreams, wich tools you you used and wether you think one can objectively analyse his own dreams.

I thank you for your reply in advance! Greetings


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hi Jerry,

Tonight I had a dream that I wanted to share with you. I´d really like to be able to do it myself one day so I don't bother you so much with potentially unimportant dreams. Joseph Campbell mentioned something about big and small dreams. By the way, I could only find 'The Hero with the 1000 faces' in my library. All the others are transcripts of his lectures or parts of his books, not the original ones. That's a shame. But I don't really mind. I will try to read them all. I already finished one book and already I feel like I found a new goal to work to. Following Jung, I asked myself what I really liked to do as a kid. The awnser was creating epic stories. So I started to write fiction. I really like it! It gives me more in life than I had before. And it helps me to fight my television/tv shows addiction. So all is good. I might do some more work with myths, but I am sensing that I should first focus more on Jung after I read Campbell. Okay, so my dream(s). I had two dreams that had the symbol of the tower. In one I was climbing it together with another female (I was female too). We were I guess on a kind of mission, like we were spies. I also wrote down that we were also famous artists/singers/actors. I don't remember exactely what it was. I might have been Alicia Keys. In this dream we reached the really high point of the tower. Actually, it was more like a real tall modern building/skyscraper thingie. It had a top like the Chrysler building and we almost had reached it. I was hanging on the iron spike that tops the building. It all felt very futuristic. We were wearing black leathered outfits. I remember feeling kind of mean or scheming, like I was content with the fact that we were scheming about. As I am writing I am wondering, maybe this is my Shadow emerging from my dreams?

The other tower dream was very different. In this dream, the tower object was more like a vertical wind turbine. The dream was centered aroudn a boy. A young boy, maybe aged ten. This poor guy kept falling inside the tower downwards to the ground. Yet the grount at one point was not the ground, but it was ice! I remember a shot where I saw the small boy on his hands and knees staring through the ice, that was transparant. Underneath the ice I saw a big white whalelike creature. Seeing the boy falling was like watching a movie that constantly looped itself at this scene. I wrote that people were trying to do something about it. They were trying to save the boy from dying. What I am thinking is that this dream might be about my own childhood and that the ice might represent the uncousciousness. But what about the white wale? Is this my true self? And what about the looping? I can't seem to make a cohesice story from all the individual parts.

The third dream I had was about my adoptive parents. The really weird thing about is that my mother was acting very sexy in it. She was sending all this sexual signals while I was talking to my father. A funny side thing is that I was explaining him a corporate trade deal that they want build between Europe and the States. I obviously tried to explain him the downsides. But what intrigued me was that my mom was bending over at one time and showing her curves to us/me, I don't remember. I was shocked that she would do this while I was standing there, assuming that the signals where for my dad. This dream interest me because that day I for the first time send sexual signals myself. So what does this mean in relation to my dream?

Good luck with your analysis and I hope everything is okay with your cats. I read your side stories about your life on your site and I noticed that your writing style is extremely clear and very accessible in reading.

Greetings, Fabian

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Re: 4 phased dream


The Power of Myth deals with the universality and evolution of myths in the history of the human race and the place of myths in modern society. Joseph Campbell blends accounts of his own upbringing and experience with stories from many cultures and civilizations to present the reader with his most compelling thesis that modern society is going through a transition from the old mythologies and traditions to a new way of thinking in which a global mythology will emerge {interestingly this type personal experiences is one aspect in my understanding of dreams as they apply to early life experiences/influences}.

I compliment the attitude on wanting to analyze the dream yourself. And your interest in dream interpretation I'll speak to that since self analyzing dreams as well as the psyche were how I began my journey to realizing the inner world {psychological aspects that led to resolutions to my emotional conflicts as well as the discovery of me abilities to analyze dreams and the creative aspect in designing websites}. I'll provide details as I go.

In this post I will respond to your question about synchronicity and my path to becoming a dream analyst {although I do not have a degree in psychology I do consider myself as a dream analyst having worked with dreams in a successful manner for 18 years}. I'll address your questions about how I analyze dreams, the tools I use as well as this last posted dream. I will provide my page at The Power of Dreams on How to Interpret Dreams that provides specific instructions.

My'meeting' {with Joseph Campbell} would be what Jung called synchronicity. Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life. These 'chance' occurrences often point to 'learning lessons' that are unexpected. Coincidences that are connected in such a meaningful way their occurrence seem to defy the calculations of probability. It was through a syncronistic event I began my journey to wholeness and it did involve Joseph Campbell, whom I consider my spiritual teacher and life mentor. I'll provide a brief recap of that event as well as what led up to it.

In 1992 {I was 42} I was in the last days of my third marriage and at a point where I was completely lost when it came to direction in life. I was the typical baby boomer living the typical 70s/80s/90s life where society pushed us more and more toward materialism and looking outward for meaning in life. As the typical couch potato/sports freak family life was centered around working days and watching television at nights and weekends. But because I was directionless in life I was really wondering about without any real purpose. Having been married to three wonderful women and losing that was an indication something wasn't right with my psychological makeup. But because everyone around me was pretty much living the same life, no one paid attention, merely went with the flow and became socially indebted {this is even more true today}. Something had to give if I were to get past being the norm and finding my place in this universe. That happened one Sunday afternoon, a mere chance occurrence of what I know now to be a synchronistic event in my life.

