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Re: Magic Treats

The dream language is, "These ones are more like uncooked meatballs in a ziploc bag than the more falafel/cooked meatballs of earlier the aborigine boy who is now a clean Japanese man turns it down but the other guy who had been reluctant to get messy accepts graciously." The uncooked meatballs are those attitudes that need to be changed into positive ones {uncooked-yet to be developed}. The ziplock bag represents the unconscious energies {unknown-locked away} that motivate the conscious attitudes. The bias ego {biased in it desires the pleasures of the body and is against the true self which seeks to provide proper personal growth} readily accepts these unconscious attitudes because they were {along with the ego bias} developed during early life {aborigine/original boy} where the foundations for personality and personal attitudes are formed. As an adult the intent of the true self {Japanese man} would/should not have these attitudes but because of the unconscious energies developed in early life the ego {other guy} naturally {and enthusiastically} turns them down {accepts graciously}. This causes a 'messy' situation psychologically.

Two points I wish to make. One, along with interpreting the individual images, that interpretation must be a part of the action within the confines of how it is presented {this is why I state I interpret the actions as well as the images}. Interpreting the images alone may not do justice to its true and full meaning/application. There has to be a continuous flow of the dream actions that fit together, not only in the confines of the action {the sentence/statement in which they are presented} but also in the dream as whole. From this a pattern forms and should continue to develop throughout the whole dream.

Then there is the intuitive aspect. As I have stated previously there is an intuitive aspect involved, where the natural energies we are provided recognizes 'subconsciously recognizes something that is not completely consciously available {subconscious being an intermediate between unconscious and conscious}. The intuitive mind is able to pick up on the flow of the dream actions as well as what the images might represent {beyond what a good Jungian based dream dictionary may provide}. My talent is greatly enhanced by my developed intuitive abilities. The development of abilities was partially {if not greatly} generated from my experiences in dealing with people on all levels. I was a health codes inspector for 12 years where my responsibilities were in enforcing the codes and personal contact with the public {including representing myself/Health Department in civil court to defend/prosecute my actions toward those who did not comply with the health codes}. I also was married three times and had several other personal relationships where you learn all about the 'emotional' affairs and 'amour'.

Then there is a second point that is important in understanding my analysis of dreams. When I analyze an 'original' dream the only thing I know about the dreamer is their age and gender. I may know more about the person in following posted dreams from the same dreamer but that is limited {as in your case}. But even with an original dream, using the method I do use, I can provide a proper {correct} analysis of the dream {the outline structure that will illuminate the personal experiences so the dreamer can recognize them}. Often to the point it goes to the heart of teh dreamer's personality and strongest emotional energies. A good example of this is a dream I analyzed on Nov 18 stuck in the ice. Not only were there images/actions that pointed to strong projection aspects but also to a defined underlying energy that caused the dreamer to actions that were motivated by the projection aspects {read the dream to get the whole story}.

Image what could be ascertained by knowing everything possible about the dreamer's life, literal and emotional. This is why I want to promote my conviction that all dreams can be properly/successfully analyzed/interpreted. But not having to use the strict Jungian concepts used by trained therapists, but rather using my method of using the general concepts and placing more emphasis on understanding what a word/words mean within the overall flow/script of the action and dream. Jung developed an understanding of the deeper aspects of the psyche and that is what psychologists use in analyzing dreams. But I have found {I have been studying and working dreams since 1992} that even a layperson like myself can successfully {and even more so} can do the same. I questioned my abilities for a long time but when I began looking at dreams using the basics of Jungian psyche my abilities in analyzing dreams became so successful I no longer do so. Of course as big a problem as correctly analyzing a dream is being able to put in 'ordinary' words so the dreamer can recognize my interpretation and fit/match it to their life. Sometimes that is more difficult and needs clarification and sometimes the dreamer fails to do so {seldom is this case}. Persons like yourself who are actively working with their dreams and have a developed sense of self discovery will ask in-depth questions {which let's me explain my concepts as well as explain in greater detail aspects about your dreams}. I wish more people were involved in understanding their dreams and this is something I try to promote to the general public {along with getting the word out that dreams can be successfully analyzed/interpreted}.

Sorry to make this such a long conversation in addressing your questions. But it is not often I engage someone who has an interest as well as an understanding of the process. Sometimes a person will post a dream, get a good interpretation and go about their lives without doing anything more. Then there are the few times my analysis helps and the person takes it to heart and goes further in exploring their true self. This is rewarding for me and illustrates what I believe Jung and Campbell saw as the spiritual aspect within the human psyche. When you give of yourself, share what you have learned from life experiences and deeper knowledge {I do believe there are secrets within the psyche and knowledge that takes a person to a higher leveling of 'knowing'}, you are engaging the natural spiritual aspects of the Self. When you consciously know this and work to 'give' to the other you are abiding by the natural laws of Karma. And that takes us back to the concept that all things are connected as well as reaping the rewards available to those who follow the laws of cause and effect in a spiritual way. There are 'helping hands' of fate awaiting those who follow the hero path. As Joseph Campbell said, “a thousand unseen helping hands” come to our assistance when we have embarked on a course of action that we have a passion for", and are spiritually motivated.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Magic Treats


Thank you very much for these elaborations and for the broader information on the psychological journey and the relationship of the ego and true self. This has been very informative and hopefully shall prove very useful. I thank you again for your patience and dedication in explaining these things to me. I have a new dream I am working on that I require your help with. I look forward to your help with it its quite a potent dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23 now in canada (previously travelling Australia) but from Ireland

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Through another website I think

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