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Re: nopening sanitarium

I will provide an analysis on Sunday. Until then look at the building as being you. To get an idea of the possibilities your building might represent see building. Apply the description of your dream building to your life and see where it might fit. The named people in your dream would represent relationships with them {and possibly aspects of your own self}. add that to the condition of the dream building. The old boyfriend will likely touch on emotions to do with that relationship that still linger. All in all the dream is about your emotional self and some aspect {or total life} where this building and its condition is relevant.


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Re: nopening sanitarium

As I stated in my original response the building is you {buildings usually symbolize the whole self and body}. In fact the dream states the building is you when the language "It was myself, my boyfriend and my parents {although its is used in a different context, this is a norm for dreams to do}. The mention of your bf and parents likely suggest they are involved with the emotional issues the dream is trying to communicate {dreams are about our emotions}. Your bf prior to becoming your bf has a particular meaning/application, perhaps denoting an animus/masculine association that is realized about him that is more than his true self. The inclusion of your bf and parents are in a context of all being ' a part'of the deserted, dirty building, they are in your unconscious mind and have associations to this emotional aspect {this building}. Look for associations with your parents where there would be related to be deserted part of you and might make you feel less than you are {perhaps issues with self esteem in your adult life}.

There are shadows which when seen in full light would scare you. Shadows are usually hidden aspects about oneself, experiences that possessed emotional energies that now scare you to bring them out to conscious thought. Halls are portals between unconscious contents and conscious knowing. Flashlights often symbolize shedding light on issues about yourself {your dreams are about you and your emotions} which this dream seems to be attempting to do {in one aspect of which there are at least two or more}. The only thing you have are the unconscious 'insights' which would suggest you are not consciously aware of the unconscious energies involved {either ignored, not realized or maybe repressed}. Being afraid often represents feelings of self doubt {self esteem issues?}. These issues are 'shadow energies' within your unconscious, emotional energies that have some measure of control of your personality and waking life. This is one primary aspect the dream is trying to bring out {there are likely recent experiences also that the dream is addressing but with the same emotions having associations to those experiences}. The fact you are walking toward your parents and to be bf suggest they have something to do with these shadow issues.

The elevators would be a clue to the unconscious contents. The associations with your parents and to be bf need to be elevated to conscious understanding. Going left usually points to unconscious aspects/repressed thoughts and straight would suggest these are uniform with your conscious actions, the unconscious energies are an intricate part of your personality and actions as an adult. If there are self esteem issues, feelings of being dirty {that may go to experiences in earlier life that made you feel dirty} that are unconsciously motivated as well as a part of how you act/re-act in your adult life.

Then we see your mother being grabbed by something. That would likely be addressing very 'serious' emotional energies/issues you that you share with your mother {remember your dreams are about your emotions and your mother's experiences would be in relationship to you and your emotions}. These shared issues also are in a hall {unconscious to consciousness} and to the left of the elevators. Dark shadows, very angry ones, coming at you, your mother and to be bf. The 'to be' bf images suggests experiences before he/they became your bfs, or aspects about him/them that have associations to the energies that are coming at you {anger energies}. It could point to what you saw in him/them prior to becoming your bfs, different from how he/they turned out to be {I use he/they because in the dream it is one bf and in your added remarks you state it was more than one}. There may be shared traits in the bfs that unconsciously connected with the things that scared you from earlier life {and a reason they are no longer a bf albeit it unconscious}.

What in your earlier life experiences would cause strong emotional energies that would scare you if they were thought about today? Your parents are involved but it is your mother {and you} these angry energies are coming at. Because the way the bf{s} are used in the dream I sense that is because there were aspects about him/them that were related to these angry energies. Although it would seem you, your mother are in the same position of being scared, because the bf was a 'prior' experience the dream is more likely addressing similarities in experiences but not sharing the same experience {more like the bf being a part of the doing and you have it being done to you}. The same goes with the parent image in the first part of the dream. In the end of the dream it is you and your mother {and referencing the bf} that the angry energies are directed. Where was your father? Perhaps {and this goes to personal experiences only you can say ya or nay to and I can only suppose} the bf and father have something in common.

Dreams outline the emotional energies that are in conflict in the dreamer's life. What I try to do is present that outline in a way the dreamer will recognize associations to their waking life and can connect the dots as to what those actual energies/experiences are/were. Read my analysis and see how it would fit. Not necessarily as I laid it out but in a fashion that would be close. Your response will provide other insights to the dream and if we discuss it we will be able to pen the exact message of this dream.

As for the experience with the word Sanitarium. That particular word may be what needs to be 'cleaned up' {SANITIzed} in your unconscious, treatment for those shadow energies that are forces in your adult life. There may have been recent experiences prior to the dream {a second focus of the dream, all dreams having at least two meanings/applications} that brought the original energies to bare and unconsciously took you back to the original experiences {not consciously knowing this but unconsciously realized}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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