That particular Sunday I had been out with my wife and when we returned home I as usual turned the television on. Because I have always had a natural inclination in new ideas and a big fan of PBS I turned the channel to that station {not knowing what the programming would be}. The program that night was the first of a 6 part series {one hour each} on Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, hosted by Bill Moyers. I was familiar with Bill Moyers {then best known as being the press secretary for President Johnson in the 60s} but had never heard of Joseph Campbell. It was likely Moyers' involvement in the program I didn't turn to another channel. I sat and watched the one hour program and when it ended I knew something within me had been struck, something registered I had no idea was there. It was from that day my life began to change and although it didn't save my marriage it would eventually lead me to understand why I could not stay married to the three wives. It was to be what was a synchronistic event by all measures and description.{see description of the program in left column}.

What the program did was open my mind to other possibilities beyond the normal social life, taking my sight away from the outward directed life where I was drifting aimlessly and turned that direction inward. It struck hard and profoundly on something that was already within me, the natural intuitive mind recognizing its calling and responded without doubts to its authenticity as a true aspect of my being. At the time I did not know where it would lead me but somehow I knew it was a path I must follow. The 'hero journey' inward {we are all heroes when we dare to travel inward}, a journey of self psychology as well as to the 'mystery' realms of the deep psyche where the archetypes reside. It has been a 23 year journey that has resulted in two websites dedicated to Jungian dream psyche and a true ability to analyze and interpret dreams. It all came about because of the 'chance' encounter, one I to this day believe was meant to occur. It changed my life completely and led me to discover why I could not stay in a married relationship {childhood issues where there was no father which became an unconscious motivator to my personality and actions as an adult}. Discovering what the issues are was the first step to resolving those issues. taking that inward journey led to the discovery of the creative and spiritual being Jung says is within us all.

So, the 'chance' of discovering truths of the inner kind do come about by accident. But I believe as did Jung there are natural forces that lead us to these experiences. Often in my analysis of dreams I sense an image energy that points to the dreamer discovering something that is true in their journey because they happened to come across my dream forum {just as you did}. These are nor mere coincidences, that are a part of the natural cycle in life, at first living in the world strictly as a social being {life is dictated by social norms} but then through a discovery a turning away from the outer world and focusing on that aspect and looking inward {we naturally do this at midlife}. What is missed or ignored by most people is there is another world, the inner world where truth reigns and the ego must submit to these truths. That is what comes through in our dreams every night, nature's device to heal realize and heal the emotional conflicts. As the immune system is to the body, the dream is to the psyche.


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Re: 4 phased dream

Gee Jerry, that's is some powerful stuff! What a great story too... I think it IS true that the dream functions to adress emotional conflicts. I have been experiencing that. Do you think a dream can also provide tools or hints what the solution to the conflict might be? Or is the process of making it conscious, where as the conflict first resided in the unconscious realm, might be enough? What I also liked was your beautifully written statement that truth reigns in the inner world. This is ofcourse a juxtaposition of the outer world, where it is all about playing roles and putting on masks. As though as that is, I believe that Jung and Campbell both provide some powerful tools to deal with that situation. Jung said, that one should not identify others and him/herself too much with the masks or roles people put on (he calls them personae). I think I read that on your page. I guess that statement could serve as a powerful mantra that can help you/me in accepting the outer world reality. As long as you keep the focus inwards, it doesn't really matter what the outwards pulls out of you. The outward world will never really define you, only the inner world will.

Next on my list is your instructions for analysing dreams!

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Re: 4 phased dream

I intend to provide further response to your post hopefully later today. So many things to do it is hard to get everything done in a timely manner.

As to your question whether dreams offer solutions to emotional conflicts {resolving emotional issues being what I believe to be the primary function of dreams}. Yes, they can and do. But it is not always easy to do discern what that might be. Dreams compensate what you already know {albeit it often being an unconscious knowledge} and by presenting what the emotional issues are, the dreamer becomes aware of them {as well as the underlying motivating energies} and can begin to understand the relationship and associations to personality and actions as an adult. I don't often see a clear solution offered by a dream {although Jung thought they were}. But of course I have so little knowledge of the dreamer's life that if I did have more personal information I would likely better recognize any solutions in a dream.

As for childhood being the primary time for development of unconscious energies/motivators. This is an area I different from Jungian concepts and tend to side with Freud {but not in the sexual dogma Freud insisted on}, my thoughts that childhood as the primary time where the energies are born. Jung thought more along the lines that adult aspirations shaped by our future {even tough he acknowledged Freud's belief that childhood experiences/influences were important}. With the new discoveries in neurology and psychology {something Jung did not have access to} we know the earliest years in life are most important. It was once believed an infant was limited in its ability to learn. We now know better, infants are capable of recognizing their environment and having strong energies imprinted in their psyche. But as important for me are my own experiences from childhood, recognizing the underlying motivating experiences to do with my father {who abandoned a wife and four children} than influenced my actions and personality as an adult {especially early adulthood}. If my childhood had been different, a life with a healthy father/son relationship, no doubt my life would have been also {and not the three failed marriages}. As the saying goes, like father like son. We all tend to imitate what we learn in childhood. A common sensible thing in my mind and one that is verified in my analysis of dreams.

I'll provide more later. In the meantime go to my page How to Interpret Dreams. It will provide insights to how I analyze and interpret dreams using a specific dream as an example.


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hello Jerry,

Thanks for your respons, the educational image about Freud and Jung and the additional information on theories upon wich dream analysis was build. I have been reading a lot of your articles on your site and I´m learning so much. I feel everytime I´m getting a tiny bit closer to analysing myself.

Still I would love if you would try to analyse my dream that I have posted before about the towers. I myself sense that it has to do with my shadow, although you have stated that you don't work with this image that much. The reason why I think that, is that my dream ego was a darker female and you wrote that this might be a representation of the shadow (could also be not true since I am a male and shadows always come with the same gender). Also, I think this dream will provide more insight in the childhood issues I had. I feel like the boy I saw was I. I thought that the boy was around 10. That would mean, if I follow your ideas on numbers, that something might have happended to me at age 10 that created the conditions for my motivators to arise. I have been thinking, but there is no significant life event that easily comes to my mind when I think about this time period. I admit, there is a chance that I have erased it from my memory since I suspect that I don't rememeber as much of childhood as other might do. For this I would like if you would analyse the dream although I feel like I have been bombarding you with requests and questions. Obviously I feel troubled since you tell me a lot that you are very busy. It is hard for me to be considerate because I am really determined to know more and to get personal analysis, but please tell me when you have too much work. What is your maximum of dreams that you can handle for a person on average in a week? Like three, four? Because I have another very intense and long dreamed that really screams to be analised!

Thanks for everything Jer, greetings Fabian

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Re: 4 phased dream

I apologize for not providing a response sooner. I had began a response yesterday and thought I had posted it but apparently not. I do intend to provide an analysis of the your other dream and had hoped to do it yesterday. But with so much going on {I am a homeowner with many responsibilities with that/cutting grass in the hot Florida sun, etc., as well as taking care of the many cats, as well as designing websites to help with the costs of feeding my cats, as well as working all day Saturdays in the family construction business, again to help feed and care for the cats}. And then there is what I love doing most, my dream work. You would think in retirement I would have some spare time on my hands.

It is Friday evening so it will be Sunday before I will be able to analyze your other dream. You are first in line, I promise.


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Re: 4 phased dream

Well, forgetting is a human thing so apology taken. I am looking forward to your respons!

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Re: 4 phased dream

I will post my analysis of the three dreams separately in case something gets in the way of interpreting all three in one post. Here is my analysis of the first dream breaking down the symbols/images/actions and then a summary. Look at the broken down parts and see where they may fit beyond what I offer and in your personal experiences {which only you can know}.

tower-high hopes and aspirations
female-anima aspects/emotional aspects
Alicia Keys-shadow feminine {she is a black female}
spies-secret aspects/unconscious aspects
actors/singers/artists-creative aspects/performing to your greatest skills
reaching high point-achievement
skyscraper-high ideals, creativity and imagination
Chrysler building-reaching a high point
hanging on iron spike-hanging on strength and will power
almost-lacking achievement
futuristic-future hopes and fears
leather outfit-toughness and instinctual
mean/scheming-unconsciously negative drive {secret}

Aspects to do with achieving the higher self as well as personal achievements in waking life {natural ego aspects even when the ego has been subdued}. There have been aspects where you have made great gains but in others where you have not and need to use discipline and will power to reach new horizons. There is a general sense of fulfillment but there still exists the unconscious/negative drives {emotional shadows?}


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Re: 4 phased dream

A couple of comments to this post {Jul 11, 2015 - 4:34AM}.

Those who realize the inner path as a psychological journey are indeed in the minority. Most people are so fixed on the outer material ego world they have no clue to the inner. We all have 'abilities' and more often than not they are instinctual as well as creative. When we learn to live from the inner center we become our own teacher and with age, experience and wisdom we not only learn to share what we have learned, it is a part of the hero responsibility to do so {following Campbell's monomyth}, sharing what is learned/experienced in the individual journey, psychological as well as the experience.

As for analyzing dreams. Dreams are puzzles and although it is next to impossible to name exact personal experiences, providing an outline where the dreamer is able to fit the pieces in the proper places in general is very rewarding. This is how I have achieved so much success in my analysis {which is verified in the responses}.Instead of presuming I can pin a definition picture of what the personal experiences are, by outlining the underlying energies and motivators and giving a general outline how those are associated with the personal, there is a natural psyche recognition by the dreamer of the connections. I don't have to spell out in exact detail what the personal experiences or the unconscious energies are, just an outline that apply describes them touches the psyche nerve and allows the dreamer to see and understand my analysis. This is demonstrated in most of the responses I get from my analysis. And those are overwhelming positive {I am not yanking my ego, I am stating a fact}. This approach to analyzing/interpreting dreams is something I hope to get the word out since there is that general assumption that dreams are still a great mystery and we have yet to fully understand their intent or how to decode them.

As for a donation button. From the personal e-mail you sent me I have renewed my PayPal account and hope to add a donation button to the Dream Forum. Of course any funds I receive will go to my Kitty Fund in support of caring for the neighborhood/feral cats. This has been a rewarding endeavor but it is expensive, not only the feeding but the dreaded need to have to take one of them to the vet for health care. The stress of not being able to afford adequate health care is one of my biggest concerns. The expense for that stretches mt resources to the max and any serious illness is something beyond my means.

I'll close with a quote from Joseph Campbell I keep in my mind to remind me there are helping hands that are available when you follow the hero path and live a spiritual life.

"We have not even to risk the adventure alone
for the heroes of all time have gone before us.
The labyrinth is thoroughly known ...
we have only to follow the thread of the hero path.
And where we had thought to find an abomination
we shall find a God.

And where we had thought to slay another
we shall slay ourselves.
Where we had thought to travel outwards
we shall come to the center of our own existence.
And where we had thought to be alone
we shall be with all the world."


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hello Jerry,

Thank you for your analysis. I already am looking forward to the analyses of the other dreams! I want to say tham I am really grateful for everything you do for me (like prioritising me) considering there are also others that post dreams and that you also have to feed your cats, make sure they are healthy and spayed and all. So thanks!

About this analysis: I think you mean that a part of reaching personal achievements in waking life is answering to natural ego aspects and that they will come out no matter what even when the ego is subdued. This of course makes sense. I think this relates to my life because right now I don’t have a job and I’m living on welfare (hence my big amount of free time). As I told you, I found it very hard to conform idealistically to society and this makes this process even harder. It’s true that I have a sense of achieving personal goals that before I never had. This year I quit smoking, drinking, using drugs, stupidly spending money, making debts, binge watching and I’m trying to stop overeating. Yes, I was a true lost soul, but now I am a different man! This kind of self control though asks a tremendous amount of discipline, especially not watching tv and films and overeating is the hardest part. Well, you have been there before. You did it yourself. I think you can relate to the work and the discipline and how hard it is to try and find different ways of living and getting rid of the things that your mind tells you you like, but your heart knows they are not worth it. I try to now find more answers inside (hence the dream work) and stop looking for them outside to deal with the reason behind why I was doing all of this dumb stuff in the first place. The hard thing is though, that this work and the sense of fulfillment and personal achievement that resulted from it only separates me more from the ideals and fundamentals of modern society and eventually also pushes me away from reaching natural ego desires like not having to rely on welfare, finding a job that is truly fulfilling and so on. Very important things, but reaching them ask a lot of energy in its itself, let alone that you are battling addictions and societal morals at the same time. And the most absurd thing about is that the more I (want to) become a sane person, the more you see that society is truly crazy haha! This is a funny and ironic paradox of course, but it is also very hard to deal with because of the implications. I hope that the thing that will make it easier is when I feel emotionally balanced and when I find friends. This is the part in life where I haven’t been so successful because of the things that happened to me in childhood and the fact that I never really dealt with it and escaped life through all the bad habits that eventually only made me feel even worse and even mentally ill! My only hope is that my new sense on relationships (as I change my relationship with myself changes too) will find me these new friends.

This is way I think your analysis was really good!

Still Jerry, you said that dreams always at least have to meanings. I feel like this dream might have more clues about the deeper psychological dynamics in relation to that the shadow qualities that are at play. Is there a reason why you don’t use this archetype? I ask this because the thing that now sticks with me the most is the fact that it is my shadow that is standing on the top of the world. She is the one that reached this so called achievement. What if the dream tries to tell me that the ways of the shadow-the artistic ways-are not right for me and that I can’t reach real goals as long as she is scheming about trying to find gratification through the dynamic of the artist and its audience? Overcoming this shadow would take huge amounts of discipline and work too! Maybe the things that I have achieved (the artistic things/skills) are great, but there are others things that need my attention.

I hope you will find the time to react on all of this and also analyze my other dreams. Good luck with the work!

With kind regards,


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Re: 4 phased dream

Here are the analysis of the second and third dreams. Note the childhood references in the second dream and my comments about how that does seem to be a norm for dreams and actual childhood experiences. You mentioned in your comments a possible connection to childhood. Were there any specific experiences at age 10 that would fit?

Second Dream Analysis {Breakdown of Images/actions and Summary}
-wind turbine-continuous unconscious energies at its strongest
-centered around boy age 10-experiences at age 10
-falling inside tower-lose of control of inner aspects where there is unconscious protection
-towards the ground-foundation experiences/influences
-ice foundation-emotionally paralyzed by foundation energies
-hands and knees- inability to handle conscious emotional position
-white whale-unconscious aspects that affected your innocence
-movie looping itself-energies within the unconscious that cause repeated conscious actions
-wrote to do something-communication between unconscious and conscious self
-boy from dying-inner child experiencing death

Whenever there are images/actions or references to a childhood or time frame in childhood at the beginning of a dream {see Getting Started/exposition structure in dreams} the dream is addressing issues to do with childhood {the age 10 will point to actual experiences at that age}. This is a constant in dreams, something I have stated previously from my experiences in working with dreams and verified in the responses when doing so. My sense of the dream after breaking down the images/actions there are conscious unconscious energies that are motivators for personality and actions in later life. The specific foundations {ground} for the attitudes/traits are from the early life experiences at age 10. The looping actions in the movie {the movie is of your life, at age 10 and those experiences that affect you as an adult} would represent the continuous control these energies have over your conscious life. The boy is your inner child, that child at age 10 that still lives within you but with aspects {to do with innocence} that died from those early life experiences. Are you aware of what those might be? Your added statement the dream might be about your childhood would suggest this. This is the true self as it has to do with those experiences and the attitudes/traits you have developed from those experiences. Look for specific experiences when you were age 10 and see how those would fit with the dream message.

Third Dream Analysis
-adoptive parents-a need for aspects to do with shelter/protection/love that were not
received from true parents
-mother acting sexy -nurturing aspects to do with the need of integration within your
-sexual signals/talking with father-nurturing aspects in reference to father
-corporate trade-trading what is lacking in whole self
-downsides-negative aspects
-mother showing curves-deviation from what woud be straight/normal
-intended for dad-providing nurture that is normally intended for your dad

Unless there were actual sexual situations with your mother {unlikely but always a possibility} the dream may be pointing to nurturing aspects. I get the sense there were experiences to do with your parents {in dreams the image of a parent/parents can be literal as well as symbolic} where one was on one side and the other the opposite. At least partially if not wholly. There may have been issues of power and control {father} that affected both you and your mother. Whichever parent was on the positive side should be known to you. The dream may be pointing to aspects of nurturing you perceived {if not experienced} that was given by your mother to your father, nurturing aspects you did not receive.


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Re: 4 phased dream

In my dream I walked out of a room from the house that my father´s family owns. I feel very pensive and confused. I have been talking to ladies/women and they always are source of confusing feelings.

I walk the corridor. I see a small wondow like the ones that you can flip to adjust it's openness. Bright yellow light comes falling out of it. Than I am in a different room. Other youngmen have lead me there. I sit on the bed together with a blond, handsome youngman. I look around in his room and I see a tv. Noticing the quality of the image it's showing, I compliment him on his HD screen. I see the boy smiling an obvious proud and almost smurky smile. There is a sense of comrady with the boy and with the other boys that supposedly also live in that house and that are in the room but keeping their tactic yet polite distance. All is fine.

I am now in a classroom, yet in the same house. I see a very studious and serious girl with a headband and brown straight hair. She looks sad like somone just picked on her. The next thing I am doing is twirling around in a tutu in the middle of the cassroom! Everybody laughs. As I twirl it becomes clear that my crouched is stained with blood. I don't seem to care and I laugh too. I do my clown act like it was supposed to be that way.

The surroundings change and now I am in a hurry. I see purple lightning in the sky and as I would do in normal life, I immediately start running from tree to tree, looking for protection. While I am running I see my old tennis court from my childhood town. I noticed that Serena Williams is practicing. I walk along.

I have arrived in the house and I get in the course of two days and one night two visitiors. One is an old colleague. We start to drink alcohol and we eventually kiss. The next morning he really regrets it. It makes him leave in a agitated state, saying it was a mistake. I don't agree and I try to convince him, but he already is taking his leave. The next visitor is my brother. We start to smoke marijuana and play a one person racing video game that is situated in space (hey plays, I watch). The car in the game runs out of energy and it recharges . Bright white light can be seen around the car. At one point I tell my brother I think he smokes too much (we have had this discussion a lot in real life). I tried to trick him in letting go his joint by saying there is something wrong with it. When my brother has left I suddenly get very scared that people will come and take me away from my house! In a hurry I close the curtains, hoping they will protect me and prevent me of seeing the face(s) of these people loom in the glass of the windows.

My leave from the house takes place in broad flat boat. I see my grandmother. She sits opposite of me. I feel ashamed of her as she is talking nineteen to the dozen. I see an indian woman standing behind her. I sense she is also a bit awkward. It seems like my grandma has no inhibition. In my dream I suddenly get the sense that she has accepted herself and that she doesn't mind others minding her. During the journey (home?) we stop at a modern place. It has quite beautiful architecture that I notice and appreciate. My grandma though takes me to this square shaped meadow. Here she wants me to work on the land. I don't remember if we were reaping or sowing. I think reaping.

Than all of the sudden the dream pace accelerates a lot. I am flying underneath a bridge and all of the sudden I am Pocahontas and John Smith is holding me up in his arms. As I lay in his arms I feel a strong sense of connection.
John Smith now operates a a tour guide, showing us the things in town. We are still in a boat and we are cruising a wide, drowned city. There is not su much buildings that there is not a sense of openness. In the boat I am aware of the presence of a fat man. This man is a diplomat. John Smith shows us a hanged man and tells us it was a corrupt solicitor. I am not frightended by this image.

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Re: 4 phased dream

Hey Jerry,

Thanks for your analysis. As for the first dream I found a possibly explanation. As I told you at first I couldn't remember any significant experience around that age. But when I read that the whale also could be a symbol of the mother I started to think and than all of the sudden a possibility emerged. I think this dream might be referring to a situation with my adoptive mother becoming very ill (she was a lot in the hospital in that specific time period) and her telling the doctors in our (my brother and me) presence that she didn't want again to go through this certain kind of medical treatment and device wearing and that she would rather die. This scene holds for me a strong sense of ambivalence. At one hand there is me getting kind of traumatized by the high emotions that were displayed, at the same time I have always had the deep intuitive feeling that my adoptive mother overexaggerated her reaction. In the end, she did have the operation. Looking back, I kind of feel like that when regarding the situations dealing with my mother sickness, I have been a witness of a staged play by my mother where in she was making herself sick and trying to get as much out of the situation as possible. As the perfect child that I tried to be, I tried to come up with a reaction that corresponded to what I thought was needed (as like following an untold script) but deep inside me there was this knowing that my mother was calling it upon herself and in a unconscious way was enjoying her role as being the victim. I guess at that point subconsciously I lost my innocence and my trust in other people. It probably has frozen my ability to really sympathise with people as I never truely belief that their sorrow might be real. This is a huge insight. Seeing this, I can also see the relation to my adult life now. I have this friend that I also accuse of doing the same thing that my mother once did. As opposed to searching healthy relationships, I am recreating the environment that I once was in. It provides me with the comfortable sense of being right and therefore not having to question my core beliefs. How I will ever learn to really trust people I don't know. But I truely believe that this dream has helped me to see where the root of my inclination layed by making it conscious and not unconsciouss anymore. I think I have to ask you again tremendously for your help in realising this.

The second dream is not so clear to me still. I will contemplate about it more and I will tell you right away when I found a possibly fitting experience. Thank you for all your help.

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Re: 4 phased dream

I haven't taken a look at the dream in-depth but if you find associations in the dream to your waking life as you stated that is indeed a break through. It usually takes many dreams to get to the 'source' of the primary emotional issues. The foundations to personality and adult actions are most often centered in early life {Jung saw childhood as a motivating factor but believed more strongly that we are shaped by our future {aspirations}. Your deep distrust of people has foundations and no doubt the adoptive mother experiences/influences contributed to that mistrust. There are likely other experiences related to her that contributed to your emotional neurosis and identifying those will be important in finding a resolution. But this dream is important because it is the first time you have been able to put the pieces together. When the whole dream puzzle is completed you will be able to start the healing process. Having recognized the motivators is the first step in that process because they are no longer purely unconscious energies that have no boundaries. As Jung stated, 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.'


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Re: 4 phased dream

I've partially broken down the dream images and would like for you to read what I see and comment. The dream seems to be addressing the inner aspects but also possible waking life experiences {other than your mother}. It is the possible waking experiences I wish you would comment if indeed there are any I have touched on that you can identify.

Here is the dream and then my analysis. I have analyzed all but the last two paragraphs.

In my dream I walked out of a room from the house that my father´s family owns. I feel very pensive and confused. I have been talking to ladies/women and they always are source of confusing feelings.

This part seems to be addressing issues that come from experiences/influences related to your father's family {or father}. Talking to ladies may suggest emotional aspects {women being the more emotional gender}. And/or issues to do with confusing emotions in actual experiences with women.

I walk the corridor. I see a small window like the ones that you can flip to adjust it's openness. Bright yellow light comes falling out of it. Than I am in a different room. Other youngmen have lead me there. I sit on the bed together with a blond, handsome youngman. I look around in his room and I see a tv. Noticing the quality of the image it's showing, I compliment him on his HD screen. I see the boy smiling an obvious proud and almost smurky smile. There is a sense of comrady with the boy and with the other boys that supposedly also live in that house and that are in the room but keeping their tactic yet polite distance. All is fine.

Either/and the other young man is you or another man you have an experience with in your life. It could be both and if it is you it would point to how you wish to be persevered/seen in real life, handsome, proud of who you are, a HD {higher definition} of who you are/wish to be. You identify with this other self {comrady}. He lives within you but you have not yet achieved this one aspect {room}, it is still in the distance.

I am now in a classroom, yet in the same house. I see a very studious and serious girl with a headband and brown straight hair. She looks sad like someone just picked on her. The next thing I am doing is twirling around in a tutu in the middle of the classroom! Everybody laughs. As I twirl it becomes clear that my crouched is stained with blood. I don't seem to care and I laugh too. I do my clown act like it was supposed to be that way.

A classroom point to experiences learned {or leaning experiences}. You are in the same house {father or father's family}. The girl in your dream probably points to emotional aspects, your anima. These emotions need to be revealed {clown can represent hidden emotions} because they put you in a position where you feel like a clown.

The surroundings change and now I am in a hurry. I see purple lightning in the sky and as I would do in normal life, I immediately start running from tree to tree, looking for protection. While I am running I see my old tennis court from my childhood town. I noticed that Serena Williams is practicing. I walk along.

Trees represent the power of personal growth. Running from tree to tree suggests you are searching within yourself as well as in your conscious world for those things that will provide personal growth. Protection issues are an issue {look to your 'father's family}. The tennis court with Senera Williams may be revealing underlying issues. Here is what a tennis court could represent:

Tennis represents changes and the need to actively assert yourself. You may be feeling the need to prove yourself time and time again. Alternatively, you may be unable to commit to a situation or decision. You are literally going back and forth between two choices. Since one of the score in tennis is denoted as "love", then the game of tennis may be a metaphor for a romantic relationship or a courtship.

court-A situation or circumstance in your life is giving your much distress and worry

I include the above because I sense there are more than one possible applications that may apply. The childhood town would likely be addressing your childhood environment. Senera Williams would point to feminine "shadow' aspects which in my experience come about in times of important changes in life. Walking along would suggest you are indeed engaged in these changes, consciously or partially conscious of your participation.

I have arrived in the house and I get in the course of two days and one night two visitors. One is an old colleague. We start to drink alcohol and we eventually kiss. The next morning he really regrets it. It makes him leave in a agitated state, saying it was a mistake. I don't agree and I try to convince him, but he already is taking his leave. The next visitor is my brother. We start to smoke marijuana and play a one person racing video game that is situated in space (hey plays, I watch). The car in the game runs out of energy and it recharges . Bright white light can be seen around the car. At one point I tell my brother I think he smokes too much (we have had this discussion a lot in real life). I tried to trick him in letting go his joint by saying there is something wrong with it. When my brother has left I suddenly get very scared that people will come and take me away from my house! In a hurry I close the curtains, hoping they will protect me and prevent me of seeing the face(s) of these people loom in the glass of the windows.

This part may be speaking to desires as well as a union of opposites {the old colleague-past experiences that influence you and your personality}. There may also be actual experiences involved. But overall it is addressing different aspects of your psyche and the union of opposites {conflicting emotions} would be to do with these. In the end you 'close the curtains', pushing the experiences into the unconscious so you won't have to deal with them consciously.


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hello Jerry,

I will react on the parts that you have analyzed.

“This part seems to be addressing issues that come from experiences/influences related to your father's family {or father}. Talking to ladies may suggest emotional aspects {women being the more emotional gender}. And/or issues to do with confusing emotions in actual experiences with women.”

My mother always kept us away (at least that’s how I have felt) from my father’s side of the family. There was always something wrong about someone, like my grandma or aunt. I think my mother was jealous and afraid they might get too much influence over her children. I remember that when were just arrived in Holland, we visited the home of my uncle and aunt. When it was time to leave, I told my parents that I wanted to stay with them instead of going home. This is of course a horrible thing to say and my parents were obviously very upset, especially my mother. I didn’t know really what I was saying; I was just a child… Apparently I already noticed at such a young age that I was not going to get the life I needed to have from my adoptive parents and that somewhere else I might. How right I was! But to say that there are a lot of emotional conflicts regarding this side of my family is too much. Of course I pity it that I haven’t got to see my family that much, but they I guess that you don’t really miss what you don’t know. My relationship with my father is something different though. My dad was actually pretty awesome when my mother was not around. But to keep her happy, he always chose sides with her and punished us in her name. The things he and my mother did to discipline us were pretty harsh. I remember often feeling betrayed by my dad and his unwillingness or incompetence to protect us from the harm my mother was doing to us. In fact he often made it worse. As a teenager things with my dad became worse and then better. My mom moved out of the house for a while and in this time I kind of bonded with my dad. He helped me getting over my first experience of love sickness. But my dad always tried and still tries to push me in directions (career wise) that I don’t want to take. He just doesn’t know me well enough to be able to really help and guide me. In the end I consider him to be a very bad father figure. This really frustrates me sometimes. It frustrates me that he wasn’t there to teach me and my brother anything about real life, except about the bad things people can do to each other. As I think about it I think I am still very mad at him. Why did he have to betray us like that? Why didn’t he protect us? My mind has the answers but in my heart I still don’t understand. I think this is the confusion that I have felt in my dream.

“Either/and the other young man is you or another man you have an experience with in your life. It could be both and if it is you it would point to how you wish to be persevered/seen in real life, handsome, proud of who you are, a HD {higher definition} of who you are/wish to be. You identify with this other self {comrady}. He lives within you but you have not yet achieved this one aspect {room}, it is still in the distance.”

I guess your analysis speaks for itself. In relation to my dad I think it has to do with my feelings of having lacked proper life education from my dad. Being a boy, your dad is naturally the one that you look for guidance and example. I think masculinity also is about self confidence and not always listening to what others tell you should do or should think. It’s about sometimes putting your foot down and believing in yourself and in your choices. Although my dad was pretty cool and crazy at times when my mother was around he didn’t really manage to stay this same person. He wasn’t the man in the relationship and my mom had too much influence on him, which made him lose this persona he was projecting towards us and that we liked. I often feel like I have been missing a lot life’s lesson that my dad could have provided and that other boys did receive. The boy in my dream, my dream projection of myself, is a boy that has incorporated all these lessons that my dad never taught me (by example). He indeed is proud of who he is. I guess this guy really is just a dream. But I can feel him becoming more of reality every day!

“A classroom point to experiences learned {or leaning experiences}. You are in the same house {father or father's family}. The girl in your dream probably points to emotional aspects, your anima. These emotions need to be revealed {clown can represent hidden emotions} because they put you in a position where you feel like a clown.”

This could point to the process of revealing my issues with my father and our relationship.

“Trees represent the power of personal growth. Running from tree to tree suggests you are searching within yourself as well as in your conscious world for those things that will provide personal growth. Protection issues are an issue {look to your 'father's family}. The tennis court with Senera Williams may be revealing underlying issues. “

Yes I am looking for personal growth (hence my posts and me getting in a therapy). I often have not felt protected by my dad as I wrote before.

“Here is what a tennis court could represent:
Tennis represents changes and the need to actively assert yourself. You may be feeling the need to prove yourself time and time again. Alternatively, you may be unable to commit to a situation or decision. You are literally going back and forth between two choices. Since one of the score in tennis is denoted as "love", then the game of tennis may be a metaphor for a romantic relationship or a courtship. Court-A situation or circumstance in your life is giving your much distress and worry”

“You are literally going back and forth between two choices. “I think this sentence really says it all. I am in a process of finding the right thing to study and thinking about where my future lies. I feel a constant struggle of following the advice of my dad or doing the things that I want, but lack confidence for.

"I include the above because I sense there are more than one possible applications that may apply. The childhood town would likely be addressing your childhood environment. Senera Williams would point to feminine "shadow' aspects which in my experience come about in times of important changes in life. Walking along would suggest you are indeed engaged in these changes, consciously or partially conscious of your participation.”

I think this is also really true. As I stated before, I feel like the shadowy parts of me want me to take the direction that my dad also was pointing me towards. I often feel like he wants me to live the life that he always wanted to have. But as I am becoming more conscious about these aspects, thanks to your tremendous work, I feel like I am taking more distance from his dreams and more towards my own real dreams and the real me.

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Re: 4 phased dream

Hello. I remembered that I had forgotten to react to the last part of your analysis. So here it is!

J: “This part may be speaking to desires as well as a union of opposites {the old colleague-past experiences that influence you and your personality}. There may also be actual experiences involved. But overall it is addressing different aspects of your psyche and the union of opposites {conflicting emotions} would be to do with these. In the end you 'close the curtains', pushing the experiences into the unconscious so you won't have to deal with them consciously.”

F: Seeing this in the perspective of the whole dream and my feelings towards these men, this part probably deals with the same underlying theme (self confidence) that at the time of the dream was being repressed and therefore not really a conscious and acknowledged conflict. Thanks for helping me letting me see this dynamic! I am know really curious to know where in my childhood lies the root for this emotional neurosis.

With kind reagrds,


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Re: 4 phased dream

Hey Jerry,

Got some more dreams (3 in total) for you. All together it's quite a bit. I hope that doesn't bother you too much!! Thanks in advance for your work. I always look forward to it! Here's how the dreams went:

I am in a truck with my parents. We are transporting bricks. We drive to a museum with Chinese art. We drop the bricks in a big hall. We think that the bricks are art. Than we drive away from the museum on a very narrow road that goes uphill. Suddenly we are in China. Things happen here. There are kids and I am a kid. I walk towards somewhere and come back on what it seems a forgotten and secret road. Giant sticky things are lying at the side of the road. The landscape reminds me of the golf course from my childhood and the land is dry and almost barren. I have a discussion with my parents whether the sun is the sun or an eye. I see birds. Next thing I am talking to a Chinese guide. We stand at the end of an open corridor on what it seems to be a cruise ship. He says something about my sneakers. They are white and he says there is something wrong with them. Then the guide tells me that I am flying to Malyasia. I see the map of China and as I am thinking that I wanted to go more north into the country I look to the map. I see an icon of an airplane flying and landing on the place of the map where Malyasia is. I see my brother that lives in my country of birth. I start to sing ‘Time To Say Goodbye’.

I am in Amsterdam and I’m in distress. It feels like I am doing everything wrong and everybody knows. I walk through the city to get to my brother. I descend a school through the use of an elevator. I ran into people that I don’t want to see. As I walk through the city I have the sense that I arrive at the back of the city. Here the roads have changed into a kind of scaffolding. I meet my brother. He is very drunk. I want him to come with me but he is upset. I manage to have him come with me but we are being chased. There is someone with a futuristic weapon that blasts energy beams. We hide in a pub. There my brother wants to drink more. I drag him with me through the streets. The streets are busy and narrow. The people remind me of 13th century Europeans. The women have round cheeks and wear these white little hats. Everything gives me a “common people” feeling to me. I am afraid that they might take my brother away and that I don’t succeed in saving him. What frustrates me is that I get the sense my brother doesn’t want to be saved and that he deliberately is trying to escape my influence. The day ends. We end up at a big family. They welcome us like we are heroes. They prepare a bed for us. But this is not a normal bed. Something nice happens: as we were supposed to sleep on separate mattresses at the outside rim of what it seems to be one huge mattress where everybody sleeps on, the villagers connect the mattresses with the big one. I feel much respected. We sleep and we leave happily.

I am in a mall with my parents. My adoptive mother is trying some kind of massaging chair. She is also trying out some kind of glove that comes with it. It also massages and it looks like a robot hand. It has typing machine buttons on the outside of it. My adoptive dad is there too. I am trying to convince him that we should buy this for my mother because of her rheumatics. My father is hesitant. I feel like we both know that we are being watched. It’s a stressful situation. I’m in a race with people. I feel like I have to prove a point but everyone is against me. I live in my house and I have a new roommate. He is not nice. It seems like he and his father don’t like me a bit. I am in a classroom. There is a voting going on who is going to be elected for something. I want to be elected but I feel like I have no chance. Everyone hates me, especially this one girl. She starts a dance battle. They all want to see me fail. I am predicting something about the future and everyone thinks I’m wrong. I am talking to the teacher but he pretends not understanding anything that I am saying. I feel very frustrated.

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stats from 7-14-10 to the present